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~~ The FlightRising Club ~~

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Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 1,039
Posted: Fri, 25/12/2015 15:17 (9 Years ago)
Everyone is hatching their eggs today but I'm saving my single Fire Egg for Sunday on my birthday :p

Wattpad | Flight Rising | DeviantArt | Breeding Shop
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Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 549
Posted: Fri, 25/12/2015 15:29 (9 Years ago)
I still have eggs in Vault for my birthday :'>
Hopefully you get something good from it~
Omg my birthday is the day after yours ( 28th ) :o
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 1,039
Posted: Fri, 25/12/2015 15:33 (9 Years ago)
@Lovi Thanks~ also :O Make a mental note to greet you on monday

Wattpad | Flight Rising | DeviantArt | Breeding Shop
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Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 293
Posted: Fri, 25/12/2015 15:50 (9 Years ago)
Everyone is hatching eggs!! Ahhh! I can't bring myself to hatch my eggs... i never like how they turn out haha

Dragons for trade!

I want to get rid these gen 1s!! I have a couple nocs that were hatched a year ago and some other various gen 1s. I want to swap them for strange chests! I might even give you 1 gen1 for 1 chest!
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 348
Posted: Fri, 25/12/2015 15:53 (9 Years ago)
Eee! I love my Christmas hatches!

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 1,039
Posted: Fri, 25/12/2015 15:55 (9 Years ago)
~__~ PEOPLE ARE SO KIND! 2 PEOPLE GAVE ME AN EGG! I wish I had more stuff to give the two of you but I don't D:

Wattpad | Flight Rising | DeviantArt | Breeding Shop
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Trainerlevel: 53

Forum Posts: 1,039
Posted: Fri, 25/12/2015 15:55 (9 Years ago)

You have the opposite to my luna XD


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Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 1,039
Posted: Fri, 25/12/2015 16:01 (9 Years ago)
I hatched one of the eggs that another user gave me and here's what I got:

It's a Fae.
Ehhhh,I don't really hate Faes but I don't like them either. But He's Pretty :3

Wattpad | Flight Rising | DeviantArt | Breeding Shop
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Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 1,237
Posted: Fri, 25/12/2015 16:54 (9 Years ago)
Wow dang that fae looks nice

click for art shop :]
Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 645
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 1,175
Posted: Fri, 25/12/2015 17:11 (9 Years ago)
@Kainbunny Wow! They're super pretty! *w* But I don't think I have enough space to give them a home and a mate. But they ARE really really pretty for sure!

I hatched 2 of my 5 nocturne eggs >w< One of them is a XYX

I also got some secret Santa Art! *w* SOOOOOO PRETTY!!!

Shiny Pokemon I'm looking for:

*If you have time answer my poll? :3

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(F) Drifloon , Quiet, Timid,
(M) Serperior, Sassy, Rash,
(M) Arcanine, Brave, Bold,
(M) Absol, Lonely

*PalPad me! Looking for evo lines and other shiny pokemon. Can't fit them here. Check my "About Me"
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 549
Posted: Fri, 25/12/2015 17:37 (9 Years ago)
Does anyone know how much Gen 1s are worth? ^^'
Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 800
Posted: Fri, 25/12/2015 17:43 (9 Years ago)
It's alright, I just wanted to make sure whether you wanted one of them before I made any other plans for them. uwu

Everything depends on the colors. If they don't fit / are scattered all over the colorwheel, they go at fodder price, basically.

If the colors fit / are close to each other / it's a double or a triple color / its eyes match the colors, they can go upwards to half a million, maybe more if the buyer is desperate.

Being scrolled also raises the value, but it isn't worth it to gene them up only to sell them - usually it'll only fetch you 75% - 50% of the scroll's price.
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 549
Posted: Fri, 25/12/2015 17:46 (9 Years ago)
Oh, ok, thank you! ^^
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 892
Posted: Fri, 25/12/2015 18:43 (9 Years ago)
My Christmas babies are beautiful~ :3

EDIT: Actually! I want to change her species to Nocturne~ She'd look so awesome~
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 549
Posted: Fri, 25/12/2015 19:23 (9 Years ago)
They indeed are :o

I have 2 XXY and 1 XYX Gen 1 up for Auction but i'm not sure if anyone would like to buy/bid for them .3.
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Fri, 25/12/2015 19:36 (9 Years ago)
My Nocturne/Babys new look. Silver Steampunk-ish style.

Quote from "Peter Quill AKA Star Lord" I was just a Kid when I left earth and I had no Idea What the Universe had In Store For me.
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 551
Posted: Fri, 25/12/2015 20:04 (9 Years ago)
I have some duplicate familiars from this festival I'd like to trade. Since i have two and all.

As you can see, I have the following up for trade:
1x Livewire Grizzly
1x Snarling Mimic
1x Animated Statue
1x Unlikely Alliance

I'd like to trade for other familiars from the festival I already don't have. Let me know if any of you guys wanna trade for one of these!
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Fri, 25/12/2015 20:06 (9 Years ago)

Hmm, I'd like to trade a Snarling Mimic for my Hoarfrost Mauler. Deal enough?
Quote from "Peter Quill AKA Star Lord" I was just a Kid when I left earth and I had no Idea What the Universe had In Store For me.
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 551
Posted: Fri, 25/12/2015 20:08 (9 Years ago)
I meant familiars from the festival. You can get Hoarfrost Mauler year round.
If it's a festival familiar for the Night of the Nocturne, it should be on this post about the NotN.