Forum Thread
Secret box
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Secret boxThis storage box could be used for many purposes, such as stopping beggars asking for your prized Pokemon or any number of other reasons.
The box would cost 50k for the first 10 slots, and then 10k for every additional slot.
Any suggestions, please comment to let me know :3
Thanks for reading.
Sorry if this has already been suggested, I can't search forums on my phone.
Maybe instead of protecting it from everyone or from everyone but friends, have a selection box or a drop-down menu that you can switch between the options. That way, if a friend is asking for a certain pokemon, or a raffle is going on, you can un-hide it from either group.
EVERY suggestion about a "secret" box to prevent levelling has been rejected or shot down. Laziness is no excuse for not giving pokemon everstones, and that is what most people would use it for.
On the other hand, a friendlist only box is somewhat acceptable since friends can massclick you. (and if you are telling your friends not to do it and unfriending them over it, please rethink your priorities)
Heck, the friendslist clicklist is all about massclicking all your friends.
Unfortunately, there is no balance in this. Perhaps making it ONLY friendslist only (I can't approve of completely secret for reasons stated)
If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
THAT is what Carpet and I can't support.
If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Combined with a very limited number of slots (maybe no more than a team worth), it could still keep balanced.
Also, just to point out, while prevention from leveling up would make getting the pokedex completed easier in theory, you'd pay a total of 1,450,000 PD for enough slots to hide every Pokemon away, and that is just for Gen 1. (50,000 for ten slots then 140x10,000 for the rest of the slots). For that price, you're better off buying ever stones.