Forum Thread
[CLOSED] Argentis' Birthday Lottery
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → [CLOSED] Argentis' Birthday LotteryPurpose:
From Price Check:
Grand Prize || Proof

2nd Prize || Proof

3rd Prize || Proof

4th Prize || Proof

fearthefuzzybear || CharlesXavier69 || BlooperVeteran || Inuiza || Dr_Falchion || MetagrossPrime
5th to 10th Prizes
Proof || Proof || Proof || Proof || Proof || Proof

Nymphrasis || CharlesXavier69 || MidnatheBlackRobe || BlooperVeteran || EmmyFalcon
11th to 15th Prizes
Proof || Proof || Proof || Proof || Proof

Leapy || ~DreamyTwilight~ || ShadowRaven || EmmyFalcon || CharlesXavier69
16th to 20th Prizes
Proof || Proof || Proof || Proof || Proof

Tier Prizes
91 participants
Lottery Method: All tickets will be drawn from
Ticket Method: Please make a forum post about what you're sending a lot of items, it makes it easier for me to count! Otherwise all deliveries, pd or gems must have "AgBday" in the comments--if this is not done, the delivery will be considered a donation with no ticket(s) awarded. [Further note: if you have me blocked, then you are not considered a participant in this raffle. This is due to the system preventing me from messaging and sending you items!]
Forum Post: (Please fill this out correctly)
[b]Total of Tickets:[/b]
[b]Total of Tickets:[/b]
Hashtag post to share:
#AgBday by [user]Argentis[/user]
* 1st: [url=pokemon?id=13361998]Shiny Unown A[/url] OR Shiny Unown Hunt
* 2nd: [u]Ho-Oh code[/u]
* Shiny Regis at participation tiers
* x3 Dragon gems and x50 nuggets--but what do you do to get them?
[b]How to join:[/b]
(All delivery comments [b]must[/b] have AgBday)
* Daily hashtag share (with links!) = 1 ticket
* Send x1 Common Box/Key = 2 tickets
* Send x5 Common gems = 3 tickets (for each set of 5)
* Correctly guess my birth-date = 50 tickets (limit 3 guesses)
For more, check out the details [url=forum_thread.php?id=56895]here[/url]
[b]Deadline:[/b] March 1st at reset
[url=]Share It[/url]| [url=forum_thread?id=56895]Lottery Thread[/url] | [url=delibird]Delibird[/url]
* 1st: [url=pokemon?id=13361998]Shiny Unown A[/url] OR Shiny Unown Hunt
* 2nd: [u]Ho-Oh code[/u]
* Shiny Regis at participation tiers
* x3 Dragon gems and x50 nuggets--but what do you do to get them?
[b]How to join:[/b]
(All delivery comments [b]must[/b] have AgBday)
* Daily hashtag share (with links!) = 1 ticket
* Send x1 Common Box/Key = 2 tickets
* Send x5 Common gems = 3 tickets (for each set of 5)
* Correctly guess my birth-date = 50 tickets (limit 3 guesses)
For more, check out the details [url=forum_thread.php?id=56895]here[/url]
[b]Deadline:[/b] March 1st at reset
[url=]Share It[/url]| [url=forum_thread?id=56895]Lottery Thread[/url] | [url=delibird]Delibird[/url]



Deadline: March 1st @ 6:59PM (EST)
[Google Excel Sheet]

Nymphrasis x319
deadpool244 x1
Princess_Politoad x72
Dr_Falchion x203
SallyAnn x47
AuroraNightshade x172
ShadowRaven x200
GhostLink x212
3abbie3 x213
ThiefsShadowWolf x54
Imazoo x1
FrozenFire x1
bpeugh1 x211
EmmyFalcon x620
MidnatheBlackRobe x1,212
Azhagal x43
Pityundra x10
Teardrop x2
Lunala x2
LethalLulu x212
LostOne x435
CassofDelphi x147
jdd5611 x61
tirthshah x3
Melson x2
MetagrossPrime x653
shatteredflower x2
Inuiza x10
audreylevina x69
CharlesXavier69 x930
Amilee x2
DracunyanAndVictini x114
Lapis~~Lazuli x1
NastuDragneel x1
Willowfur x4
FlameStar10231 x44
KateYoke x1
Dokku x2
Kerri0o7 x1
mr27Unbreakable x1
Atavan x17
EveeLover x1
Palkia10 x1
Devil0356 x1
jadeperks x124
Gottesbob x12
~DreamyTwilight~ x192
DaNGeR_ThE_OnE x14
ValleryP x136
~Ryou x31
Sylveon-Girl x2
Morrowind x54
_TBV_ x6
Atalina x126
Zelfdoding x1
ChibiTogepi x50
Girafarig x68
Meowrail x3
Ayase259 x40
Xangar x100
Lizzagna x15
Andias x63
Ignite x15
Laaef x30
Adea x30
McCormick x30
talonkies x1
BlooperVeteran x619
HardcoreSquatting x15
DaddioWaifu x15
sunnymarie69 x15
FearlessDragonite x30
Leicester x30
Jayce019 x1
GamingKidd x28
flashmatheo x1
MutantPort23857 x38
Fuzzylittlepaws x15
RavenBlademaster x15
robotbert x47
Atavus x16
msteele x15
fearthefuzzybear x64
~*ErzaScarlet*~ x2
KawaiiSylveon x1
Plutia x15
Sahilgk x1
Manu_18 x1
~Potterhead~ x166
Hawkeye559 x10

