I accidentally broke my chain of over 600+ Shinx for a SM
Luxray...I didn't realise my premium ran out 😩

200 chain lesssgo! I usually get impatient by this point and want
to change hunt lol so I'm quite proud of myself. It's probably
because Luxray is my favourite <3

Eggs hatched so far today: 22
I'm down to the last 6 in my party!! Cmonnnn daycare, gimme some
more eggs lol! XD I want this SM Luxray hehe.

Is anyone wanting one of the birthday special plushes? I have
enough to send a couple more :) I don't expect anything in return.
I just might as well send them to someone who wants/needs one :)

I'm releasing all my noibats from my last hunt by the end of today.
If anyone wants one for free, hmu a message :)

I've hatched a shiny shinx on my hunt for a shiny mega, looking for
any other shiny (preferably that I don't have) in the GTS.

Hoenn Completed <3 Yayyy!

3 pokemon left that I need for my Hoenn dex (unless I've missed
something 😅) So after work I guess I'm going to be snooping through
forum trade shops, auctions etc.
💜Hope you all have a lovely day and thank you to anyone that has
helped me, gave me deals and sent over bulks of pokemon 💜

I've been on and off with playing PH (due to life in general) but
tomorrow (23rd May) will be 6 years since I created this account.
My friend irl introduced me to this game when we were in
university. I enjoyed having it on in the background whilst doing
my work. She no longer plays but I fell in love with it and always
seem to end up coming back even after taking long breaks.

I think I'm officially breaking this hunt and working on better
goals once the remaining of my PD in daycare has gone. 1 egg in 1
day...whaaaaaa, my luck is not the best right now XD

I woke up to more offers than I expected on those last trades.
Still paying 1k per missing Hoenn (Gen 3) Pokemon.
List linked here

So tempted to break this shiny hunt so I can breed and evolve the
poke's I need but I've spent so much PD on it now. Feels like i'm
never going to breed my own shiny noibat XD Definitely the last
shiny that i'm breeding myself for a while lol

I'm back on my hunt to complete my Hoenn dex! If you have any of
the one's I am looking for, that you don't want/need
my list here <3 i'd love to buy them or trade for them

Finally got the search for gold badge! Took so long and pure luck

I seem to get more items sending my Pokemon into rumble missions
for 2 hours than 6-12 sometimes XD

I hate begging but really wanna beat oak!! Please feed or train my
magikarp! :) I am doing all my returned favours!!

I got my Johto badge!! :D