Hikari walks by Hadrian, carrying her sword with a sigh
“I know I said you were an angel... But you're more than
that. You've come down upon this battlefield... as an Angel of
Death" ~Bungo Stray Dogs
"you were too correct"
Lunara noticed Luke and appeared in front of him in a whirl of
shadows. She also told Hadrien what was going on via mind-to-mind
communication, "What are you doing here?"
Rose looked a little concerned. "Oh my. I havent seen him either,
so unfortunately I cant even point you in the right direction" she
said. "I will be glad to help you look though" she replied.
"Everyone who is not Hadrian, please leave. My master will be back
any minute and you being here is starting to vex me." Gaz explained
with a slight frown.
Herrscher takes out a slim box and places the needles in it. "Very
well." he stands after sighing out. "I still want to talk to
Hadrian. If you don't remind him I will barge in later and do it
myself." with those parting words he catches up to Soros.
Cheshire witnessed her siblings moving around near Hadrian's room
from a distance. There was something happening, and she was half
tempted to join in just for the sake of it. She could hear the
voice of someone trying to kick her brothers out of the room. "What
was that about?" Cheshire mumbled to herself.
The sudden shout of Gaz setting up an appointment was most
startling. She watched Soros and Herrscher walk off. "Um... When
did we get a secretary (Gaz) and a new maid (Lilliana)?" Cheshire
said aloud when she intended to keep that question to herself.
"I am not a secretary. I am Hadrian's butler. Part of my job is
keeping track of his meetings." Gaz explained over hearing her
before closing the door to clean.
Hadrians voice echoed through the house as he stepped up the final
step towards his room. “Why have my siblings been in my room?” He
asked not sounding pleased. Hadrian heard the mental link and
responded, ‘Let him go down at his own risk.’ Hadrian said
Hannah looked at Rose with worry, “This is bad!” She said while
looking behind her.
So there is a secretary, Cheshire thought to herself as she
watched the first floor from upstairs. She had nothing better to do
but remain curious about Hadrian's behavior. Even she was curious
as to why her siblings barged into his quarters.
Rose put her hand on Hannah's shoulder. "We will find him. Don't
worry" she said as she went off one way. She spotted Roxanne
heading towards the barn. *At least most of them seem to be
alright* she thought.