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A Gijinka Tail [Lit.--PG13]

Forum-Index Roleplay Inactive RPs A Gijinka Tail [Lit.--PG13]
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Mon, 29/07/2013 03:45 (11 Years ago)
Ichigo just made it past before he could catch up with her. She tried scrambling up a tree but it took a long time. She tried to move through the trees quietly but ended up making a lot of noise and tried to get out of there as fast as she could. Dang, I shouldn't have give him my last oran berry. As she was moving through the treetops she stepped on a loose branch and fell to ground and hit her head so hard she passed out.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 403
Posted: Mon, 29/07/2013 03:50 (11 Years ago)
Rosanna didn't have to think about this question for long. With her simple thinking, she deduced that the Luxray Gijinka didn't look beat up enough to have taken them on. But still, he was brave in defending the two.
"No.....if they were half as strong as they looked, he'd be toast!" she replied aloud, aware that he could hear her. She giggled just a bit, hoping to cheer Aramina up while she ate her berry.

((Hahaha, that's hilarious!))

Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Mon, 29/07/2013 04:06 (11 Years ago)
Luthra watched the Furret eat the berry, noticing that she looked a little better. The Luxio tensed when a voice called out, saying something about it being safe now. Safe? Safe from what? Safe from the thing on the beach that had freaked the bird pokemon out? And what was that?

She could see the figure now. It was a Luxray Gijinka, her own evolution. She tensed, wondering if this newcomer would bring trouble. Neither of the girls seemed worried, as they chatted about whether he had taken on a dragon pokemon or not. Something about this Luxray was strange, though. It seemed... farmiliar? She stared to feel uncomfortable, and debated whether or not to flee. She shifted her weight from foot to foot and watched as the Gijinka got closer and closer.
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Mon, 29/07/2013 04:09 (11 Years ago)
Lein heard the voices of the Furret and Minun, and continued in that direction, to see the Minun helping the other girl, whose knee looked a bit swollen, but not bad. Pretending he didn't hear the comment about the dragon pokemon, he approached cheerfully. "Yo, what happened here? I thought I had some excitement with that he-oo-man. I let him off with a warning so-" he cut off when he spotted the Luxio girl. His eyes widened as he studied her quickly. She looked about the right age, and she didn't have any distinguishing pokemon parts, just like he remembered her from that time... And those yellow eyes... Totally stunned, his mouth hung open dumbly.

"Luthra?" was the only thing that stumbled out.

Di had made it to the cave, and had been resting among the Deinoes. Her Power Points recovered, and after a quick power nap, she was ready to go again. Thanking her adopted syblings for the comfortable rest and reassuring them everything was alright outside, she took off around the volcano, following a path she used to look over the forest. She also happened to know the haunted place was right below. Sitting with her feet hanging over the ledge, she watched the place for any sign of the he-oo-man.

However, as soon as she sat down, she noticed something else. A gijinka was sprinting away from the lab, but something wasn't right about the way she was moving. The girl disappeared into the tree line, but Di remained where she was, waiting to see what the hee-oo-man would do. Had he hurt the girl? It wasn't like Gijinka's to go around that place, so maybe she was just freaked out by a ghost. There was also the possibility the Magnemite had gotten caught up in the he-oo-man scare and thought that the Gijinka was one of the he-oo-mans. Not wanting to be rash, she kept a watch of both air and land, but her eyes always flicked back to the haunted place.
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Mon, 29/07/2013 05:39 (11 Years ago)
Luthra was confused and ready to bolt. Strong pokemon she could deal with, but social situations where another thing entirely. She hesitated when he mentioned something called a "he-oo-man." What was that? Was that a species of pokemon?

She winced as he interrupted what he was saying to stare at her with his mouth hanging open. What's wrong now? Is it really so strange to see a Luxi-

"Luthra?" he gaped.

H-how does he know my name? Why does he look so familiar? What is going on? These thoughts raced through her mind, but the only thing thing she said was "Who are you?" After a few moments she managed to add "How do you know my name?" She was suspicious, and half of her still wanted to run into the forest and not look back.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 403
Posted: Mon, 29/07/2013 06:22 (11 Years ago)
What are those Gijinka doing? Rosanna thought.
They seemed to be locked in each other's gaze. She could feel a gentle static pulsating through the air. Rosanna started to become a bit worried, and wondered at what would happen next. Her own electricity came forth from her tiny Minun ears, adding to the tenseness of the situation.
"Do you...know each other?" Rosanna asked, another few small sparks coming from her hair.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Mon, 29/07/2013 12:50 (11 Years ago)
Without second thought, Lein quite suddenly closed the distance and hugged the smaller Luxio Gijinka, only for a brief moment, though. "Oh my Zapdos, Luthra, it's... It's Lein! I'm your brother! My goodness, you were so tiny when everything happened!" he told, half laughing with pure joy. He'd spent so long looking for her and his father, and to finally have her right here... Damn, it felt surreal! Suddenly, nothing else mattered. No humans, no Minun or Furret Gijinkas, not even the other two who had followed him. He wanted to stay with her, help her, and he never wanted her to leave again. He'd worked way too hard just for this moment, and heck he'd just happened to stumble upon her!
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Mon, 29/07/2013 13:17 (11 Years ago)
She hardly heard the Minun she was so intent on the Luxray Gijinka. She waited impatiently for him to answer her questions, and it was a surprise when he pulled her into a hug instead. She was about to pull away when the stranger called himself Lein. Surely not her brother Lein? But this doubt was swept away when he declared that he was a second later.

