What's the point of this? Isn't a Pokemon's gender determined when
it hatches? And even if it's not, I don't think this is necessary.
It's not like you'll know if a baby chicken is a boy or girl before
it hatches in real life, so why should it be like that with
I don't think the game is supposed to be easy. You can't
just have everything handed to you. You can get literally
everything that is or ever was available in the entire site if you
work hard enough, and that's how it's supposed to be.
No support because it would be too easy as previously stated, and
again we don't normally know the gender of an egg in the games so
why should we here? Seems like a way to just get what you want, and
then people will ask if they can see if an egg is shiny or not,
then if an egg has a special power or not, the stats of the Pokemon
inside the egg, where would it end?
Let's not start this trend of "let's make it a little bit easier"
because it can lead down a slippery slope.
I don't support either. Even though it's my goal to collect only
females (as far as it's possible), this would be just too easy.
Difficult-to-hatch-Pokemon like legendaries mostly don't have
genders (or just one set gender), so you don't need to hatch 5 of
them to finally gain a female for example. And all other Pokemon
are easy to hatch and breed. All the starters (except my very first
Fennekin from the event and my very first starter Emboar, because
they are special) are females. It took some time breeding and
hatching them with only 12,5% chance to be female, but this is my
own challenge on this game. It wouldn't be as much fun when I know
the gender beforehand.
Plus, it's something to be VERY proud of if someone manages to
collect all Pokemon in just one gender.
No support.
1 - As said it is based on real life
2 - you can't tell the gender of an egg even if you tried. It makes
no sense.
3 - It would be much too easy to get preferred genders and the
pokemon you want for breeding. finding out the gender when it
hatches is part of the fun. It's easy enough as is anyway. c: