Forum Thread
Kalos: The Randomized Adventure
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Kalos: The Randomized Adventure“Yeah!!!!!!! 1!1!”
She was making a very bad impression
Spoink jumps over to Pyra
And- oh well they’re friends now
hi im josie. i do art i guess
Check out Tik's art shop!
My art shop! (please im bored)
Arkidog’s sprite shop!
Route 53 honey shop!
Pyra flinched at the sight of Cecilia and the Spoink bouncing up to her and she promptly hid behind Myst.
Matthew's smile grew wider (somehow) as he replied to Crescent. "Oh yeah, they're all great! Sorry if I'm being rude here, but I think it's really neat how strong your telepathy is! I've done tons of research on telepathy, but I didn't know telepathy came easily to Cresselia! Oh!" Matthew pauses to take out a notebook from his bag titled, "Telepathy and Pokemon," and began writing down something. He finished writing and continued talking, "Just filling out my notes here. Uhm, oh right!" He turned to face Lunara, grin still on his face. "I'd love to be friends!"
"Don't worry buddy, you're safe now" Jeff says to Shroomish, now in his ball.
(May I have a second encounter?)
ProfessorGreenie is holding a huge lottery, and all you have to do to enter is send in lots of Rotom and Rotom appliances!
Visit the lottery here for your chance to win tons of great prizes, such as art tickets, nuggets, 1 million PD, fully Mega-Evolved Pokemon, and lots of different shinies and event Pokemon!
2) Chill, im not on PH the whole time. Just ask once and I'll see it when I wake up.)
A wild Natu (5) Jumps out at Yvette!
A wild Electrike (5) Attacks Jeff!
"There's a Gym down there," Knight gestured with her head North, "I heard after the outbreak of random Pokemon, Gyms gave changed. I'm excited to see." She smiled, looking down at Claude who was super excited for the Gym.
(Also while I was randomising, the Randomiser gave me a shiny Jigglypuff. I couldn't use the role because it has a mega in it, but this shows it's possible to get a shiny in this rp)

Myst sighed. Adron had moved toward a nearby tree, slashing at it, Toto was enjoying flying through the air, Asteria was... being Asteria? But there was one Pokemon he was concerned about, who happened to be right behind him - Pyra. The chick was trying to hide from the two Pokemon that had taken interest in her behind Myst's tails, so he had to take extra caution to make sure his tails didn't even graze the chick. Eventually, it got a bit tiring, so Myst turned around to face Pyra. 'Look. You eventually have to come out of your shell. Go talk to them!'
'B-but, what if they're mean?' Pyra whined, glancing at the two Pokemon.
'If they are, then I'll curse them,' Myst said, only half-joking. 'Come on, you have to make more friends!' Myst began lightly pushing the Torchic toward the Spoink and Cecilia, much to her dismay. 'Now, say hello!'
Pyra took a deep breath, before letting out a tiny 'H-hello...'
B: thought we were friend already but ok lunara xD)
hi im josie. i do art i guess
Check out Tik's art shop!
My art shop! (please im bored)
Arkidog’s sprite shop!
Route 53 honey shop!
Knight stood up. "A 2v2 battle eh? I'm in!" Knight exclaimed. Goggles met eyes with Knight and with one eye closed, he nodded. With both his feet on the floor and wings down, he looked at the other trainers' pokemon and muttered, "Good luck.' In a gruff voice.
'So Goggles...' Claude broke into the moment. 'You can't use your wings, right?' Claude asked, slightly scared for the response. 'That's right,' He muttered, looking at his wings. 'Doesn't make me any less weak.' He added, picking up a wing and then dropping it, watching it fall.