I hatched another nest; the babies are rather cute (though, again,
their tert is basic). Three pearlcatchers. They can be found
on this page.
All of the dragons/hatchlings on that page are up for sale, though
I am a bit picky about the Imp babies' new homes. ;w;
On another note; I got 14 chests yesterday, and 6 (so far) today.
There was nothing of note in any of them, but I got an Ice Egg
while I was grinding the coli today~ //stashes it in the vault
I got a Fire egg last Sunday and I don't know whether to open it on
My Birthday or the Color wheel expansion. If I get another egg
before December 27(my birthday) I will open up that Fire Egg on my
birthday but if I can't I might still open it on my Birthday. What
do you guys think? I'm too conflicted to decide other than getting another egg
before my birthday to open for the Color wheel expansion
sorry, already have that one
now I got another living statue, lol
oh and I have an extra tidelord plush that I'd like to swap for
another doll that I don't have
I need some room in my lair so... anyone wants to buy any dragons
on this (first 6 dragons are not for sale) or
this page? :>
(I don't have set prices so just offer~ )
in terms of the dolls I'm just missing nature and shadow
familiar wise , it'd be easier to look at my beastiary , so my fr
name is ladylucrecia , I'm open to trading my living statue and
magic mirror for anything I don't have
would you like to trade my Gladekeeper (Nature) doll for your
Tidelord (Water) one? ^^
And would you like an Amber Gulper for your Living Sculpture?