"howling" soon reapeared pretty much 10 seconds after she had
(If you want crystalfangs disc its in my form for howling.
Anyway... A few notable differences. Crystalfang is male. And is
full wolf. Level 9 defence(from the crystaline body thing) which is
only second to that of dragon scales and his personallity is
differnt from howlings
"Its crystalfang. Not howling. Howling you know is only a piece of
me. . My brother already explained plenty. To you guys. But howling
is only my mortal form. But i cannot let you guys end up stuck in
here" crystalfang said. His voice being alot deeper then howling 's
"Portals... But my issue is i f i use them they may be faster to
you guys but in truth you could end up ariving days or even weeks
in the future even if inside that place for a split second... "
crystalfang said remembering the last few times he went through and
how it had ended"
(You know i guess i should put this here:
A few hours= a year
Roughly. Depending on if you know how to work this. But time moves
faster because there is not really any of the major forces that
create time in our universe. But universal creatures sometimes have
control over this (ie krystalfang because she can manipulate the
barrior) anyway ill stop now i should really just leave this stuff
in the background. But yeah physics in fantasy ))
Spreading her wings, zephyr landed tumbling a bit. frowning at
crystalfang. "Could have told me earlier that there was the option
of portals, I was planing on crashing my self."