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Forum Posts: 549
Posted: Wed, 23/12/2015 19:17 (9 Years ago)
Actually, i'd like to trade/sell 'few' of my familiars too, for
familiars i don't have/own or Treasure ^^
Familiars i'm selling/trading;
Posted: Wed, 23/12/2015 19:34 (9 Years ago)
I need more lair space owo.. So, I'm selling my familiars that I
really don't need..
(Left to right: Wildwood Owl, Lavaborne Hoax, Slumbering Chariatan,
Fallbrush Fraud)
Or, I can pay 120K PD for 60K Treasure o3o
Just offer for the familiars C:
Posted: Wed, 23/12/2015 19:47 (9 Years ago)
how much do you want for the lavaborne hoax and the slumbering
Posted: Wed, 23/12/2015 19:56 (9 Years ago)
I'm really not sure how much they go for owo.. Im gonna guess
maybe.. 2K-5K Each? I don't know. Just offer what you thinks right
for both of them o3o
Forum Posts: 786
Posted: Wed, 23/12/2015 19:59 (9 Years ago)
Do you still have the magic mirror familiar up for trade? o:
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Forum Posts: 549
Posted: Wed, 23/12/2015 20:00 (9 Years ago)
Lowest price in AH for Lavaborne Hoax is 15k Treasure and
Slumbering Charlatan is 21k, just saying ^^
Posted: Wed, 23/12/2015 20:05 (9 Years ago)
Oh owo.. Thanks o3o
Forum Posts: 715
Posted: Wed, 23/12/2015 20:08 (9 Years ago)
I've got a spare animated statue for sale. If it doesn't go in the
next 5 minutes It's going in baldwin's brew.
I'm a cat from the future
Posted: Wed, 23/12/2015 20:11 (9 Years ago)
yeah I do spicypants, I have that, a timber tender, two living
statues and an unhatched nocturne egg
Forum Posts: 335
Posted: Wed, 23/12/2015 20:15 (9 Years ago)
I found a person that's giving out free dragons! The thread's on
FR, and any dragons without a familiar in their lair are free! I
nabbed myself an Imperial from 'em.
Heya! I used to be SpiritThief, and I really like
Paul Shapera's works.
Question for me?
Forum Posts: 800
Posted: Wed, 23/12/2015 20:18 (9 Years ago)
Got another Noc egg from a chest. <3 It puts me at a total of 16
unhatched eggs.
I have like, 6 Ectoplasmime familiars by now, ew.
est531 OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 42
Forum Posts: 348
Posted: Wed, 23/12/2015 20:42 (9 Years ago)
I am rather proud of this. I got a single Chest so far today by
Forum Posts: 715
Posted: Wed, 23/12/2015 21:18 (9 Years ago)
Name suggestions?
I'm a cat from the future
Posted: Wed, 23/12/2015 21:18 (9 Years ago)
Should I hatch my nocturn egg? owo
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Forum Posts: 715
Posted: Wed, 23/12/2015 21:20 (9 Years ago)
Maybe wait for xmas eve? I think the date is quite desirable.
I'm a cat from the future
Posted: Wed, 23/12/2015 21:23 (9 Years ago)
I already have a nest hatching on that day, and yes it's Dakuu's
and Relm's nest owo/
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[NA: LeChatBox#1244 | HotS]
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Forum Posts: 892
Posted: Wed, 23/12/2015 21:25 (9 Years ago)
CrimsonAlchemist and WispFlight's nest is hatching Christmas Day!
Beautiful babies on a wonderful day!!~
I will call one Jesus'sPresent for fun! XD
Forum Posts: 888
Posted: Wed, 23/12/2015 21:29 (9 Years ago)
waiting for some pretty babs (i'm most excited for the
pie/pain/circuit nest :^] )
Forum Posts: 719
Posted: Wed, 23/12/2015 21:39 (9 Years ago)
Forum Posts: 786
Posted: Wed, 23/12/2015 21:41 (9 Years ago)
do any of these interest you for the magic mirror?
Almandine Sturgeon, Arctic Hippalectryon, Crystalplate Stinger
also does anyone in here go by the fr username "Lashingrain" ? o.o
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shiny Timburr on site!