Forum Thread
Second Shiny Chainer
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → Second Shiny ChainerNot With this in mind I though it would be good to have a second shiny radar, so you could hatch 2 types of eggs at the same time Now with this being such a good feature I though of some restrictions with it.
This feature would only be for premium members.
The second radar would have to be bought with either nuggets/Pokedollars (Maybe 300k as it's the second one so double the price?)
This feature only only stay unlocked for premium members, if you lost your membership you lose the privileged to use this feature.
Maybe the battery is limited on the second one?
(Thanks to Mage44 for brining this up)
Also Half the shiny chance
Seeing as it is doubled right now as of having 1 chain, with the possibility of having 2 on the go would make it have half the chance? In which that would make it slightly more fair.
So as of right now we have 2.5 chance of having a shiny with 1 chain on the go.
With the possibility of having 2 chains on the go will revert the chance of it being to 1.75 which is the normal members so in that retrospect would be more fair to the users.
What do you guys think?
I think that this would make it very unfair for users who can't get premium since this is basically saying that premium users will have even more chances at shinies.
In other users opinion, the premium users have enough advantages such as more auction slots and a higher chance of hatching shinies. This would only double the amount of shinies that premium users get.
The max chance for one shiny for a non premium user is 1.25 and this feature would only give premium users about 4 times as much chance to get a shiny.
So as of right now we have 2.5 chance of having a shiny with 1 chain on the go.
With the possibility of having 2 chains on the go will revert the chance of it being to 1.75 which is the normal members so in that retrospect would be more fair to the users.
What you are suggesting will make this less so, as it's mainly premium users who shiny hunt. And it would make it a bit too easy to get a shiny if you do it this way. (Since I could hatch 75+ Spinda eggs while getting 2-5 Space Spinda eggs from my breeding pair. So even with the reduced shiny chances, I would still be able to get quick shinies...)
Shiny users know that when they hunt an event pokemon, the rest of the eggs will go to waste. Hell, I'm hunting Unown M right now. That's a 1/28 chance that I'll get the right letter in the Daycare.
Those eggs are left in the Tall Grass for other hunters though, or even people who are just looking to fill up their dex. It's not like they disappear forever.
Having a second shiny radar, like people previously said, is just going to make this game pretty unfair for non-premium users because it WILL be easy to get ahold of shinies. And it's like Navuso said - say you're hunting Space Spinda, you get to hatch 2-5 eggs every day or something. Meanwhile, the Spinda eggs come in a larger number; by the time you get a shiny Space Spinda, you might have 5 shiny Spinda you can trade with other users.
This is way too overpowered I think. Essentially you're getting a chance to get two different shinies. Those on massive hunts can end up with a whole hoard of shiny Pokemon.
Let's take my hunt as an example. Currently I'm hunting shiny mega Kagaskhan. Currently I'm breeding with a Ditto right? But if something like this were implemented I can easily breed her with anything from this list, get a shiny and move on to breed her with another Pokemon from the list. I can have a whole hoard of new shinies without having to ruin to my current hunt. I can also use these other shinies and make a huge profit because shinies from megas don't go for a lot. See how OP it is? Even with a less chance of getting shinies I just think it's highly unfair. It's just another way for premium members to get even more of an advantage then currently.
And as stated. Eggs not used go into the tall grass. So it isn't like these eggs completely go to waste. It's useful for someone else that is hunting the other Pokemon.