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A Not So Wonderland (Open/Accepting)

Forum-Index Roleplay A Not So Wonderland (Open/Accepting)
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 393
Posted: Sat, 12/03/2016 05:38 (8 Years ago)
(sorry for posting again while not accepted, think I fixed it)
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Sat, 12/03/2016 06:14 (8 Years ago)
Σʆʆɪɸт Σʠεɣɑɳε
Welcome back, my feelings. I love feeling the anxiety that makes me wish I was dead.

Elliot was dwelling on the past. Probably not a good idea, with what it included. Sipping his tea in a delicate manner, despite being alone, and thinking. Simply thinking. It wasn't something he did very often, as some people might say, but he did do it. It was even more rare that he ponder the darker parts of his past, preferring to dismiss them, the parts with his taid . . . No, no, he wasn't going to think about him. Not anymore. As he abruptly stood, his makeshift chair was pushed backwards in the mud and his tea spilled as his cup fell to the forest floor. With only a momentary glance at the cup with disappointment--as if it had been the cups fault--he stalked through the woods, wondering absentmindedly where the Mad Hatter and the Dormouse were, but not actively looking for them. Though, usually, his subconscious would bring him to places he didn't quite mean to go. At least he stopped himself that one time he was lost in thought and had found himself near the Queen's gardens. He involuntarily shivered. The result, had he not turned back immediately upon realising where he was, would not have been pleasant. And once again, his minds wanderings had taken him somewhere without him realizing it. As he spotted Anistair's top hat and Valentin's purple hair, a smile danced on his lips. It was quite nice to see friends. If they were, indeed, friends . . . It was hard for Elliot to ever really shake his suspicions. Of anyone, really. Maybe someday . . . Someday, he could really trust someone. But that wasn't today. "Bwt, Anistair, hello." he called, in greeting, as he approached.

(( I do not know Welsh, but Elliot does. What I have done is look up a little on the internet and I will put what I know when I can. According to said internet, taid means grandfather. A little insight into Elliot's backstory, which may be revealed more as the RP progresses. Bwt, apparently, means little one, so I'm thinking Elliot uses it as an affectionate, and teasing, nickname for Valentin. Welp, that's it for me for tonight. Going offline. See ya guys tomorrow, I guess. ))

I sneer by myself, as I pray along the guidance. I wonder if it will rain tomorrow . . .

". . . Mother? . . . You can call me however you like, my child."

"When humans fall down here, strangely... I... I often feel like I already know them. Truthfully, when I first saw you, I felt... ... like I was seeing an old friend for the first time."

"Be good, won't you? My child . . ."
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 12/03/2016 06:57 (8 Years ago)
Show hidden content
Name: Scrounge 'Cheshire Cat' Voleuse-Williams
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Species: Neko
She also has a cat form, which is similar to this:

Personality: She's usually loud, brash, and overwhelming, but she has a tendency to change her mood and 'personality' based on what company she's keeping- who usually tend to be gullible, fallen humans. She greatly enjoys 'playing' with others, though depending on her mood, it changes what type of 'game' she'll play. Possibly a riddle game, or, a game of 'cat and mouse'. She typically cares very little for the people around her, except for the few people who've managed to pique her curiosity, and for her limited friends.
Other: don't judge the pokemon pic please rip
She's got a slight french accent- Hon hon
Theme Song
Fight Theme

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Sat, 12/03/2016 15:43 (8 Years ago)
Garden duty. Again. Seven groaned as they trimmed the leaves off of one of the rosebushes. Seven would much rather prefer to be alone, reading, but due to Five's absence, they were assigned to the gardener's job for the day. Actually, the past three days. Rumor had it that the missing card soldier had run off into the forest and had gotten himself killed, though he could just be sick. Seven jolted as a small hedgehog dashed past his ankles, startling him into snipping off one of the flowers on the bush, white in comparison to the vivid red of the remaining flowers on the bush. They sighed, plucking the creamy bloom off of the ground, tucking it into his chest pocket as he finished his work. He walked to the shed, depositing the gardening supplies as he left the garden. They strolled to the gate, pausing to look at the edge of the forest. They glanced around, catching no sight of any other card soldiers. "It wouldn't be so bad to take a break." They mumbled, before making up their mind and stepping past the edge of the treeline, and into the forest.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 1,954
Posted: Sat, 12/03/2016 15:45 (8 Years ago)
"You see, while I was trying to read some old-school comic book, I don't mind coming out of the Lamp."

