Forum Thread
Klepto & Exodius Trade shop
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → Klepto & Exodius Trade shop1. Follow all Site Rules
2. Be patient and understanding
3. Use one of the forms provided
4. Spam, Rudeness, impatience will give us right to ignore your posts
5. Everything is offer based for now (To help you offer) {Made by Toothie}
6. Use the password "Bubblegum!" to show you have read the rules those posted without password will be ignored
Hi, Klepto
I would like to buy:
I am willing to pay:
Hi, Exodius
I would like to buy:
I am willing to pay:
Hi, Klepto/Exodius,
I am selling:
I would like a offer in:
Hi, Klepto/Exodius,
I have boxes:
I have keys:
In this shop you can pay in the following,
If the text is in red then Exodius has the item, If the text is in blue then Klepto has it.
This shop includes
-Boxes/keys swap (no buying or selling)
-Summoning items/maps
-Mega evolution items
-Evolutionary Items
-Form changing
-Shiny pokemon
-Mega able pokemon
-Event pokemon hunted (Limited)
-Shiny pokemon hunted (Limited)
Please note we are also buying not only selling so if we don't have something then you can sell those items/pokemon to us however please dont spam with stuff you are selling one post is enough
Boxes/keys swap
Due to constant changing of boxes/keys
from swapping so much the way this works is you simple post on the
forum what you have and we will let you know if we match in any (it
will be so we both open a box to be fair)
Summoning items/maps
Mega evolution items
Evolutionary Items
Fire Stone x5 x5
Leaf Stone x3 x0
Oval Stone x2 x0
Thunderstone x15 x2
Water Stone x5 x6
DeepSeaTooth x2 x0
Dubious Disc x0 x2
Protector x0 x0
Metal Coat x1 x0
Razor Claw x1 x0
Razor Fang x1 x0
Sooth Bell x4 x0
Sun Stone x1 x0
Up-Grade x1 x0
Dawn Stone x2 x0
Dusk Stone x1 x0
Dragon Scale x0 x0
Electirizer x0 x0
King's Rock x2 x0
Magmarizer x1 x0
Reaper Cloth x2 x0
Prism Scale x0 x0
Sachet x0 x0
Shiny Stone x2 x2
Whipped Dream x1 x0
Spray Duck x7 x2
Weather Balloon x0 x0
Forme changing
DNA Splicer (Black) x1
DNA Splicer (white) x1
Shock Drive x1
Toxic Plate x1
icicle Plate x1
Iron Plate x1
Meadow Plate x1
Shiny/Mega Pokemon (Current stock)
Shiny pokemon hunted
Easy - 200,000
Medium - 250,000
Hard - 300,000
Rare - 350,000
Starters - 280,000
- There is a 25,000 discount on any pokemon that cannot evolve -
- Rare gender will increase price by 25,000 if 25% chance, 50,000 if 12.5% chance -
- Evolution chain hunt: 25,000 off second evolution (only can evolve once would mean buying two) -
- Evolution chain hunt: 50,000 off third evolution (only can evolve twice would mean buying three) -
Event Pokemon hunted
-Spring Mareep
-Santa Bird
-Winter Numel
-Space Spinda
-Frosty Keckleon
-Messenger Fletchling
-Flower Boy
-Nightmare Munna
-Easter Buneary
-Van Bagon
-Mr. Bagon
-Festival Ralts
-Knight Axew
-Witch Vulpix
-Autumn Abra
-Disguised Exeggcute
-Princess Smoochum
Event Pokemon Que
Here's what I have:
Mystery Box (Dark Blue) x23
Mystery Box (Green) x20
Mystery Box (Pink) x22
Mystery Box (Purple) x9
Mystery Box (Red) x6
Mystery Key (Brown) x2
Mystery Key (Light Blue) x1
Mystery Key (Gold) x8
I am offering: Two Brown Boxes + light blue box
You are offering: Two Dark Blue Boxes + pink box
To save spam please reply by simply sending the Two Dark Blue Boxes + pink box and i will return with the Twp brown boxes as soon as i notice :3
- notice -
Please next time read rules and use form however this one time i will reply anyway due to big haul of boxes/keys
I would like to buy: a pair of rokkyu
I am willing to pay: hmmm idk what you need?
Password: Bubblegum
I’m also looking for Dark Gems please pm me
|| Art Collection || Mah Shiny Shop ||
I would like to buy:Lugia vouchers
I am willing to pay:15k each OR 2 keys OR 2 boxes of your pick my inv is below
Mystery Box (Brown). 1
Mystery Box (Green) . 1
Mystery Box (Light Blue) . 2
Mystery Box (Purple) 2
Mystery Box (Red) 2
Mystery Keys
Mystery Key (Brown) A mysterious Key that can open a brown mystery Box. 3 Give item
Mystery Key (Green) A mysterious Key that can open a green mystery Box. 2 Give item
Mystery Key (Pink) A mysterious Key that can open a pink mystery Box. 3 Give item
Mystery Key (Red) A mysterious Key that can open a red mystery Box. 2 Give item
Mystery Key (Gold) A mysterious Key that can open a golden mystery Box. 2 Give item
let me know thanks for your time
If you want 1 voucher= 2 brown keys.
If you want 2 vouchers= above + 2 red keys.
If you want all 3 vouchers= above + 2 light blue box.
If you agree, to save spam, simply send them via delibird and when i see them ill send the vouchers as soon as i notice. If you dont agree, please palpad me. Thanks.
I would like to buy: a pair of rokkyu
I am willing to pay: 20000 pd
Password: Bubblegum
just a follow up
I’m also looking for Dark Gems please pm me
|| Art Collection || Mah Shiny Shop ||
I am willing to pay: 600k
Password: Bubblegum!
If you need me, please palpad or private message me.
I would like to buy: Bergmite, Clauncher, Pansear, Deerling(Autumn), Yamask, Solrock, Plusle, Teddiursa, Swinub,
I am willing to pay: Maybe 5K each? Would be 45,000 PD.
Password: Bubblegum!
Hi, Exodius
I would like to buy: Burmy (Trash), Bonsly, Gible, Panpour,
I am willing to pay: Also maybe 5K each? 20,000 PD would be the total.
Password: Bubblegum! it's good stuff.