Oh,sorry,it's me again. In some of sections of breeding events,you
didn't added me. I have Wide Lens,so I can analyze eggs in 10m. You
didn't added me in Santa
birds,Swamprases,Satochues,Catercreams,Dark Ponytas,Princess
Jr.s,Jesterigs,Lepreowths,Pachirisnows,Frosty Kecleons,Knight
Axews,Dirnltanks (readed guides how to breed without Ditto o-g
Pokes),Draluchas. I know,I maybe very annoying,but.. I think this
information will be helpful. Maybe,after sometime,I will be able to
breed Hawaiian Cubchoos.
Also, Here's link for this Dex-Guide. I linked very first Pokemon
of the Dex,but you can search any Poke here,and Items,Moves,search
Pokes with any of their country name( on French,for example )
Me when PH Drama