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Forum Thread

Exp lock

Forum-Index Suggestions Rejected Exp lock
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 83
Posted: Thu, 26/10/2017 01:53 (7 Years ago)
Y'know technically you can EHP/EXP lock eggs

its called an egg storage. When you put an egg in there it can't be interacted with :>

Come now, little one, open up your eyes
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Thu, 26/10/2017 02:47 (7 Years ago)
But it still seems extremely unnecessary. If the first two are free, that ALREADY negates the egg storage. I can already see people with the mentality of "I don't care if they stay in my party, I essentially have a FREE EGG STORAGE. Why buy it for 70,000 PD?" (Or whatever it is now). It might not be the same as egg storage, but some users would definitely see it as a replacement. It is a way to avoid clicks for eggs.

So... Maybe have it, but don't make the first few free, but cheaper?

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 120

Forum Posts: 2,894
Posted: Thu, 26/10/2017 15:55 (7 Years ago)
I mean of course the example I made isn't set in stone. We could have 0 free, first one free, etc. Heck, maybe even only 3 EHP locks or less in use at a time instead of 6.
Yeah there will be some people who use it as a replacement, but eventually people will be forced to buy more egg storage because their mistakes will catch up to them and they'll run out of egg locks or space in their party - that is for a long chain like an event or Shiny Mega hunt, etc. Not sure about short chains but the point still stands that the egg storage wouldn't lose its purpose for everyone.

Personally I almost never use my egg storage for holding accident eggs. I use it for hunts and that's why I buy them, and personally I wouldn't feel cheated in any way shape or form if egg locks were added. You know it would even also help to have egg locks, because there is a bug that if an egg gets on the index and then gets put into egg storage, it hatches anyways. And that has ruined people's chains before even though they had an egg storage. But if the egg was EHP locked, we could have it be as all EHP locked eggs don't even get put on the Index page, so that stops that bug from happening and ruining people's chains -- even though it shouldn't because it was in egg storage.

For an example, there was a user hunting Latios. They had a Latias egg in their party before they put it in egg storage - and it got on the Index page. They put it in egg storage but it still hatched and ruined their 20-something chain of Latios. That certainly wasn't their fault but they still had to pay the price for the bug. But if there was an EHP lock, they could have locked the egg and it would have never broken their hard, very long chain.

Edit: And Riako hasn't fixed the bug yet, so.. y'know, implementing a new system might actually be faster at this point. This bug has existed for like a year or more now.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 677
Posted: Thu, 26/10/2017 16:27 (7 Years ago)
@Furret or maybe just fix the bug instead of implementing an entire feature to compensate for it?
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 2,798
Posted: Tue, 31/10/2017 08:38 (7 Years ago)
Rejected due to the high amount of "No Support" by our community (15 Support, 60 No Support, 5 Don't Care)