Hey! I want to work here!
Job (not permanent, can switch anytime):honey maker and milk
Are you active?:Yea
Hey! What’s the password?:[Passwod Has Been Edited Out]
Oooooo cool lemme buy stuff
Username: RastaPastaPanda
What do I want?: Any tree mon
Psst! What’s the password?: Cinnamon rolls
How and what will I pay with?: Pd
Subscribed?: No
oTHER?????: I don't have a lot of money but I wanna help out so any
tree mon will do but obviously the cooler the better thanks!
If I'm not supposed to post this here feel free to take it down.
I'm not exactly sure how to buy things yet
Oooooo cool lemme buy stuff
Username: best92
What do I want?: Shiny Slowyore plz
Psst! What’s the password?: ***
How and what will I pay with?: 350k
Subscribed?: Yes
oTHER?????: None
Oooooo cool lemme buy stuff
Username: EvilWeasle
What do I want?: 2 normal combees
Psst! What’s the password?: cinnamon rolls
How and what will I pay with?: 1K PD
Subscribed?: Yee
oTHER?????: N0000pey
I'm EvilWeasel not much else to say :p
Bykuya AAAa
Hey! I want to work here!
Username: NoisyBoy
Job: honey/milk maker and tree slatherer
Are you active?: Yes
Subscribed?: Yes
Hey! What’s the password?: *************
Other: This shop seems fun and I really want to work here. I know
you have plenty of workers, but please think about accepting me.
Thank you for your time.
Oooooo cool lemme buy stuff
What do I want?:Slowyore
Psst! What’s the password?:cinnamon rolls.
How and what will I pay with?:pd=3k