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Forum-Index Suggestions Rejected Banlist
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 288
Posted: Wed, 08/04/2015 16:21 (9 Years ago)
In my opinion, it would be good to have a list of all the pokeheroes accounts,with the users that have been locked, and the reasons for being locked(or banned).This may help new users, so that they know not to commit the same mistakes.

I mean, it must be hard for some users who inadvertently got locked, not knowing what they did, despite following all pokeheroes rules.They might even think that they did not do anything wrong, which could even cascade into a full scale argument.

EDIT - disregard this suggestion. I did not see the gaping flaws in it. This thread can be deleted. Sorry for wasting everyone's time!

The Contrasting Berried Duo!

(The above artworks have been made by ChiipS and CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen respectively.)

Trainerlevel: 98

Forum Posts: 411
Posted: Wed, 08/04/2015 17:26 (9 Years ago)
I really think that this isn't a good suggestion. First to the part that other user than would know what they shouldn't do, we have the rules therefore and especally new user should read these. As well as everyone else should know them too.
And it isn't good for the user that are just temporarily banned, that everybody would know that they are banned and what for. It maybe makes them a target of talking like 'See what A did wrong, blablabla' and so on.
Also just because some are permanently banned doesn't mean that they can't get their accounts back. There is the chance that they may get their accounts back, this chance may be extremely low but it is there. Riako stated this at another suggestion.It just means that the things they done has gone in an extreme way against the rules.

I see this as a possible way for shaming and bad talking about banned user and this isn't something I want to see on this site.
Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 539
Posted: Thu, 09/04/2015 09:29 (9 Years ago)
Isn't it enough to read Pokeheroes rules? -.-''
I'd support a list of banned users, but not with the reasons. You just have to obey Pokeheroes Rules, which want *omg* normal behavior and other logical things. I don't think banned users want all the site to see their mistakes.

Quote"Everyone has their own little internal world - a secret garden only they can enter. Each world follows its own internal logic - individuality. And the logic of one world means nothing in another. Understanding other people isn't hard... It's impossible."
Trainerlevel: 128

Forum Posts: 5,625
Posted: Thu, 09/04/2015 09:51 (9 Years ago)

Pretty much for the reasons already stated by Flohpulver and Sitri.
Account lock information are private information and not meant to be given out to any party not involved, period.

QuoteI mean, it must be hard for some users who inadvertently got locked, not knowing what they did, despite following all pokeheroes rules.

Um, this whole sentence is a contradiction in terms. If people got banned - especially permanently - they obviously didn't follow the rules, simple as that. Despite what some people on here apparently think, we (the mods) aren't a bunch of meanies who bann users out of sheer boredom just because we've been given the power to do so. Not at all. Plus, we always state our reasons when giving a warning, so people do always know what they have done wrong.

.gif above ©Haikyuu!! official anime

Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 1,312
Posted: Sat, 11/04/2015 11:04 (9 Years ago)
No support from me either for reasons pretty much already stated. I wouldn't mind banned users list but not with reasons. Rules are there for a reason. If you read them from time to time and if you follow them you shouldn't get banned anyways.
I am collecting spinda plooshies OwO
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 550
Posted: Fri, 17/04/2015 07:17 (9 Years ago)
I already suggested a long time ago and it was rejected.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 130
Posted: Sat, 18/04/2015 19:52 (9 Years ago)
No support,

I received 4 warnings and 3 times i didn't know that what i did was worth a warning :P .
But this is basiaclly showing everyone what they did to get banned, this is a bit too similair to a pillory.

Don't act like you're one of the cool kids,Be one of the cool kids
Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 53
Posted: Sun, 17/05/2015 23:05 (9 Years ago)
No support.
With all respect to every member, there are a few gossipers around. Mix that with a few bookworms and it equals humiliation.
Trainerlevel: 105

Forum Posts: 8,638
Posted: Sun, 16/08/2020 21:08 (4 Years ago)
This suggestion has received less than 60% support and was moved to rejected.

Total votes: 28
Support ratio: 57%
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