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Posted: Thu, 14/11/2013 16:27 (11 Years ago)
Renn looked over her carefully. Her eyes narrowed for a brief moment. Her ruby red nail polish coated her fingernails that now press to her lips. Suddenly as if a force tugged them upward she smiled. "Yes, yes," she nearly sang before dropping a pitch. "If you can manage to snag a Pokemon, without one of them snagging you. Just keep in mind, what you do is your own chore. We may watch, but you'll be getting no help from us. Phones and other devices won't send signals once you enter the field. The only way to send a report is to make it back alive and say it yourself. Though. There is no way in or out. Only two people know how to operate this for there to be a way in and out. There was three, but the third is dead. Good luck!"

What she failed to mention was that some Pokemon created illusions to make you feel like your device would break through to the outside world. Though once in, you were cut off from everything else.

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Posted: Mon, 04/11/2013 22:01 (11 Years ago)

Title: Quick Announcement

[[I am going to change this to a summer RP. What I mean by that is that no one is active during the school year. So no worries! Chances are is that the RP will die during the school year but we'll pick it right back up on summer break! You can still post, but don't worry. It ha not die for good and you can post any time. I just don't expect a lot of activity during the school year. :>]]

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Posted: Mon, 14/10/2013 22:35 (11 Years ago)
[[Err I guess I won't get all the replies. That is okay! Anyway I will move it along since we all have been waiting.]]

For all that had chosen to come, they were now back on the ferry. Renn conducted the ferry this time. She was one of the only ones who knew the way to the vault. For percussions she had a Pokemon create an illusion as to what the trainers saw as they sailed. She couldn't let them know the way. Though once they were docked she called the Pokemon to return and walked back in the main room to greet them.

"One more surprise. You will only get to use one Pokemon. Choose wisely. There is machine over there." she pointed to the corner of the room. "You can use it to send your Pokemon back to the lab."

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Posted: Mon, 07/10/2013 00:09 (11 Years ago)
[[Sorry I have no replied. I sort of a of need a reply from all players before I continue so I do not leave anyone behind. I will also be focusing more on orbs, but then I will be ready to RP again! :>]]

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Posted: Wed, 02/10/2013 01:29 (11 Years ago)
[[Thank you! :>]]

Renn felt her lips twitch up. There was a fresh mix of reactions, and emotions that played today. "Don't worry. The only memory we take is of the ticket, and of course, this island. Now what will it be you four?" She walked off the stage and one of the Gengars appeared by her side. "Those who will, follow me." she called to the new recruits. "I will walk you past your cabins, there you will have a split second to chose a cabin, we do not separate by gender. Drop off your things and bring your Pokemon. I will lead you to The Vault. I will not stop walking so be quick. Those who wish, may stay a day in the cabins for rest. Others who are ready will go with me. If you want to forget about this crazy scheme and head home, keep seated." Thus Renn went down one of the isles.

Raffaellu was not so quick to react. He seemed rather overwhelmed, but without a moments hesitation, he got up and followed Renn when he regained his senses. Kirlia danced with confidence, as she skipped beside him. He was not backing down now. There was no way. There were too many things to be done. Questions how the got rid of memories never slipped his mind. It would be very intimidating course. Though any child who was told the stories knew that The Guardians only arrived when all hope was lost. Beyond society's, the police's, and secret organization's control. If they were going to play the role of someone's last hope, they would have a tough course.

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Posted: Mon, 30/09/2013 23:38 (11 Years ago)
[[Oh, just find Raven, and go to the Vault. :>
You and her can cover some ground with new members that you get from there. ;D]]

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Posted: Mon, 30/09/2013 20:25 (11 Years ago)
[[I know it was torture just typing it! DX
Well, she isn't new to Team Dimension is she? I am going to delete my rule about no OOC posts only, because I have to do it to explain stuff. As long as people don't use it as a chat it will be okay. :>]]

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Posted: Mon, 30/09/2013 20:03 (11 Years ago)
I was thinking the same a while back. o:

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Posted: Mon, 30/09/2013 19:59 (11 Years ago)
I was a little upset when I sold my items and they did not appear in the shop. I thought others would make good use of them but it never happened. Thus I support this all the way! Besides when you gift money to someone to buy an item from them, it takes taxes. My opinion it is not right but what can you do? In this situation people wouldn't have to gift money to others to buy an items from another or even keep a item thread up. I love it!

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Posted: Mon, 30/09/2013 02:02 (11 Years ago)
[[I am so sorry. ono]]

Once the place was settled she nodded slightly, and the room of members stood in perfectly trained unison. They might as have been an army from a video game. "All rise for The Guardian Pledge." she announced.

Ruru took a few seconds before stumbling to his feet. He looked around and put a hand over his heart. Kirlia looked up at him and mimicked him.

"Greetings, members of the old and new. My name is Renn Isreiel, and today I will be leading in the pledge." she waited a few moments, and when she heard no objections, she grinned. "I pledge allegiance to the heart, of the united nations; to the tranquility of Pokemon, and humans, and those alike. One world, under no circumstances, with unconditionally will to fight for liberty, and justice for all."

