How is my Scyther doing? ... ... Oh, it's currently on Level 10, I
Well, according to some friends of mine, Prof. Oak's Scyther is on
Level 59, so you have to work even harder! But I'm sure you can do
Remember that I'll reclaim my Pokémon this Sunday at 8AM. Its level
has to be higher than Prof. Oak's Pokémon by then.
Please keep it in your Party or in one of your Storage Boxes in the
By Daycare owner - 10 Minutes and 5 Seconds ago.
21Hey, unirainbowkitty! We recently found some eggs in our daycare.
We're sure that those eggs belong to your Pokémon.
We really don't know how this happened...
However, try to take them as soon as possible, or I'll release them
to the wild!
You sold 8x Aguav Berry for 160
You sold 4x Belue Berry for 80
You sold 2x Bluk Berry for 40
You sold 3x Charti Berry for 60
You sold 15x Cornn Berry for 300
You sold 10x Figy Berry for 200
You sold 2x Grepa Berry for 40
You sold 3x Hondew Berry for 60
You sold 4x Iapapa Berry for 80
You sold 6x Kelpsy Berry for 120
You sold 6x Leppa Berry for 120
You sold 5x Lum Berry for 100
You sold 2x Mago Berry for 40
You sold 8x Magost Berry for 160
You sold 1x Nanab Berry for 20
You sold 9x Nomel Berry for 180
You sold 3x Oran Berry for 60
You sold 7x Persim Berry for 140
You sold 1x Pinap Berry for 20
You sold 15x Pomeg Berry for 300
You sold 6x Qualot Berry for 120
You sold 13x Rabuta Berry for 260
You sold 8x Razz Berry for 160
You sold 7x Sitrus Berry for 140
You sold 9x Tamato Berry for 180
You sold 5x Wiki Berry for 100
You sold 1x Apicot Berry for 500
You sold 3x Lansat Berry for 1500
You sold 1x Honey for 20
You sold 21x Soda Pop for 1050
You sold 29x Lemonade for 2175
You sold 1x Fire Stone for 1050
You sold 1x Moon Stone for 1050
You sold 1x Sun Stone for 1050
You sold 1x Water Stone for 1050
You sold 1x Protector for 2500
You sold 1x Spray Duck for 5000
You sold 1x Protein for 3900
TOTAL: 24085