Forum Thread
Undertale Club
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → Undertale ClubPost-genocide true pacifist is

No matter what, if you do a true pacifist, you don't even get to give asriel and chara a happy ending considering chara died and is unable to maintain a soul, and asriel also is unable to stay as asriel. Basically, hooray, you free monsters from the underground, but the two most lost and broken souls of all have to remain trapped down there y'know?
The genocide run ending isnt exactly the best either, but its a little better because Chara actually gets a soul, even if they had to kill their entire way to it, and chara is able to get a happier ending. Post-geno true, you free him from the underground, and depending on if you choose to stay with toriel or not, at least one of chara and asriel get to have a happier ending.
If you stay with toriel, its basically as if chara got to be back with their "family"
If you leave toriel chara kills all your friends but h EY.
anywho, basically, i think freeing at least one of the children who died trying to break the barrier is more satisfying than letting everyone go free and leaving those two alone in the underground as soulless beings, and im sure asriel/flowey would be happy to know his best friend was able to see sunlight again.
now im probably wrong, but e h, thats just how i view it

Even when they had a soul, Chara was
unstable mentally. Asriel says that he doesn't like the plan, and
in a few of the recordings, Chara expresses what seems to me like a
lack of any empathy. When you go talk to Asriel by the flowers, he
said Chara is the one who took control of their body and carried
the empty human body back to the village. Honestly, Chara just
strikes me as the antagonist the whole time, even before Frisk ever
went to the Underground. Asriel said Chara hated humanity. When he
doesn't have a soul in the form of Flowey, Asriel wants them to
destroy everyone. I don't think that one dark child and one
unhappy monster is worth all of monster- and man-kind. That's just
Unfortunately, I have a final to study for and take in an hour, so I have t leave the discussion >~<

Chara didn't lack empathy, their plan
was to free monsterkind, they just went about it the wrong way.
Asriel went along with the plan too so.

I'll just leave this here and goooo
O and also chara is a demon they literally tell you that
I guess not all demons are inherently evil but shrug
tbh I like the underswap AU better, where everyone's roles are switched around
also I just looked up some of the designs and yeah they're basically black and red recolors uhh