When she was done she lowered her hand to her side and as soon as her hand met her side, everyone was in their seats. Raffaellu was shocked by the sheer unity of the others. He felt somewhat like a fool, when he sat down a few seconds late.

"We are a proud organization." Renn continued, "I am not here to baby you. I will not tell you what The Guardians are. You should know from the tales, and the pledge. Your definition will be formed on your own account. There will be no questions right now. When this is over you will have three options. Now. Let us begin."

Renn looked over the crowd as if it were a twisted game before she spoke. "Team Dimension is a deadly team with many goals in mind. They are made up of members of other teams such as Team Rocket, Team Aqua, Team Magma, Team Galactic, Team Plasma, Team Flare, Team Dim Sun, Team Snagem, and other teams. They take the goals of all teams and the leader of Team Dimension promises all goals will be met once they have global control. Or at least, that is a common definition. Team Dimension is our main opposer, aside form society. However, we are not listening to society. We are listening to the prayers Arceus!"

"Our main objections is to find out why the world is being thrown into chaos. Whether the world wants us to help or not. You will by no means judge a member of society or Team Dimension as vile. You do not know them. They have their side of the story and we have ours. This entire room was once filled with Guardians. Take a look around. See the vacant seats? Next time it will be your seat that is vacant should you fail. We have no tolerance for corruption. Over 85 percent of Team Guardian was removed from their role, and their memories of this organization erased. We are always watching you, and just because we do not mention what you did does not mean we do not know." Renn clapped her hands together, and Gengars appeared behind each of the new members.

"Gengar has the ability to hide perfectly in the shadow of any object, granting it exceptional stealth. However, Gengar's body acts as a heat sink; its presence cools the temperature of the surrounding area by nearly 10°F, because it absorbs the warmth. In addition, Gengar possesses the ability to fly through the air. Just because you can't see us, doesn't mean we aren't there. We. Are. Watching. Got it? Good!" Renn smiled and waved the Gengars off, they chuckled and seemed to disappear again.

"Now, we don't have much time so we are just going to jump right in. The Legendary Pokemon that have once helped us are no longer offering their support. At first we thought it was the corruption we found in the group, but if that were so Arceus would have not spoke to us. The Legendary Pokemon are upset. We have to help them, and fix what is wrong. Have you ever saw a Legendary Pokemon? Anyone who goes it on their own is on a suicide mission. So, Crystal, Selene, Raffaellu, Lee, you may be wondering where you come into play. A Guardian is still human. We are short handed as of now, and so you will be training here. You will be doing research, and taking action."

Renn sighed, getting tired of all this explaining. It was such a drag. "Our job as of now is to help the Legendary Pokemon. However we can't speak to them and no one knows a Pokemon like a Pokemon. Your first mission is to enter The Vault. Once there you will encounter Pokemon Gijinkas. These citizens are half Pokemon, half human. You will be dropped off with nothing but your Pokemon and a few items. You may catch Pokemon here, or in The Vault. Some Gijinkas may be aggressive. You are to learn their history from them, survive there for a week, and recruit Pokemon Gijinkas to help us out. If you do not learn their history will fail. As you recruit them you must not lie. Our offer is this. If they can help us save the world, people may see them in a new glorious light! Not strange! Not monsters! Hopefully they will be freed. However we can not promise them this. We are fighting for their freedom. So if you are against that get up and leave now."

"You're options are, leave now. Your memory will be wiped of the ticket, this island, and so forth. That is all, we will not take all your memory. Your second option is to start your mission now. Your third is to pick a cabin, rest and set out tomorrow. Once you recruit a Gijinka it is your reputability. If they escape it is on you. We are not holding them captive. However if they do escape, the media will get involved. It will shine the light on us and Team Dimension. Thus we can no longer help the Pokemon Gijinkas, and they will be punished, and locked away again--not by us but by the world. Once the world gets involved there is only so much we can do. That is all. Any questions?"

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Posted: Sat, 28/09/2013 13:56 (11 Years ago)
You have my full support! :>

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Posted: Fri, 27/09/2013 20:14 (11 Years ago)

Title: The Theater

[[Okay time to get this RP moving at last! I will be using Renn Isreiel as a filler. That means that she is not a character character but will be there under my push the story along until we get the slots filled. Such as leaders, teachers, ect. Hopefully those who play Gijinkas didn't die. We will need them soon. XD

Also for any of you who play on Team Dimension, their team should get a move on soon, I just talked to their Co-Leader. Always feel free to add in plot twists, or whatever, it is your RP too. :>]]

Raffaellu walked down the rows of chairs, and stopped in the third row when instructed. He sat down, having moved all the way down to fill in each spot. "It does not matter what you have, it is what you give." he told Crystal happily before going silent. He rested back in his chair. The Theater/autoimmune was massive. Yet there was an odd vacancy, he predicted about fifty people in total were there. They all wore various uniforms, but somehow he knew there couldn't be but a handful who were the work force. Most of them looked like breeders, scientists, medical cores, ect.

