Forum Thread
Digital Locker
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → Digital LockerHi guys, i am back with another New Suggestion. But this time it is based on New feature. This suggestion i hope will keep your items, Pokedollars, and nuggets safe from hackers and crackers, it is same as you do in your home to protect your Money.
The new feature that i am talking about is Safe. It is the same as the real safe works you need to type in the PIN or Password to open your Safe and access your Money or Items.
The same Digital Safe will work in Pokeheroes. After buying the Digital Safe from the Emera Shop it will show your button in Home tab

For the first time when you move in to safe it will ask you to keep a Personal PIN or Password, by which you can access your Safe then you can keep your items, Pokedollars or nuggets safe in the Safe. Everytime you visit the Safe it will ask you for your PIN and password. It is good for those who are hunting Legendary Pokemon can keep their account safe in your Safe.
Those who cleverly take your pass to take your hard earned items can be prevented.
I hope you like the New Feature if you do then give it a like or any problem with it can be Posted in this forum
You came up with this thing which i was thinking and i was also planning to do something same but you did first.
This is a very good idea.
Hope it get's implemented soon (^-^)
And @Majestic_Star_Dragon yes this would go perfect with G-Mail as you add a 2-step verification code in your Gmail-ID which no one get through...
My Name is Optimus :3
The Job is Crime (>.<)
Commit it to memory i am Optimus Crime
inb4 but what if someone actually hacks my account????
Seriously, if they manage to "hack" your account, they most likely will be able to hack your PIN/PW you set there as well.
No support, it's simply unneeded imho.
.gif above ©Haikyuu!! official anime
Title: hello
My Name is Optimus :3
The Job is Crime (>.<)
Commit it to memory i am Optimus Crime
Use this and this and you should be safe from hacking.
So I don't support this because it's not really needed.
No support for the reason Liirah stated. Besides, this is extraordinarily similar to some bank suggestions which came out early last year.
"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
But simply personify the same situation comapring your account as yout home. Even if you have the best locks of the world but still at the back of the mind you still fear that your things doesn't get stolen. After keeping it in a safe you have a assurance that your items and things are safe. Sameway when we keep them in Pokeheroes safe don't you think that they will be safe.
Now Liirah anyone can hack in our PIN or pass also but let me tell you about Human Behavior after completing a very difficult task when you get a satisfaction that you are done and next point ypu get another difficult task your stressed mind doesn't feel like working on it again. With the safe you can simply increase the work of Hackers or Crackers.
On these basis i think this Suggestion should be implemented.
If even a hacker would even bother to hack someone, they would learn about the website first, and I'm pretty they would already know about this PIN feature and would already have a plan for that, yes? I probably can't say much, not being able to do such an advanced thing myself, but a hacker/cracker would plan everything first instead of going head-first, if they don't, -to put it bluntly-they're stupid.
I get where you're coming from though, I really do. I've learned all too well what it's like to lose things you've worked so hard for on other sites, only to have it taken away from you because of cookie grabbers and such, but PH is just a pokemon site, no hacker in their right mind would try getting into the site, breaking the code, and getting information from users on here, because there is literally nothing to gain from doing it. they don't gain money from it, and pixels aren't worth it for them, especially on a pokemon-based website.
in some instances where passwords are being changed from other users, like optimus, its' honestly just because your password was so easy to guess, not because it was "hacked"
Passwords should always be a combination of words mashed together, with capitals, numbers, symbols & lower case, it should also never include dates that have a significant meaning to you, ex, yours/relatives birthdays, they're super easy to guess with a little determination.

We already give you the tools to keep your account secure - you just have to use them.
99.99% of the time that an account is "hacked" it's because either:
A) The password is "pokemon", "123456789", "password" or similar
B) The password was told to a family member/friend
And when someone makes either of these mistakes, I doubt they can set up a secure "PIN" either... Speaking of "human behaviour": When you pick "pokemon" as your account password, you will most likely pick "1234" or your birthdate as your PIN.
There really is no need for an extra security feature provided by the site - because the one we currently have is already really strong. (Look at me; I think many people would like to get into my account. But did they achieve it yet? Obviously not, because I simply chose a strong password for my account.)
People just have to properly use the password setting...
This literally sounds like the "Log In" system which is already implemented.