Forum Thread
The Fire Fox Clan
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → The Fire Fox ClanYes Leafeon counts as a Fox.
Also, please do not post links to your pokemon here in the clan, Its annoying and is off topic in the clan. I also consider it, begging for clicks. Please do not post Links to your pokemon here, I would rather them be in your signature, or not at all.
Also if you wish to Post more on here, sign up for the clan.
But in all seriousness Ninetails and Braixen are probably my favorite shiny foxes. Shiny Ninetails looks extremely cool. When it comes to shiny Braixen, I really love the sprite. The wand in the tail is a nice touch.
Title: Fire Fox Clan
username: SplashTheKittyCat
favorite type (don't lie): Love them all
favorite Fox pokemon: all but eevee the most
why do you love this pokemon? because eevee is cute and a boss
password: Pepsi or Spiders