I have once again set up a shiny on normal wonder trade....
Do u need an upgrade to find Pichu (Spiked Ear) in the yellow
forest rumble? I've been at it for months and I gotten nothing
okay i left the halloween event for last minute so i gotta get like
50k candies in 15 hours
U could say, I relate to garfield ;)
Yes!!! My first lab legendary <3
If you want to do Zekrom quest but choose Truth your dark stone
just dissapears???? What????
Why can't you get Combee eggs from the Gem Collector?
Pls daycare give me more eggies for x2 day!!!
Hey a shiny and a celebi retro egg from route 102 c:
envious of every zarude egg I see u_u
Anyone know if the higher you rank the higher the chances of a
shiny retro?
bramlin evolves after sending it to rumble?
It's crazy to get 104 points in the Bug Hatching Contest minigame
and get a medium rarity egg u.U
Okay so the one time I forget to make space on my party I clear the
Advanced Royal Tunnel. Okay, okay, I didn't want a Registeel
By PokéRadar - 7 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Sewaddle hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #46)!
That was so fast! Yaaay!
I'd loooove to hunt for a shiny mega winter camerupt but it would
be such a hassle! I'd need premium too maybe event passes...aaaa
Am I the only one experiencing lag?
I can't play the Bug Hatching minigame :( Pokemon won't show up or
stop appearing mid-game
I hate when
this happens >:[
In which rumble area do you get Ghost gems? Eternal tower?