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DesertClan's curse

Forum-Index Roleplay DesertClan's curse
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Sun, 09/07/2017 04:40 (7 Years ago)
Lightning claw looked up, and yawned. "Hello Owlpaw. Nice catch with the mouse" he greeted kindly, and purred. He looked at the apprentice kindly, and got to his paws. "Did you have a successful hunt?" He asked while stretching.

Tigerpaw looked around the nursery "hello" she meowed softly, and padded into the shadowy den. "I've brought you some fresh kill" she mewled.

(Tigerpaw took down a vulture while in a hunting patrol. They're in camp now dividing up the kill. I don't remember much before that.)
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 646
Posted: Sun, 09/07/2017 05:08 (7 Years ago)
Owlpaw purred. »Thank you, Lightningclaw«, he said. »Sadly I could only catch this mouse, but Tigerpaw managed to kill a vulture«, he said. He thought it'd probably be better not to tell the elder that he was lurking around in the forest for quite some time instead of hunting for the clan. »How are you feeling today?«, he added to continue their chat.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Sun, 09/07/2017 05:11 (7 Years ago)
"A bit stiff, but fine" Lightningclaw meowed kindly, and yawned. "Wait...did you say Tigerpaw managed to capture a vulture? How in the name of StarClan did she do that" he asked in shock.
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 646
Posted: Sun, 09/07/2017 05:15 (7 Years ago)
»I'm glad to hear that you're fine«, he replied. »I actually don't know how she did it. She just suddenly came back with it between her jaws«, he meowed. »It probably died from shock when seeing her«, he said, obviously joking.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Sun, 09/07/2017 05:18 (7 Years ago)
Lightningclaw purred warmly "yeah I'm sure she hissed as fiercely as the entirety of LionClan" he said in agreement, joking as well. "Im sure what ever happened will be a great story. Does Flamestar know yet?"
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 646
Posted: Sun, 09/07/2017 05:46 (7 Years ago)
Owlpaw purred. »Hopefully she'll tell you the story. I haven't heard it yet, either, so if everyone's fine with it, I'd like to stay to hear her story as well«, he meowed. When Lightningclaw asked if Flamestar knew about it, Owlpaw shook his head. »She said she was about to tell him, so that means she didn't report it yet«.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Sun, 09/07/2017 05:58 (7 Years ago)
Lightningclaw nodded "I'm sure she'll tell him soon" he agreed.
Trainerlevel: 59

Forum Posts: 877
Posted: Sun, 09/07/2017 07:23 (7 Years ago)
Shellspeckle saw Owlpaw and Tigerpaw talking with Lightningclaw. They're doing fine he thought. They'll make great warriors one day. He went to the nursery, where Horizonfeather was.
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 646
Posted: Sun, 09/07/2017 10:43 (7 Years ago)
Horizonfeather looked up as Tigerpaw entered. »Hello, Tigerpaw«, the queen meowed friendly. »Nice catch«, she added as she saw the fresh kill and smiled gently.
A moment later, Shellspeckle came in. »Hello Shellspeckle!«, she said. »How are you two doing?«, she asked her mate and the apprentice.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Sun, 09/07/2017 15:24 (7 Years ago)
Tigerpaw placed the kill fresh kill next to Horizonfeather. "I'm doing fine" she meowed to the queen. "How are you and the kits?" She asked and looked over to the kits.

(I forgot if she had kits yet or not. If not I'll edit my post)
Trainerlevel: 59

Forum Posts: 877
Posted: Sun, 09/07/2017 15:26 (7 Years ago)
"I'm doing just as well." Shellspeckle replied. "I do want to know if you know when the kits will come?"
(I don't think they did, did they?)
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Sun, 09/07/2017 16:33 (7 Years ago)
(I'm one of her kits, soooo xD)

Ivypaw grabbed a chunk of vulture and padded up to the medicine cat's den. "Shadowflame?" She called out.

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Sun, 09/07/2017 16:36 (7 Years ago)
Shadowflame looked outside his den, and held a hiss back. "Yes what is it" he said coolly. He then saw the fresh-kill. "Who managed to catch that?" He asked a bit more lightly now.
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Sun, 09/07/2017 16:38 (7 Years ago)
Ivypaw pushed the kill towards him. "Tigerpaw did! Amazing, huh?"

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Sun, 09/07/2017 16:41 (7 Years ago)
"Pretty impressive. Though I'm quite surprised someone with so little training took down a crow food eater like this" he meowed simply. He then got an idea Maybe I can use this to my advantage. No cat knows who's training in the dark forest yet, and Tigerpaw shows signs of being a StarClan follower...maybe I can turn cats against her. After that the rest of the StarClan followers will fail...the dark forest will rule he thought to himself darkly. "Though I'm not surprised I've seen her sneak off and train in the dark forest. StarClan have told me so" he said lowly.
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Sun, 09/07/2017 16:46 (7 Years ago)
Ivypaw's eyes widened in surprise. "What? That can't be right..." She looked down at her paws. "Really?"

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Sun, 09/07/2017 16:54 (7 Years ago)
Shadowflame flicked an ear "do you question StarClan?" He asked coolly. "After all she hasn't had much training. She was rejected by Sandfeather. So how else did she learn to fight?" He narrowed his eyes. "After all Shellspeckle has only been her mentor for a short amount of time..."
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Sun, 09/07/2017 16:59 (7 Years ago)
Ivypaw glanced behind her, towards the nursery. "...You're right," She said finally. "I just thought that she took what little training she had to heart. And... I did see Lilypaw and Tigerpaw running in their sleep," The full realization seemed to overtake her. "I can't believe it. They're both Dark Forest warriors..."

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Sun, 09/07/2017 17:03 (7 Years ago)
Shadowflame nodded coldly "just keep your eyes on her" he meowed lowly. He then went to eat his share of the vulture.
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Sun, 09/07/2017 17:31 (7 Years ago)
Ivypaw nodded solemnly, and walked away from the den, back to the fresh kill pile. It just doesn't seem right... She thought, flicking her tail.