"I mean sure, I like technollogy and stuff, but nature is also protty to look at"

"Sooo, are you gonna wish or just ask stupid questions?" Eudjinne asks

(welp, sorry for short post)
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Sat, 12/03/2016 17:08 (8 Years ago)

Pain is all I know.

Pain is all I will ever know, until my fate is sealed by the edge of a Vorpel blade

I move through the trees, swift and silent through the dark brambles. The forest floor is covered with them nowadays, but I don't mind. Pain lets me know I'm still alive. My pale bare feet slip between fallen leaves and twigs, avoiding noise on instinct. Being one of the few of my kind who has mastered a humanoid form has given me a distinct advantage when it comes to stealth. My true form wasn't exactly built to be quiet. I don't really know where I'm going, but I'll surely be there soon. My ceaseless steps lead me to a massive iron fence surrounding a beautifully trimmed garden. How had I never seen this before. I followed the perimeter, hoping to find access to the exquisite roses within. I came upon a wrought iron gate. As I was about to move closer, the bars swung outward, and I scurried back a few feet. Out from within the walls came a man, similair to another I'd caught lurking in my woods the other day. He was tall for a human, though not even close to matching my right foot frame, and his hair was a blinding blonde color. His eyes though... They were mismatched, but the red coloring was nearly the same as mine! I stayed hidden watching him. His features were very soft looking, looking neither male, nor female, but somewhere in between. I tried to remember the other man I'd found in the woods, but couldn't. I had been so hungry... I couldn't stop myself. Shifting slightly, my clawed foot pressed down hard on a twig, and loud snap sounded out through the trees

Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Sat, 12/03/2016 17:19 (8 Years ago)
(OOC: Wade accepted!)

Who is your true family...?

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Sat, 12/03/2016 17:29 (8 Years ago)
Seven spun, their scarlet eyes surveying the forest as the snap of a branch echoed between the trees. They raised an eyebrow, finding no obvious causes of the sound to be beheld. "Perhaps it was just a rabbit," They mumbled to themself, voice soft and melodious. They stepped deeper into the forest, footfalls silent and gentle, brushing the long leaves of a fern away as they walked. They caught a small glance of movement out of the corner of their eye, catching glance of dark feathers as the bird leapt into the air, flapping away from the card soldier. He couldn't help but laugh at his own fright, though his heart was still hammering. How silly, to be afraid of a mere bird! Brushing their cheek absentmindedly with the back of their hand, they paused, lowering themself onto one of the thick roots of a forest tree. It was rather peaceful here, and they took a deep breath, absorbing the florid scents of the forest, visibly relaxing. Maybe today wouldn't be so bad after all.
Trainerlevel: 10