This thought made him slightly sad. He has not really thought to take notice of those who have joined him on the ferry. Their actions, and voices faded for a few minutes. Raffaellu was caught up in the events, and the thought of being here. Everything snapped back into motions, reality, when he heard the clicking of heeled boots across the stage in front of them. He tensed, his heart began to race. This had to be it. He looked up at a woman in a navy blue short sleeved throw over that matched her blue skirt. Under which was a lighter blue shirt. Her midnight black belt clung to a small bag that was strapped over one shoulder. His eyes followed the design up to the starred hat, that went with her coal boots.

She is a part of the law force. he reminded himself. There seemed to be nothing more serious than the law. She is waiting for things to quiet down. Raffaellu looked down, only able to see her curled chestnut brown hair cupping her shoulders and cheeks. He inhaled deeply and looked up more determined this time. Kirlia happily took her seat on his lap.

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Posted: Fri, 27/09/2013 19:30 (11 Years ago)
Wow, I never thought of that. o-o

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Posted: Fri, 27/09/2013 19:29 (11 Years ago)
I think the idea is different, neat, but I wouldn't want to get rid of the system they have in Prof. Rowan's lab. You know? Not everyone is super fast is all. o:

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Posted: Fri, 27/09/2013 19:25 (11 Years ago)
Oh, like Pokemon Poffins on Diamond and Pearl--except cake? Sounds neat. :>

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Posted: Fri, 27/09/2013 19:23 (11 Years ago)
Oh! Thank you, but my friend pointed out it may be too much work for them to add this feature--which may be right; if that is the case I apologize again.
Thank you for your support!

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Posted: Thu, 26/09/2013 22:35 (11 Years ago)
I love the idea. o:

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Posted: Thu, 26/09/2013 22:32 (11 Years ago)
It just occurred to me, sorry if this is a waste of your time. I am not even sure if I am doing this right...

However, you know how in Pokemon games when you encounter a wild Pokemon it will have a Pokeball next to it's name if you already caught it? I thought that would be cool to add in this site.

When you click on a Pokemon to interact, it always has a Pokeball next to it whether you have it or not.

I thought that would be sort of neat. So you are not
constantly checking your Pokedex, Storage Box, ect, to see if you have a Pokemon.

So it may be too much to ask...just throwing out ideas. :>
Does that make sense...?

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Posted: Thu, 26/09/2013 19:34 (11 Years ago)
[[The have a main facility which a large building, and then there is lesser facility for those who are in training. They are still nice and proper cabins, with a main building lesser facility in in the back of the cabins. Does that make sense? :>

Though we will head to the theater in the larger building. Then we'll get cabin.

So the summery is...

Guardian's Domain: The main base of operations, a castle like structure with various rooms for various jobs to be preformed.
Protege Camp: The base of operations for Guardians in training. It includes it's own main building separate from the Guardian's domain, and fine wooden cabins.

I'll add it to the terms on the main page. Be sure to check once in a while for updated terms. Thank you for asking! : D ]]

Raffaellu nodded in agreement with Selene. "I think everyone is a little nervous..." he said looking down with a small, sheepish smile. "I am too." he continued on after his brief pause. There were so many emotions that swirled inside of him, he felt like he could just burst. Though, he focused on the hope, and excitement. Still, his nerves did creep in and dull his blazing dreams for the moment.

"Oh wow, do you see it Crystal, Lee? This is where we will be training..." he said now feeling renewed as if convinced now they were real. They're smart. Their main base is hidden. They would never give their location away so easily. It's hidden. he though to himself proudly.

He was not surprised when they passed the camp itself and were filed into a larger structure in the back of the camp. This he assumed, was where the camp instructors would stay. He looked around the halls that were decorated with pictures of mysterious Pokemon on the way to the Theater. He took notice of old documents, and words written in odd symbols.

"I wonder if they will make us make a tent like camp to test our survival skills."

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Posted: Tue, 24/09/2013 20:41 (11 Years ago)
Raffaellu listened closely to what his new found team member had to say. What he said was understandable, and as for the bawled fists he was not sure what to thin of it. Though he soon turned back to Carla, even though he spoke to Lee. "We're not Guardians yet." His fingers fell flat to the palm of his hand, and his knuckles lifted to his lips. A quiet laughter escaped while his vision was black, and shutters closed. When he opened his eyes he let his hands fall to his sides before continuing.

"We are just training to be. If they are real. I think. I think the phrase anyone can be, and not everyone can be are the same thing. Anyone can be a Guardian, but not everyone can make it through to be a Guardian." he said softly.

Kirlia stood perfectly still. Nothing distracted her from the observations she was making. Raffaellu on the other hand kept himself busy with the others. "You know, I think you are right, Lee. This is your time to prove them all wrong. I hope you prove us, everyone wrong too." he encouraged as he waited for Carla to lead the way.

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