"Oh fine dosnt matter anyway digging would be so much faster .
Timewise" and then crystalfang disapeared a suddenly formed hole
was already being made in the rock
Dalran passed everyone in the tunnel and was the first to get out.
The tunnel had ended right outside the door. "Quick! Inside!" He
yelled, running in.
Zephyr darted upwards, and generated a small electrical shield for
herself. looking down, she hesitated, then decided that crystalfang
could protect them, so she spun a shield for him.
(Well pikas missing :c or atleast coming on at really weird times
some people quit and some people are unable to come online. :S welp
the rp might die. Hopefully not hang in there while i sort it out)
(Sorry.... I didn't have much time lately.... I'm back though.)
Dalran hid behind the door. Alpha, Beta, Gama, and Omega all
launched their balls of plasma at Crystal.
"do they really they really think they can take me out?
"crystalfang braced himself for a momment. as the plasma got closer
"but i will not let you hurt my friends" a forcefeild suddenly
wentup around all of them just long enough to stop the plasma
Dalran oppened the door and quickly grabbed everyone one by one and
got them inside. "Sorry, for being a bit harsh." He muttered. "I
had to get you all safe. Zeph! In here!"