Forum Thread
DesertClan's curse
Forum-Index → Roleplay → DesertClan's curse(She would disguise herself, though, she has a pretty set plan all worked out xD)
"Aw. Oh well... But if anything does happen to you, I'll know," She pointed out, sighing. "We should head back to camp."

Credit to Viper

Credit to Viper

Credit to Viper

Credit to Viper

Credit to Viper
Ivypaw nodded and crouched down, stalking forward. She paused as the mouse sat up, nose twitching, but looked back down. She got closer, and closer, until she pounced a good length away, catching it in her paws as it barely had time to run away. She killed it with a swift bite.

Credit to Viper
"Fine" Tigerpaw meowed still distractedly, and continued to groom herself. "Never better" she said with a sigh, and looked at Lilypaw.
"You really should have stayed out of the fight" Lilypaw hissed lowly, and glared at Tigerpaw. "Then Mudstrike wouldn't have caught you"
"And allow you crowfood eaters to kill more warriors? I think not" she said lowly. Lilypaw then growled.
"You're a fox heart, Tigerpaw" she said angrily "the Dark Forest is making me stronger how can you not see that" she said angrily, and padded off to the den.
Tigerpaw watched her sister walk away, she then sighed Lilypaw are you blind? Those cats have tried to kill innocent cats. You were in that could you think they'll make you strong she thought sadly, and looked at her paws. She then yawned, and tried to fight back the urge to sleep. I can't allow the Dark Forest to claim victory...if I don't sleep I'll be safe she thought to herself, but soon failed as she began to doze off from exhaustion.

Credit to Viper