Forum Thread
Pyre Pixels [Closed]
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Spriting → Pyre Pixels [Closed]
No, thank YOU for apparently such a liked design :3

Thank you, and you can thank 20BiTeen for the ideas!

I'm doing better. Not the best, but better.
Thank you for asking~

Thank you ^^
And yes, I would have preferred you said specifics, but I took a guess.
Let me know if you want me to change anything~

This worked out oddly well~


Thank you very much.
Glad to see you again as well :3

The current order limit is seven, and you were order number eight.
I know this is not the first time I have told you this, so this time I will be giving you a strike.
Next time please pay attention to the order limit before you post.
Username: Viper
Pokemon: Absol
Style: Whole/Full
[visit me]
Avatar by MetalHeadKendra
Text:Shiny Hunter
Text Colors:white
Text Placement:center
Background GIF URL:click
PKMN Placement:right
Extra:hope i got this right, Ty

Indeed! You can check the status of the shop in the title of the thread,
or on the first post near the top!~

Glad you like them XD
And no problem, order as often as you like~

Thank you very much :3

Why do these keep turning out so well? ;w;
They even had the same color scheme!

Yup, everything was correct!
(I actually had an error in my form and have fixed it, thanks to you >w<)

Username: -Toxin-
Text: shaymin hunter grace
Trainer: platinum gardenia 2 please
Pokemon: shiny shaymin sky forme, shiny shaymin land forme, shaymin sky forme, shaymin land forme, shiny giratina origin forme and shiny arceus please!
Pokemon Box Colors:green for the shinies and teal for the non shinies please!
Background Colors:a graident of teal to a pale green please
Extra: thank youu!! I hope you have a great day/night! Also thankyou for the previous sprite! Looks great!

No idea what I was aiming for here.
Also, next time, you need to send payment before I send the sprite.
So please send when you see this message.


You're welcome for the psychedelic Slowpoke XD

*Gives cookie for anxiety*
You're just fine, no worries~ Seriously, recolors are the easiest thing ever.

You're very welcome, and the same to you~

Very odd, but not the first metal bird I've seen XD
Weird robot chickens in both Rayman 2 and Frogger The Great Quest

You did not send any plushie.
I'm giving a warning, do not claim false glory for something you did not do.

Alright, first off, I currently have seven slots available, and you were order number eight.
So your order is denied. Next time, read the entire first post and understand how my wait list works.
Second, I don't need normal Pokemon that aren't Dex entries. So please cancel that trade.
Username: YungRover
Pokemon: Aurorus
Style: Selective
Extra: Thank you as always, and I really want to see how this would turn out! XD