Forum Posts: 82
Posted: Sat, 12/03/2016 19:57 (8 Years ago)
Name: Raquel Sophia "Red Rose" Smiths II
Age: 24
Species: Flower, rose, to Human
Appearance: Well since I cannot access any pictures right now.. I'll write... When a rose, she is a rather elegant plant, one you would like to pick to give to your girlfriend or whatever, but don't want to harm its beauty., and well.. Pick it. Rather dazzling in the rain drops really. As a human? Oh well, almost the same.. Except for the picking part that is.. Raquel has crimson, curly locks that reflect the sun, turning her hip long hair copper sometimes. Her eyes are a leaf green- for pretty obvious reasons.. She is rather slender and prefers to wear heels, though she is quite tall, and wears a peculiar, almost Christmassy type dress, it only looks that way because it's red and green. Her hands have elegant gloves on them, and I can tell you're picturing someone very posh... Hmm.. Raquel Sophia has two very pretty rose shaped earrings, and a rose necklace, but she doesn't wear any make up.. Except for red lipstick.
Personality:Raquel is a mature lady at first glance, but she is actually quite competitive,bold and gets very mad very easily, as if taking inspiration from the Red Queen her self ("Yeeesss your majesty"). Raquel is hotheaded, and mad, as we all are here. She is good at keeping people in order and being a leader. Now we get to her actual problems.. Like red. Blood. Not that I'll go too deep into that.. Though it could be a Death Bed instead of a Flower Bed, but only if you're a common mobile vulgarias though. A rose poses almost no threat, except for the thorns, but a thorn is as much part the rose as the petals. Though undesired, and unwanted. You'd only be lucky on a Golden Afternoon.
Other: Nothing..... Except... I can't really (or want to) search anything so maybe I'll draw a picture though it's hard on an iPad...

Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Sun, 13/03/2016 00:14 (8 Years ago)
(OOC: Accepted!)
Who is your true family...?

Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Sun, 13/03/2016 00:21 (8 Years ago)
Calli jumped from where she sat in the tree, strolling around the forest a bit. With every step her tail swayed, and her tail rings clinked together. She whistled a tune softly, lips dry but still able to make sound.

”Hello There! I am Alter Ego, your technological guide!"
Trainerlevel: 10

Forum Posts: 82
Posted: Sun, 13/03/2016 02:48 (8 Years ago)
Raquel awoke in her bed (flower bed, that is), and tried stretching her arms... noticing that she was in her flower form. Useless rose form! She couldn't maintain her human form and had to be flower by night. The only use, though was to hide quickly in case of... Danger? Not that she had many enemies.. But luring as well... Anyways, she began to grow..

Rose petals fell down, as Raquel emerged as a human from a giant rose. "Much better", she said out loud. Raquel started stepping out of the flower bed out into the open.. She stared into the scenery, it was beautiful..
Raquel lifted her dress and started stepping over some mud, that was wet, hoping that she didn't get her heels stuck in the disgusting looking stuff.

(Just so you know, she rarely eats because she absorbs nutrients at night)
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Sun, 13/03/2016 02:49 (8 Years ago)
Anistair: A Cheshire?! Where?! //he shot up in surprise and hit his head on the underside of the table/ Ow...//he rubbed the top of his head a little/ Those pesky cats are always trying to steal my top hat! //it took him a moment to realize it was missing/ Damn! It appears theyve succeeded this time--!
Who is your true family...?

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 306
Posted: Sun, 13/03/2016 03:02 (8 Years ago)
//OOC: My short posts will be the end of me//

"Hullo Elliot dear!" She greeted, flashing him a tired smile. "E-eh? I swore that I saw it a second ago! Those bloody cats can't be nearby...!" Valentin whimpered, about to have a mental breakdown. Cheshire Cats and a lack of sleep apparently doesn't clash very well.

and i was always tired but never of you

Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 530
Posted: Sun, 13/03/2016 03:08 (8 Years ago)
Cyris look at the outside of the courtyard "At least this is much more interesting than the castle" She said. Cyris heard a few rustling noises are her but she didn't take note of them. She turned around and looked at the castle "I think that the castle can run on its own for a few minuets" She said and walked into the forst.

Alpha shook his head which made Cedar a bit sad "Fine ill get some meat, I guess" She said in a whiny voice and went outside to catch rabbits and any other prey. (Short Ceder post tis short)

I'm not a bot, I swear-
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 13/03/2016 03:18 (8 Years ago)
(*posts super late rip
Also I added that Scrounge can turn into a cat so I hope that's ok//))

Scrounge hopped down from one of the higher branches of the tree she'd been napping in, changing into her feline form just before she landed. She hit the branch rather hard, jumping from quite a height above, making a quiet 'thump' and she felt the branch droop from her weight. She absent-mindedly searched for the source of the noise that had woken her up- she could've sworn it was the sound of something snapping, or because someone was talking, but she could've been mistaken. She watched a bird flutter by in a panic, and she briefly considered swatting it from the air- and it was far too close to resist the temptation. She reached out, claws extended, and was about to end it's pitiful life when she smelled something she hadn't before.

