Forum Thread
Price Check
Forum-Index → Discussion → Price Checkshiny retro bat stonks the mega power is a novelty aspect because it doesnt mega evolve so if you can find someone willing to pay more just for that ultimately useless factor then go for it
there's no stonks link for megables that i can tell, so megable venusaur would probably be like, 40k or something at the most. megables are virtually worthless if theyre not event pokemon, thats been the case for years now and wont change any time soon. new megables crash drastically within the first week of their events even
@~Vie~ here is the stonks for mega-able venusaur It currently shows 9,500 pd, but stonks aren't always accurate for mega-ables and shinies.
@pianocw for shiny mega-able retro zubat, the stonks link would be this. However it current says "There is no data available for this item!" because not enough have been traded. As Greggory_Lee said though shiny mega-able retro zubats would be the same as a shiny retro zubat since you can not mega evolve it. The only use of a shiny mega-able retro zubat would be for collection.
This is the stonks link for shadow lugia, it currently shows 237.5k pd
That said, im not sure how to differentiate the link to separate from the Pokken/XD Shadow Mewtwo/Lugia and the Shadow Radar versions which would be somewhat of an issue for figuring out their value

Meet my Sylveon <3

Name: Irese
Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage[/align]
I'm always afraid I'm pricing my Pokémon and items way too high when I set them up for trade or auction. Conversely, it would also suck to realize I was pricing things way too low.
ultimately, Stonks could probably replace it as it only considers actual sales in its statistics
I actually haven't used the Stonks page that much; how exactly do you access that page on an item-by-item basis?
(Totally clueless here, but I'm probably not the only one who isn't aware of it, so that makes me feel a little less guilty about asking for an explanation) ^^;;