Shade! My Pokemon's inside a coin jar!
Username: Aisling
Pokémon: My pokesona Eros if you would You can pick which version you like the
Label: Yes, hearts please?
Other: Can I just have him sitting on top of the coin jar? Make it
a bit easier on ya, yes?
Don't look behind you!
Username: Aisling
Pokémon: Eros again please
Tentacles: Yush
Other: Instead of black can ya color it pink dear? Hope I'm not
being trouble.
Shade! My Pokemon's inside a coin jar!
Username: Br44n5m
Pokémon: Shinx
Label: No
Other: Can the Shinx please be on top of the jar instead of inside
it :)
Shade, my Pokémon is a Tron!
Pokémon:Female Meowstic
Color:Light Blue
Other?:PM me when is ready :P and how do I put it in my sigature?
shade, spruce up my pokemon's box!
Pokemon:Lucas the Lucario
Sprite to use:
Any alterations to the sprite: none
Background: Red
HP Bar Color: Black
Other?: Can you make it so it is wearing Sir aaron's Hat? If no i
am fine
(sorry i know no double posting but it just will not fit in the
other one)
shade,spruce up my pokemon's box!
Username: LucarioLand
Pokemon Flame the Charizard
Sprite to use:
any alterations to sprite: none
Background: Black
HP color: Light Blue
Other?: Can he wear Red's Hat? If no i am fine
Whoa whoa guys!
Fionna and LucarioLand. No double posting! There is never a reason
to double post! :I Also, LucarioLand, there's always room to fit
orders! You can even put them in a hide box by this code!
BLAH BLAH[/spoiler]
Just so you save room! :I Jeez
guysss. Bad rule breakers! Bad!
Shade, my Pokémon looks like another!
Username: eeveelover123
Pokémon: Eevee
Recolored as: Umbreon
Other?: can it have a little bow around its neck? (bowtie kind of
bow but kind of a girly bow.) if not that's ok (bow=yellow)
Shade, Spruce up my pokémon's Box!
Username: cinba
Pokémon: Empoleon
Special: Shiny
Sprite to use:
Any alterations to the sprite: None
Background: Red
HP bar Color: Blue or light blue
Other?: None