'Odd' she thought, letting the bird escape while she was distracted. It wasn't like she would've eaten it anyway- it was smaller than her paw, and obviously she'd need to eat at least a dozen before she even felt like she'd eaten something. She raised her head and sniffed the air again, trying to find the source of that curious smell. "You know what they say; Curiosity killed the cat-" she murmured, seemingly vanishing from where she perched. "-but satisfaction brought it back-"

(Rip I hope that' wasn't too awful///)

Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Sun, 13/03/2016 06:02 (8 Years ago)
"Stupid girl! What have I told you? Focus on your footing or death will soon find you!

Mothers words ring loudly in my ears as my breath catches in my throat. As the man spins around I stay perfectly still, becoming one with the landscape. I watched as he seemingly shrugged it off and moved on. Foolish. These woods were filled with creatures that would love the chance to find a man like this. I moved alongside him, watching him walk through the foliage. Once again losing track of my movements, I startled a large black bird, sending it flapping away. The man watched it, making a strange breathy noise. Laughter, I think it's called. Another strange human tradition, which I couldn't understand. He seemed much more at ease now, continuing his stroll through the woods. He paused to rest, sitting on a large tree root. Now was my chance to get a closer look! I crept out of the undergrowth behind him, slinking on all fours until I was only about a foot away. His scent was strange, almost like... Paper, or some other human wood product. Also flowers, but he had been working in the garden so that was expected. Maybe he would let me in the garden... I wanted to see and touch the flowers... His robes were such a pretty white, the same as my skin. At least, where there wasn't slashes. I glanced down at my own animal hide wrap. It was functional, but no where near as lovely as the mans robes. Without thinking, I reached my clawed hand out, inches from touching the white fabric.

(OOC: btw her human clothing looks like this)

Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Sun, 13/03/2016 18:23 (8 Years ago)
Seven's eyes snapped open at the sound of parting foliage, their pale hand closing around the wrist of the creature, whose hand had almost brushed against the smooth material of their tunic. Their peaceful smile slipped off of their face, all notions of emotion sealing themselves away behind their closed expression. In a single fluid movement, Seven slid to their feet, pulling the girl towards them into an almost dance-like position. "Dark hair, red eyes..." They clasped their free hand in the girl's opposite, releasing her wrist and giving her a spin, taking in her features. "Hasn't reached full maturity.. Oh! And such lovely horns!" They noted, catching the girl midspin, dipping her so her horns nearly scraped against the grassy ground, nose nearly brushing hers. They abruptly pulled her up to her feet, gently pulling her in a tight-bodied twirl, releasing her hand as they stopped moving. "So who might you be?" They inquired, an amused smile playing on their lips as they moved to stand beside one of the larger trees nearby.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Sun, 13/03/2016 18:35 (8 Years ago)
Calli heard speaking, and her ears pricked up. She sniffed the air, her sensitive nose trying to pick up the smells. She could identify both, but the one scent confused her. 'What is a heart solider doing in the forest, they rarely ever come?!' The thought came to her mind, but she pushed it to the back of her brain, shaking her head so her braids flew around her head in purple blurs. She teleported herself to a tree where she could watch the two with curious eyes.

”Hello There! I am Alter Ego, your technological guide!"
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Sun, 13/03/2016 18:52 (8 Years ago)
Anistair: Dont worry my little Val! I'll catch that bloody cat if its the last thing i do!! //he said trying to stand up and hitting his head on the table once more/ Ow! Ugh...i really should be a little more careful. //he said, crawling out from under the table and spotting his hat/ Hey! I found my hat!! They didnt steal it after all. But still, i need to keep watch for them--
Who is your true family...?