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Price Check

Forum-Index Discussion Price Check
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Sun, 03/04/2022 20:01 (2 Years ago)
I myself have never accessed the stonks page either, so don't feel that you're alone. I stand with you on your say abut the stonks.
Pokémon Trainer and Mentor devoted to help new Pokémon trainers on their journey!

Love each and every person and always looking to spread Love, Motivation, and Positivity to EVERYONE! 💖

Trainerlevel: 111

Forum Posts: 646
Posted: Sun, 03/04/2022 20:07 (2 Years ago)
The last time this thread was updated it took us a bit over a week to gather all the info. Just a few days later the Item Market was introduced and immediately made this thread obsolete as you could get an almost immediate sense of value from there based on buying/selling trends.

Then along came Stonks/market insider

This made this thread even more pointless as just about anything and everything could be found with its selling/buying history and an average price (there are only a few things not found as they are so rarely sold their values are unknown).

Here is a link to what I use
- open it
- click on file
- click MAKE A COPY
- name it
- Save

To use it select Pokemon or Items, enter the name of the Pokemon/item then use the drop down arrows as needed in the other descriptors. Hover over "your link" - click on this and it will show you the price history in graph form.

People are SO accustomed to this being the "bible" of pricing guidelines they refuse to acknowledge or use anything else even if it is more accurate.

When you ask "what is the price of X Y Z" - guess what - we use the Market Insider to check. Don't expect others to eagerly do this for you. It is faster if you do it yourself. It isn't hard after you've done it a few times. Try it!!
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Sun, 03/04/2022 21:15 (2 Years ago)
@Mystified_Pro Thank you so much! I'm glad I'm not the only one ^^;;

@Ravenswing You have no idea how much I appreciate this; this is so incredibly useful! No worries, I'm not at all averse to your method; I'm actually deeply grateful for it. I don't generally assume people are "eagerly doing it for me" -- I asked because I was genuinely curious if there was a more effective method. I appreciate you sharing your knowledge!

Now I'm wondering if the mods have a method of pinning your post (or something) so that other people can find it more readily.
Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 307
Posted: Mon, 04/04/2022 00:01 (2 Years ago)
I think Stonks is pretty helpful with Items, but I´m rarely conform with it when it comes to pokemon prices.
Some examples:
Vivillon (Fancy) Sitewide frequency: 1 / 653
Vivillon (Poke Ball) Sitewide frequency: 0 / 1,602
Both are stated with 142k what totally makes no sence, when the amount OS is 1k difference and both aren´t available atm.

Even more clear it´s when it comes to the Retros from Retro Radar(prices are for non-shiny).
Venusaur Sitewide frequency: 168 / 1,129 - 23k
Charizard Sitewide frequency: 200 / 828 - 47k
Blasoise Sitewide frequency: 136 / 610 - 47k
Articuno Sitewide frequency: 183 / 801 - 114k
Zapdos Sitewide frequency: 175 / 539 - 237k
Moltres Sitewide frequency: 176 / 430 - 237k
Meganium Sitewide frequency: 156 / 601 - 28k
Typhlosion Sitewide frequency: 191 / 1,172 - 28k
Feraligatr Sitewide frequency: 149 / 770 - 43k

How can something with a sidewide frequency of 601 have the same worth like something with a frequency of 1,1k and compared to the Vivillons, how can Vivillon(Fancy) be worth 142k, while Meganium(Retro) is only worth 28k, if both aren´t available at all and the amount of Users who want them continiously raise?
I think through the fact, that some users sold Pokemon too cheap stonks just take that as regulare price, but didn´t(or can´t, cause it´s not programmed for that) include the information, that those Pokemon aren´t available for years(unown how many are lying on banned or inactive Accounts), which would normally cause the price to rise rather than fall over time.

Sry, when I often find ways to speak against Stonks, cause it´s pretty helpul in most of the cases, but I´m not fully happy with it and I think that´s something worth to speak out.
Am I right, that stonks only count 'sold trhough AH' but not 'through GTS'?
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 87
Posted: Tue, 19/04/2022 18:08 (2 Years ago)
How much is a SM salamence worth
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 28
Posted: Tue, 19/04/2022 22:49 (2 Years ago)
How Much Is A Female Solar Eevee Worth. Also Looking for one
Interact with my shiny retro rattata (unintentionally hatched)
Also say hello to ShadowMoon, my Shiny Umbreon that I hatched at chain #213!

Trainerlevel: 111

Forum Posts: 646
Posted: Tue, 19/04/2022 23:47 (2 Years ago)
They are BRAND NEW

There is no set price for them - totally up to how much you want to pay

Look in the Auction House - most are going for 30-50k for males and up to 75k so far from what i've seen for females
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 190
Posted: Wed, 20/04/2022 02:44 (2 Years ago)


How much is a shiny applin worth?
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 256
Posted: Wed, 20/04/2022 02:49 (2 Years ago)
@Chopper_45 According to the Market Insider, the price range is 99,750 to 163,132 PD for a Shiny Applin

@ShadowMoon Checked the Market Insider on a whim and a Solar Eevee price comes up to between 28.5k & 65.5k

Rumble Crew

Wormhole Tag-Team

Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 897
Posted: Wed, 20/04/2022 04:39 (2 Years ago)
How much is Shiny Shellos (North) worth? I see that it is very rare.
The Beast & The Beauty

Sprites by Yamper
Trainerlevel: 109

Forum Posts: 951
Posted: Wed, 20/04/2022 15:36 (2 Years ago)
Not that rare, it's just a rare rarity pokemon rather than being an event so it's probably worth like 200kish or so.

Rest in Peace, Tasca
April 2003 - January 4th 2016
Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 171
Posted: Thu, 21/04/2022 17:06 (2 Years ago)
How much is Shiny retro Sentret worth?
She/Her • Sass

Trainerlevel: 109

Forum Posts: 951
Posted: Thu, 21/04/2022 18:49 (2 Years ago)
70-120k because its hella old and a flat 2% base shiny chance pokemon that's readily available and repeatable

Rest in Peace, Tasca
April 2003 - January 4th 2016
Trainerlevel: 69

Forum Posts: 99
Posted: Fri, 22/04/2022 19:28 (2 Years ago)
How much is a SM Manectric worth in Nuggets? i'm no good with math, so..help please?
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 656
Posted: Fri, 22/04/2022 23:30 (2 Years ago)
How much is spooky manor map worth?
Hi I'm Sunny, I’m a Satanist, I'm 18, I'm gay(MLM). I'm transgender/demiboy[female to male/gender queer].
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Tue, 26/04/2022 15:56 (2 Years ago)

Title: The Event Eevee

How much would an Solar Eevee cost?
Trainerlevel: 111

Forum Posts: 646
Posted: Tue, 26/04/2022 16:01 (2 Years ago)
Solar Eevee - currently 15-30k but slightly more for a female
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 9
Posted: Thu, 28/04/2022 05:24 (2 Years ago)
Thanks for the price guide but for current time i don't think it is somewhere near the actual prices. Hope for an update on it.
Trainerlevel: 111

Forum Posts: 646
Posted: Thu, 28/04/2022 18:33 (2 Years ago)
@Ice_Boy - yes, this guide became obsolete 3 days after we updated it because the Item Market was released.

The best way to track prices now as well is through the Market Insider, aka Stonks..
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 9
Posted: Sat, 30/04/2022 00:38 (2 Years ago)
What is the correct price of zeraora currently?