Yurei nodded, and then turned to Yoni
stressful?He frowned, but the
reasonable fragment of Yoni was accepting what he did. Plus out of
all the siblings, Yoni liked Hikari the most as she seemed like an
easy target if she was to turn on him. "You need to stop thinking
like that..." Yurei grumbled, sensing Yoni's thoughts. Yoni just
let out a quiet growl of annoyance, sitting down in his
Cheshire stood by as she watched Liliana walk off. She gave an
energetic greeting to her brother, "Morning Hadrian! Wait, you
hired her?"
Camelot snuck near the coat rack to put away his gloves and heavy
coat before sneaking off to the kitchen. He'd hope that Cheshire
would pay him no mind.
*He blocks the attack with his shield and does a parry to knock off
balance, he also does a low kick to throw to the ground. As she
falls to the ground before she could stand up he points his blade
at her neck* Checkmate *he does a cocky smile to her as he won the
battle. He extends his hand so he could help her get up* Need help?
Aureliance rolls her eyes and gives him a sharp knee to the groin
as well as a sword slash to the arm. She pins his wrist below her
sword, "Now it's checkmate."
Yeah I guess your right i was born with no magical abilities but I
think there is some deep inside I just have too find it I can't be
dependent on a sword and shield right? *He frowns as he looks at
his sword and shield*
"You'll be surprised to find that that's how I've gotten by for 15
years." Soros laughed, "I actually have no powers other than
enhancing my combat ability."
Well let's see what happens now? Maybe I will be able to summon
blades or axes *He puts away his equipment and goes under a tree to
get some shades* Anyway Fernando is looking for people to secretly
join our cause do you have people in my mind Soro?
"Its understandable if Yoni sees me as an easy target. The truth is
that I am. In this life and death situation, I'm the most likely to
die. I won't betray you two. It would be strange for me to and go
to whoever is pulling the strings. For now this will be our
secret." She says and sighs
“I know I said you were an angel... But you're more than
that. You've come down upon this battlefield... as an Angel of
Death" ~Bungo Stray Dogs
"you were too correct"
Roxanne made it to the garden and looked around. She called and
listened to the animals and sighed when none would tell her what
happened the night before.
Rose finished making most of the breakfasts and had them sent out
to who they belonged to.
"I actually wouldn't know," Cheshire responded as she spoke to
Liliana, "I'm not a maid, but I'm pretty sure no one would want me
touching the silverware." She laughed as she explained.
"Aureliance will join as well as Luther. There's a rogue around
here, she might as well—she doesn't really like Hadrien. I'm going
to talk to the royal guard see who will want to join. I'll also ask
around on who can fight or whos willing to." The general replied
Do not ask the royal guard for now, there could be a man with in
there ranks and they could tell Hadrian of our plans, for now we
need peasant, civilians, merchant, those who will be affected by
Hadrian power. Remember the one who suffer the most are the people.