Forum Thread
Items wed Auctions!!
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Implemented → Items wed Auctions!!I mean, there are some pokemons (very common ones) which carry a rare item, but who will open 100 pokemons on auction page to view the item they hold. If a shinx holding a star piece is auctioned, people wont pay attention is shinx is very commonly seen in the auction, but if (like GTS shows the item held) it would have showed the item holding, maybe it would be excellently bade upon.......
I dont know if this suggested before or not. If it is tell me...

Overall, I support, but I don't think there should be another column.
[i]"Shinah. It means
BUT, the auction house then would probably get clustered with items from star pieces, to honey, to gems, to evolutionary stones to whatever and then there really will be 100+ Pokemon to shift through. Who would organize that? You'd have to look through every, single, Pokemon in hopes of finding the items you want. In that case you might as well check the info, it'd be in the same thing. This just might be a bit too much for the auction house.
That's a good reason to use the Global Trade Station, simply set a price in the description, everyone can see the item offered and handle it that way. Granted it gets a bit clustered in PMs, but I'd rather have mail then have a laggy or over crowed Auction House.
And to bring attention to the crowded Auction House, if you say there are 100+ Pokemon there (which I have never seen one hundred Pokemon in the auction house at once) imagine the hundreds to thousands of offers that will be placed once items are able to be seen? There are a LOT of items, and a LOT of Pokemon, put them all in one place and you have a LOT of lag.
People will rip each other off over these items, or get under sold, because in auctions you never know. At least in Global Trade you don't have to feel pressured to keep betting higher and higher because you really want that star piece or can't live without that ice gem. The security of Global Trade is more comforting when it comes to items to me.
I'd like to see a place just for items, make it easy to search like in Global Trade instead of Pokemon numbers it would say Items. But doing it with auctions isn't the way. It will get too crowded, people will end up competing if more than ten people are selling the same item. It might get aggressive, I've already had messages in the past saying "don't out bet me." Imagine the messages if someone is selling something rare? A lot of "I saw it first" "I want it" "no fair you snipped my bid!" And people will over pay, just like they do now for Pokemon, because they don't want to lose.
Just looks like a way to get too much money for items. If you want to sell your item do it in the forums or by Global Trade, you don't need to use the auction house too.
So no support currently because it will clutter up the auction house, might cause lag issues due to all these items and Pokemon and betting all going on at once in one area, items can be sold in various ways already so no need to give items the auction house too, and of course the high chance people will get ripped off and people will abuse that.
On a side note, those people saying "don't out bet me" are poor sports. I think a fair way of coming to auction agreements would be "When I get this, I will breed it and give you an egg". People who say those kind of things shouldn't be a reason not to auction item, as really, everyone wins in an playerVSplayer auction. Someone gets money, and someone gets an item.
but since GTS has items shown, i think we can show just the image of the item in the box in which the picture of pokemon is shown, and if we put our cursor on it, it will show which item it is (for those who dont know)
This doesnt mess up the auction house at all.

I seriously think it would be useful for Item Buyers, even if they have to look at each pokemon. If the user want an item, he would have to work only a bit hard as for finding that item in the Auction, and cannot expect that he would get that item without searching for it.
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
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(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
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