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тнє єχρєяιмєитѕ (sign ups)

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up тнє єχρєяιмєитѕ (sign ups)
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 528
Posted: Tue, 24/10/2017 22:27 (7 Years ago)
"My name is Alma. I have created a new safe haven for children who have been experimented on. They have powers now that they need help controlling, and I will help them. Unfortunately there are still more that are trapped. I am hoping to one day save them all, but I cant do it alone. I need help."

Be active
Have fun
No Power playing
No crushes/relations with your own characters
If you think a power is OP (Over Powered) please PM/PalPad me before signing up

Sign ups~
Age- 7-40
Rank- Trapped, with Alma (can be teacher or student), "rouge" (running from the Scientists)

Trapped *NOTE* Trapped people will be given #'s at the beginning of the RP as the scientists wont call you by your name, only by the #.
Prescott- saratank
Reed- Littlegamer34
Aria- Littlegamer34
Angelus- Artemis93
Josh- ToshiroHex

With Alma (can be teacher or student)
Rose- saratank
Sam Evin Hallis- fragile
Alexander Johnathan Dennei- fragile
Raven- saratank
Suvansh Agarwal- Suvichan

"Rouge" (running from the Scientists)
Izzy- saratank
Talyn Joan Sands- fragile

Scientists (Lead Scientist is unknown by name, but will be played by me)
Lead Scientist- saratank

My sign ups~
Name- Alma Cotaro
Age- 37 years old
Gender- Female
Rank- Director of the School named Safe Haven for the gifted
Power- She can read minds, though she prefers not to
History- Alma was experimented on when she was younger and escaped. She was 16 when she escaped, and was afraid until she found a place to work and make money to buy the property she needed to help others, and has continued to help those who escape the experiments to this day.
Personality- Alma is kind and caring
Crush- //
Look- Alma has jet black hair a deep brown eyes

Name- Rose
Age- 17
Gender- Female
Rank- With Alma
Power- She can shapeshift into a wolf and when she is in human form she has wolf ears and the tail.
History- Rose was found by Alma when she was 6. Before that she doesn't remember much, but she does remember escaping with others who were recaptured. Rose has lived at the safe haven for 11 years and has learned much from the school.
Personality- Rose typically will keep to herself, but does like to make friends
Crush- //
Look- Rose has bleach blonde hair and deep blue eyes. Her wolf ears and tail are a silver white. When she is in her wolf form, she is silvery white with deep blue eyes.

Name- Izzy
Age- 10
Gender- Male
Rank- "rouge"
Power- He has fire that he cant control
History- His history and memories were wiped
Personality- Scared, nervous, unsure of himself
Crush- //
Look- Izzy has light brown hair and hazel eyes

Name- Prescott
Age- 20
Gender- Male
Rank- Trapped
Power- He can "water bend"
History- Prescott was given up by his mother who couldn't take care of him, and has been experimented how whole life.
Personality- Quiet, Keeps to himself, Doesn't care much what happens
Look- Prescott has bright red hair and emerald green eyes

Name- Raven
Age- 8
Gender- Female
Rank- With Alma
Power- She has Spotted Owl wings and can see in the dark like Owls.
History- She was born to one of the scientists who didn't want her. She was experimented on from the time she was two, to the time she was 7. She flew off one night and after a few months made her way to Alma's place where she has been ever since.
Personality- Angel can be shy and scared, and when she gets comfortable, she will latch onto one person who she will look up to.
Crush- //
Look- Raven has brown hair and hazel eyes.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Wed, 25/10/2017 01:19 (7 Years ago)
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Alexander Johnathan Dennei
With Alma (?)
He has large white feathery wings portruding from his shoulderblades, giving him the ability to fly. His bones are thin and hollow so that he can fly, so he does break easily. His wings are almost the same size as I'm.
Alex was born in 1996, and he was admitted into the hospital for the discovery that he had extremely abnormal bone build. He was taken from the hospital when he was 5, and he was experimented on for years. Once the scientists discovered his weird bones, they decided to incorporate something they never could put on any other subject... Wings. The wings were made, and attached to Alex as one attaches prosthetic limbs. So, since Alex was around 6, he's had large wings on his back.

The corporation doing this was caught and stopped. They weren't stopped because of their experiments, but because they discovered that the equipment hadn't passed the Health Inspections. He was orphaned, and taken in by Alma when he was 7.
He's short tempered and fiery. He's extremely introverted. He is quiet and cold to most until you make him angry. He will spout angrily and loudly, and he often gets emotional when he yells. When he's quiet, he's usually thinking about everything that could go wrong, since he has some pretty high anxiety. He is very hotheaded.
Open / Palpad
Alexander obviously got the short end of the stick, standing at 5'3". He has pale blue eyes and black hair. His eyes are an electric blue, and some are scared off the way they look when he sets his eyes on them. He tries not to make eye contact due to this. His hair is short, parted onto the side to the right. He is skinny and thin, and he is very lanky. He has the freckles dotted all over his body in large amounts. He is pale as all heck, and he has quite feminine features. He has long lashes and a button nose, with high cheekbones and wide, doe like eyes. He wears a black dress that hangs to his knees, and it nearly falls off his shoulders.