GhostLink wins the first shiny Regi! [Proof]
EmmyFalcon wins the second shiny Regi! [Proof]
LostOne wins the third shiny Regi! [Proof]
ThiefsShadowWolf wins the fourth shiny Regi! [Proof]
CharlesXavier69 wins the fifth shiny Regi! [Proof]
AuroraNightshade wins the sixth shiny Regi! [Proof]
LostOne wins the seventh shiny Regi! [Proof]
ValleryP wins the eighth shiny Regi! [Proof]
Nymphrasis wins the ninth shiny Regi! [Proof]
EmmyFalcon wins the second shiny Regi! [Proof]
LostOne wins the third shiny Regi! [Proof]
ThiefsShadowWolf wins the fourth shiny Regi! [Proof]
CharlesXavier69 wins the fifth shiny Regi! [Proof]
AuroraNightshade wins the sixth shiny Regi! [Proof]
LostOne wins the seventh shiny Regi! [Proof]
ValleryP wins the eighth shiny Regi! [Proof]
Nymphrasis wins the ninth shiny Regi! [Proof]
1x Waiter Dress (Blue) - 0
1x Waiter Dress (Green) - 0
1x Waiter Dress (Red) - 0
55x Dark Gem - 11
4x Dragon Gem - 40
160x Grass Gem - 32
50x Rock Gem - 10
70x Steel Gem - 14
13x Mystery Box (Dark Blue) - 26
30x Mystery Box (Light Blue) - 60
12x Mystery Box (Purple) - 24
15x Mystery Key (Brown) - 30
Total Tickets: bzzzt... does not compute...bzzzzzzzzt *black screens* 247 I think
@3abbie3, 30 + 81 + 20 + 8 + 12 =/= 151
150 fighting gems/5 = 30
30 x 3 tickets = 90 tickets
90 + 81 + 20 + 8 + 12 = 211
55x Dark Gem - 33
4x Dragon Gem - 40
160x Grass Gem - 96
50x Rock Gem - 30
70x Steel Gem - 42
13x Mystery Box (Dark Blue) - 26
30x Mystery Box (Light Blue) - 60
12x Mystery Box (Purple) - 24
15x Mystery Key (Brown) - 30
33 + 40 = 73
73 + 96 = 169
169 + 30 = 199
199 + 42 = 241
241 + 26 = 267
267 + 60 = 327
327 + 24 = 351
351 + 30 = 381
GRAND TOTAL: 381 (plus 1 for the hashtag share)
50x Dark Gem - 50/5- 10x3 - 30
50x Fighting Gem - 50/5- 10x3 - 30
200x Steel Gem - 200/5- 40x3 - 120
6x Mystery Box (Light Blue) - 12
3x Mystery Box (Pink) - 6
5x Mystery Box (Purple) - 10
3x Mystery Box (Red) - 6
10x Mystery Key (Brown) - 10
Total of Tickets: 30 + 30 + 120 + 12 + 6 + 10 + 6 + 10= 224?
Items: 25 grass gems, 25 fighting gems, 2 green box, 1 pink box, 1 red box, 3 brown keys and 25000 pd
Total of Tickets: 15+15+4+2+2+6+5= 49 (let me know if this is wrong)
Also, my guesses for your birthday are the 2nd, the 15th, and the 22nd :)
Items:1 d. Blue box, 1 pink box, 1 brown box, 1 box, 2 green keys, 5 normal gems, 5 grass, 8 ground, 27 poisons (i think?)
Total of Tickets:12+15+15 = 42 (pls tell me if i'm wrong)
Guess for your birthday: 17, 27, 30
Edit: +50 nuggets = 20 tickets (Total= 62)