Forum Thread
Spammers and How to Deal With Them
Forum-Index → Help → Guides → Spammers and How to Deal With ThemTable of Contents
1. Intro
2. What is a Poke-Beggar?
3. What is SPAM & Who are Spammers?
4. What Can I Do?
5. FAQ
We've probably all dealt with annoying people online. If you haven't, don't worry, you probably will. (Unless you're really really really really lucky) They might advertise their shops on your feed, or constantly PM you, or maybe they beg for something constantly. And sometimes, it gets hard to politely deal with these members. This guide will explain what spammers and 'poke-beggars' are, and how to deal with them.
What is a Poke-Beggar?
Basically, Poke-Beggars are people who ask for pokèmon out of the blue. They typically give a reason, usually 'the newbie story' aka they say something along the lines of 'I'm a new member, and I want you to give me a certain pokèmon.'
PB are;
- members who beg for a certain pokèmon
- members who continue to beg when you deny their offer
- a type of spammer
- typically newer players who don't have many pokèmon yet
PB are NOT;
- members who politely make you an actual offer
- members who reply to a post you wrote about giving/selling a pokèmon
What is SPAM & Who are Spammers?
Spam is actually an acronym for Stupid, Pointless, Annoying Messages. Basically, any post that is stupid, pointless or annoying (or offensive) is considered spam. Spammers are sometimes people who actually participate in the game, other times they are made by people who only want to advertise their products or post inappropriate material.
Spam is;
- any offensive or annoying post, or an ad for something irrelevant.
Spam is NOT;
- a signature advertising a sprite shop, club etc.
What Can I Do?
Actually, there are a lot of things you can do to stop the spammer in question from bothering you!
On the forums;
-POLITELY remind the PB/spammer of the rules
-Report the user to the moderators
Via PM;
-Ignore the message
-POLITELY decline/remind user of the rules
-Report the user to the moderators
Here are some frequently asked questions about spammers, etc;None at the moment
Feel free to ask your questions here, or PM me. I will try to reply as soon and accurately as possible.
And in addition to the Poke-beggars, maybe you can also talk about the ones who beg for interactions. I think people get those a little more often than the poke-beggars~
And yeah I love the part about being nice to spammers/beggars too, because most people will be like: "Noo!! Go away, you are annoying!" etc. but it usually turns out that the beggar/spammar just didn't know any better since they are newbie and in most cases nice reminder of rules prevents any further begging or spamming :) (Speaking from experience, I always tend to be nice towards everybody ^^ )
spam is not actually an acronym, it was made that, it actually is the real name of a company that started advertising its ham in E-mails a lot and therefore advertisement mails became known as spam mails
Thank you :)