Forum Thread
Honey Tree
Forum-Index → Discussion → Honey TreeFound a Plant Burmy after 4 hours, but decided to scare it away since I have one. Now waiting to see if I can find a Pokemon I don't have, like Cherubi.
the first time i needed about 40 balls and the second time I catched it with the third pokeball.
I throught that Munchlax is rare..but with two of then on one day o.o'
The other days I only see cherubi and aipom on my tree .. and sometimes a wurmpel..but never a celebi
I bet it's celebi when I can't get online for 3-4 hours and the tree is empty again |D

~love comes in many colors~
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game center dogs

"Have you ever considered that, perhaps, maybe, I am good? I was always the Queen, it was you who added "Evil" to my name."