Forum Thread
Undertale Club
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → Undertale ClubYou'd better watch out, you'd better not cry, you'd better not pout, I'm tellin' you why: Santa Sans is comin' to town, and if you're bad, y o u ' r e g o i n g t o h a v e a b a d t i m e.
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can't wait for the quarterfinals!! this should be interesting..
(( also, this is a REALLY late response, but @bellric, thank you for your compliment, which was like 3 pages or so back, haha ))
Now undertale messed me up im not even gonna lie, the last time the ending of a game made me cry everytime i saw it was PMD explorers of time/darkness/sky and hoo boy, undertale made me cry even harder than that

I've got a real close connection to
(We all do if we're hanging out on this POKEMON website lol)
I feel like Pokemon really allows you a whole wide world of exploration, and this is in the later games especially, you can still have fun even AFTER you've finished the game. I still have this deep love for the Exploud I raised in my pokemon Emerald game.
I also liked Pokemon because it was able to let me, a small and tiny child that was scared of letting protags get hurt, play something that was more engaging than Petz Vetz.
Undertale, on the other hand, maintains the linear path of an RPG, which is good, and yet it offers you the ability to experience a fuller adventure than just 'kill all the bosses' with the choices you make.
I feel like this might be one that sticks with me for a good while, though.
These are, however, just the vibes I get from the games. I'm glad to see Undertale win, though. Pokemon can surely step out of it's spotlight long enough to accommodate whatever else wins (hopefully Undertale hah.)
(We all do if we're hanging out on this POKEMON website lol)
I feel like Pokemon really allows you a whole wide world of exploration, and this is in the later games especially, you can still have fun even AFTER you've finished the game. I still have this deep love for the Exploud I raised in my pokemon Emerald game.
I also liked Pokemon because it was able to let me, a small and tiny child that was scared of letting protags get hurt, play something that was more engaging than Petz Vetz.
Undertale, on the other hand, maintains the linear path of an RPG, which is good, and yet it offers you the ability to experience a fuller adventure than just 'kill all the bosses' with the choices you make.
I feel like this might be one that sticks with me for a good while, though.
These are, however, just the vibes I get from the games. I'm glad to see Undertale win, though. Pokemon can surely step out of it's spotlight long enough to accommodate whatever else wins (hopefully Undertale hah.)
I still cry at the end of PMD games, ha. Not the end, but you get which part I mean.
I sobbed like a baby at the end of the first season of The Walking Dead game.
Beyond Two Souls was my 'sobbing at the end' game but that may have been because I was sleep deprived haha.