Forum Thread
~~ The FlightRising Club ~~
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I am thinking of keeping them for a while and then selling them later down the line. Not sure though. Think it's worth it to basically lock two/three spots of my already packed lair to sell Christmas-birthday dragons?
They are your grandhatchlings! o: If you'd like to have one of them, let me know. °v°


Edit: Can anyone hold some dragons for me? I have 4 unhatched eggs to hatch (gathering hated me until my last turn, I got a chest. Inside was an egg)
Posting them later for sale
Still looking for a nature flight member to rent me one of his/her nests
(or at least the link of the nest lending thread)

Grumpy Rogue (my fursona) by Navuso

Wattpad | Flight Rising | DeviantArt | Breeding Shop
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Some scries:
Random scry that showed up when I was going to play with the double Mulberry boy:

//screeches, his hands all grabby
Oooh, he's really pretty, congrats, good luck selling him o3o
I don't really like Snappers but omg that random scry is beautiful //grabby paws// ;w;
I got two Unhatched Eggs from Coli today, yay, i'm going to hatch them and leave the rest for my birthday <3 But first, I need lair space... so... anyone want to buy these dragons or have them for free? ;w;

anyone want to buy some Dragons from Here? As soon as they become adults they will be trained and exalted.

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i personally like the first one best ^^
not sure if ill keep all 4 or not though

Wattpad | Flight Rising | DeviantArt | Breeding Shop
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I'm probably going to sell them...