Forum Thread
PH Helpers
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → PH HelpersThe title says it all. This is quite a helpful club for raising Pokemon and getting help all over. Its really simple actually... all you gotta do is complete a random favour another user has requested... but there are some rules you gotta follow.

-All PH rules applied
-No spamming or asking for favours again and again. Only do it if you really REALLY need it.
-If you can't help the user above don't feel upset. Cuz you can always pass. But don't take this rule as an advantage. You're profile will be viewed regularly by our mods.
-You can ask for pd but not above 20k.
-Donate if you can so we know you interested. (all the money donated will be used for the club)
-Their will be weekly activities and the one who passes gets 5k.
-Fill in the form to join the club.
-Don't ask for PD if you already have 100k or more.
-If you want a favour Kindly say "favour:(your favour)"
-Don't ask for money from people who are lets say less richer than you.
-Always PM the mods if you think something's fishy is going on.
-The mods are concerned for ANY KIND OF FIGHT taking place in the Forum. It is a Forum not a Wrestling Ring
-Mods will assigned with further duties and are utterly responsible for not taking a quick action during a situation
-Don't talk off the topic. This is a helping forum not a conference table.
-You can only ask for PD once a day.
-When asking for money please state a specific reason stating as to why you want it. An illogical reason would simply be ignored.

Any one rule you remember:
Why you want to join our club:
How will you help us get better:
How did you get here:
Favourite Pokemon:
Are you willing to donate?:
Any one rule you remember:
Why you want to join our club:
How will you help us get better:
How did you get here:
Favourite Pokemon:
Are you willing to donate?:
For Mods

-Sustain a placid atmosphere
-Avoid hassles amidst yourself and others.
-If you are indecisive of a certain situation, inform me to handle the stuff. (I don't think this rule would be needed?)
-You are a mod, and that does not mean that you will not assist others. Help everyone and be a part of the Forum.
-Keep the Forum Active and Lively to attract others.
-Remind me to change the weekly task every week and give me some innovations for new ones.
-Decide and judge everyone and help me select the Helper of the Month person. Who gets 20k and a rare pokemon... (Please keep this a secret)
Member's Panel
SpookeDuke Owner
Princess Co-Leader
Power Moderator (Event-Planner)
Saknar Moderator (Event-Planner)
eliseutogetic Moderator
Dragon_Queen Artist
Kankri_Vantas Member
_kiddark_ Member
Oddballme Member
Mohit_Cena Member
ShreyashJain Member
ChrisEvans Member
Humza Member
PokemontrainerM Member
Naoozif123 Member
Sushi~Cat Member
ironsaad Member
NaeltheAwesomeXD Member
Pikablu Member
Lucariolite Member
Diana Member
Kyorge_Pumpkaboo Member
Dark_Shade Member
BlackSD Member
tijgerke87 Member
Ghost_Rayquaza Member
Pokemonlover28 Member
Donators and Donations:

ironsaad --> 1000 PD
Dark_shade --> 6000 PD
naaozif123 --> 7000 PD
tijgerke87 --> 4000 PD
Weekly Task:
Advertise and Donate!
Any one rule you remember: No spamming for multiple favors to be completed unless you really need it.
Why you want to join our club: You asked me to. And who knows? I might need a favor every now and then.
How will you help us get better: By checking this club every now and then and hopefully completing a favor.
Do you wanna be the mod?: I've never modded anything before, so probably not.
Favorite Pokemon: Umbreon~
Any one rule you remember: If you want a favour Kindly say "favour:(your favour)"
Why you want to join our club: I want some money
How will you help us get better: By helping others
Do you wanna be the mod?: No
Favourite pokemon: Darkrai

Any one rule you remember: If you can't help the user above don't feel upset. Cuz you can always pass.
Why you want to join our club: So I can get favors done, and hopefully get something in return by asking.
How will you help us get better: I think I explained it above.
Do you wanna be the mod?: No. Thanks anyways.
Favourite Pokemon: It changes around a lot, but right now it's Kyurem.