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Sam Evin Hallis
With Alma
They can alter their appearance by touching someone with that aspect. If they touched someone with red hair, they would receive the red hair and nothing else. They can only take a few physical aspects from one person, but if they use all their strength, they can change into an exact look-a-like of that person.
Sam doesn't remember any of their past. They only remember waking up in the safe haven. What they don't remember is that they were born of a scientist who didn't want them. They were experimented, injected, and caged. They broke out, and lived on the streets when they were 6 for two weeks. They were picked up by Alma, and lived with her for years 13 years.
Sam is a quiet kid, mainly because they are mute, but also because they are super introverted. Sam is Alex's friend from childhood, and Alex seems to treat Sam like a sibling. Sam is extremely reliant on Alex, and they have a sort of interdependence. Sam is a very jumpy and sensitive person, and is extremely scared of blood. They can be kind and sweet, but they prefer to have Alex speak for them. They love photography though oof.
Open / Palpad


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Talyn Joan Sands
Super Stealth + Flexiblity
Calm. Cool. She's lightly introverted, but is commonly a mediator between all people she is friends with. She is casual, and often time doesn't get bothered by most things. She can be extremely sneaky and sly, and often makes dumb jokes. She doesn't bother to do many things, and she can play many jokes on other people.
Open / Palpad

Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 260
Posted: Wed, 25/10/2017 01:28 (7 Years ago)
Name- Aria
Age- 15
Gender- Female
Rank- Trapped
Power- She can create a shield and heal those around her. This power is strengthened when around Reed.
History- Aria and Reed were captured together, while practicing using their powers together in the forest. They had been captured for a year before the story begins.
Personality- Kind, A Bit Skittish, Loving, Artsy, Unconfident, A Bit Of A Pushover, Hates Hurting Anyone, A Bit Shy Around Strangers
Crush- None
Look- Here!
Other- Inseparable from Reed.

Name- Reed
Age- 16
Gender- Male
Rank- Trapped
Power- He is able to summon a dagger out of thin air. This power is strengthened when around Aria.
History- Reed met Aria when they were little kids. They later found out that their powers go together perfectly.
Personality- Confident, Good at fighting, Caring, Gets frustrated easily, Lets his emotions take over sometimes, a bit of a joker
Crush- None
Look- He has Sandy Blond hair, Hazel eyes, and A kind smile
Other- Inseparable from Aria

Art Shop


Avatar made by me!
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Thu, 26/10/2017 17:23 (7 Years ago)
Name- Angelus (Nickname was 'Angel' or 'Angela' before becoming a number)
Age- 20
Gender- Female
Rank- Trapped
Power- Had leathery wings and horns but these appendages were removed soon after being captured due to 'bad behavior' and escape attempts. She still has small parts of her horns protruding from her hair, but most of them were cut. The scientists were more interested in her other power, the ability to move/see between places and dimensions through portals. She cannot control this power very well, as the strength and application of the ability depends on her mental state. The scientists are trying to find a way to control this power for their own purposes
History- Was a normal child, if not a little weird. She tended to keep to herself and read rather than socialize. Her wings began developing under her skin at 15, being chalked up to irregular back pain by her parents. Then the horns began to grow as well. She experienced strange visions of far off places, but didn't mention this to anyone for far of further estrangement. After her wings emerged at 17, her parents cast her out and she was homeless for a time before being scooped up by the government. She tried to escape several times, fatally wounding a guard with her horns during one attempts. Her horns and wings were removed soon after this event.
Personality- Quiet, bitter, untrustworthy. Has a habit of spacing out, or just simply not listening to who is speaking to her. She tends to speak in short responses, and is stubborn despite her position.
Crush- None (palpad/pm)
Look- Average height, slightly underweight from refusal of eating several meals. Has dirty blond hair that was once long, but was shaved before her horns were removed. Her hair length is about pixie cut length at this time. She has bright blue eyes and that often have a far off, haunted look. She has several tattoos on her arms, including ones on her back that were altered when her wings had emerged, and from the removal surgery.
Other: Bisexual
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 528
Posted: Fri, 27/10/2017 23:11 (7 Years ago)
If you see your person's name in the ranks you are accepted. Sorry if I don't post who is accepted all the time but I have gotten busy.
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 528
Posted: Wed, 08/11/2017 18:06 (7 Years ago)
Bumping up
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 74
Posted: Wed, 08/11/2017 22:07 (7 Years ago)
Name- Josh
Age- 9
Rank- Trapped
Power- He can summon a weapon. But since that alone is too op, ima say he can only summon one per day without hurting himself. If he summons 2 within a 20 hour period, then he will receive a random slash wound on a random spot on his body, and no matter where it hits, it makes it harder for him to use the weapons in the long run. Kinda weird power if I do say so myself.
History-He was close with his brother. His brother even tried to protect him from them, but it was useless. In the end he was recaptured, and as punishment his brother was killed. Because of his brothers death, he has never tried to escape since. He wonders, and hopes, that his brother isn’t actually dead, and that he secretly escaped.
Personality-he doesn’t feel emotion like everyone else, since he’s been experimented on so much. And to add to it, his brother died, making him even more depressed.
Look-img He is one of the twins, the other one died.
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 528
Posted: Wed, 08/11/2017 23:19 (7 Years ago)
Accepted. I will add you in when I get on the computer
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 570
Posted: Fri, 10/11/2017 09:00 (7 Years ago)
Name- Suvansh Agarwal
Age- 12
Gender- Male
Rank- With Alma (Student)
Power- Shielding those around him for 3 minutes at a time, but for no more than 20 times in a day or they get dizzy and risk passing out.
History- Did not kow the power he had, but knew it as soon as Alma rescueded him. Was from a well to do family, but was sent to the scientists for doing experiments after they knew about his power.
Personality- Is a brave but short-tempered boy.
Crush- None
Look- Has short Black hairs, is 5 feet tall, hazel eyes.
Other- People may call me Suvi, Suvichan or Suvansh.

This awesome art and Avatar is made by Grietine! Visit her deviantart.
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 528
Posted: Sun, 12/11/2017 02:26 (7 Years ago)
Accepted. I will add you in when I get on a computer
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 528
Posted: Fri, 01/12/2017 22:34 (7 Years ago)
Bumping up