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Kalos: The Randomized Adventure

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP Kalos: The Randomized Adventure
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 726
Posted: Mon, 15/10/2018 14:46 (6 Years ago)
Lunara sends out Cecelia and Crescent.

She waits for Matthew to respond
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 720
Posted: Mon, 15/10/2018 14:48 (6 Years ago)
(Just going to suttlely remind you of the one line rule without warning you)
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 726
Posted: Mon, 15/10/2018 14:55 (6 Years ago)
(can I have this moveset:


-Psycho Shift
-Lunar Dance
-Psycho Cut
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 720
Posted: Mon, 15/10/2018 14:59 (6 Years ago)
(No because that doesn't match up with its level. I've been checking for TMS in each area and il randomise what they are. But the catch is, if you find TM infestation from the first gym, the Pokemon that learn that stay the same but the actual TM is randomises.)
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 726
Posted: Mon, 15/10/2018 14:59 (6 Years ago)
(wait was that to me or someon else)

Lunara is battling with Crescent
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 720
Posted: Mon, 15/10/2018 15:00 (6 Years ago)
(Who was talking about moves when I replyed? You were. So in brief no you can't until you get the TM or get the move by level up.)
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 726
Posted: Mon, 15/10/2018 15:02 (6 Years ago)
(I checked from here here and the moves are available)
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 720
Posted: Mon, 15/10/2018 15:03 (6 Years ago)
(It learns psychic at level 93 or by TM. Your point? xD)
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 726
Posted: Mon, 15/10/2018 15:03 (6 Years ago)
(oh nm psychic then)
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 255
Posted: Mon, 15/10/2018 16:55 (6 Years ago)
"Adron! Come on over for a battle!" Matthew called out, immediately triggering a response from the Scyther, who flew on over immediately. "So, you and Myst are going to have a Double Battle with Crescent and Cecilia. Any objections?"

"No," Myst telepathically replied. It was much easier to establish a telepathic bond by starting small, with simple one-word thoughts, Matthew had reasoned, so whenever Myst would project something, it was recommended to be no more than 3 simple words for now, as any more or complex words would cause a blur in the reception, especially if the Pokemon was new to telepathy and/or new to their trainer. Adron simply shook his head.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 726
Posted: Mon, 15/10/2018 17:17 (6 Years ago)
Lunara shook her head
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 255
Posted: Mon, 15/10/2018 17:23 (6 Years ago)
"Alrighty then! Let's get started! I'll give you first move, so prepare yourself!" Matthew stepped back while Myst and Adron got ready for combat.
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 720
Posted: Mon, 15/10/2018 17:56 (6 Years ago)
(i thought it was a 2 v 2 with two people oof don't mind meee~)

Knight looked at the other trainers. "Anyone else want to battle?" She asked because she noticed Goggles' impatient glare at Knight.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 726
Posted: Mon, 15/10/2018 18:04 (6 Years ago)

"Cecelia defense curl!" The buneary curled up into a ball, increasing her defense stat. "Use Pound on Adron!" The buneary charged at the Ninetails, her ears glowing for a pound

"Crescent use Confusion on Myst!" The Creseelia unleashed a psychic wave at the Scyther

The bug type, Lunara reasoned, would be the main threat here. If she could get rid of Adron, then she could focus everything on Myst, which wouldn't be a problem.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 45
Posted: Mon, 15/10/2018 18:09 (6 Years ago)
Jeff pulls out a poke ball from his pocket, and throws it forward. As he says the words "Come out, Moltres!", the legendary fire Bird comes out of the pokeball. It looks at the electrike below with a smirk, preparing an ember.

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Visit the lottery here for your chance to win tons of great prizes, such as art tickets, nuggets, 1 million PD, fully Mega-Evolved Pokemon, and lots of different shinies and event Pokemon!
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 726
Posted: Mon, 15/10/2018 18:12 (6 Years ago)
Name: Grace
Gender: F
Personality: Quiet and removed. Polite and charismatic when needed
History: Normal life.
Pokemon: no
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 720
Posted: Mon, 15/10/2018 19:07 (6 Years ago)
(I already rolled you pokemon for Grace, here so you don’t need to look backa bajillion pages like I did. Other than that I’d like you too add way more detail, your form is really short.)
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 708
Posted: Mon, 15/10/2018 22:37 (6 Years ago)
(@Knighty, either I missed something, or she wants those moves becuse lubatine learns them at level 1. (Besides Physicic, of course!)
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 720
Posted: Tue, 16/10/2018 05:20 (6 Years ago)
(Oooh I thought I already had those on the front page. I'll edit that in. Thanks'!)
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 708
Posted: Tue, 16/10/2018 05:28 (6 Years ago)
(It does, but... Wouldn't moonlight be better than confusion?)