The stranger- no, her brother, was laughing now. It was weird to think that she had a sibling. She had always known that she had one, but it was different now that he was actually there, and not just some mostly-forgotten memory.

She opened her mouth to say something, but couldn't find any words. She wasn't very good at putting what she was feeling into words. Then again, she didn't exactly know how she was feeling, anyway. So instead she just watched him, unsure what she was supposed to do. At least I can be sure that he's not a threat now...
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Mon, 29/07/2013 22:38 (11 Years ago)
Rei blinked, before shoving some branches out of the way. As she walked into the area, she could see a small group. "Huh. Guess there actually are family members around." she said, looking back at Akane.

Akane shrugged, stepping up next to Rei. "Who knows. Wonder if Hikaru has any family out there." she said. She shrugged again. "Who cares. The runt's got us at least."

Rei nodded before looking around. She walked over to the Furret and Minun Gijinka. "Hi there!" she smiled. "I'm Rei, and this Akane. Can I ask who you are?"

Akane snorted, but Rei only kicked her shin, causing the Mightyena gijinka to curse softly.

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 00:09 (11 Years ago)
Aramina pointed to herself. "Me?" she asked. "I'm Aramina. And this is Rosanna." She pointed to the Minun gijinka with her, not waiting for Rosanna to introduce herself.

"And...whoa, Déjà vu..." she stared off into space, dazed for a second. Then she realized she was surrounded by a bunch of tall people who she didn't know and were much older than her.

"Um, Rosanna?" she tapped on the gijinka's shoulder. "Can we go now? Plus we need to find Audino."

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 403
Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 00:41 (11 Years ago)
The situation didn't quite agree with Rosanna, either. Although the tense feeling started to go away, she would rather go somewhere else.

"Let's go!" she replied to Aramina, in agreement. Audino, Audino.....didn't that Pokémon live somewhere close by?
Rosanna glanced around, briefly, before deciding on a direction. I remember now!
"It's...this way!" Rosanna supported the Furret Gijinka with one arm, then started to walk away with her from the forest. The voices of the other Gijinka slowly faded away, and only a few Pokémon could be heard scuffling in the woods. They trekked silently for a minute or two, until they happened upon a rather large clearing. Red and blue berries speckled the bushes around the area.
"Aramina, l-look! There's the Audino!"
A friendly, pink Pokémon peeked out from behind a tree.
"Hello, there!" greeted the Audino.

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 01:06 (11 Years ago)
Aramina's face brightened. "Audino! We found you!" She hobbled over to the Audino, wincing a few times when she walked over uneven ground. She sat down stiffly, and showed her knee to the Audino.

"I got a bruise again," she said glumly. The Audino smiled.

"No worries," it said, "we can fix that up quick." The pink Pokemon used Heal Pulse, and the injury faded until it could barely be seen, and then disappeared altogether. Aramina smiled.

"Thanks, Audino." The Audino smiled back, "No problem, Mina. And remember to be more careful." It gave a small wave, and returned to picking berries. Aramina tested her leg. "Hey, Rosanna, it feels good as new!"

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 02:15 (11 Years ago)
Rei sighed. "Well that didn't work, and it feels awkward to intrude on a family moment...." she muttered. "Come on, let's go see if we can find that Deino gijinka anywhere."

Akane nodded. "Alright, I think they took off in direction of the haunted place."

Rei nodded. "I thought so too. Let's check it out." she said and jumped into a low tree branch before running through the trees towards their destination.

Akane growled. She hated it when Rei did that. With an annoyed look on her face, she sighed before following from the ground. Looking around, she choose her direction before she finally found the area, and started towards it.

Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 02:22 (11 Years ago)
Ichigo woke to the sound of a familiar voice. She blinked her eyes open to see the friendly face of Lily the Audino. "Were you keeping an eye on me again Lily" said Ichigo.

"Of course I was, I'm always finding you in heap load of trouble and I find you talking to that creature" Lily said annoyed.

Ichigo Stood up and hugged her friend and said "Don't worry, he seems safe. I think I'm going to head back to the obsevatory, you should go back with the other healers."

Lily responded "Ok fine but try not to get hurt again."

"Don't worry I'll be fine," said Ichigo as she headed toward the trainer. She walked up to him mind full of questions but kept her distance and said "Tell me who you are and why you came to our island? What do you want from here?!"
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 03:39 (11 Years ago)
Artemis looked up. It was the girl from before, who had given him the berry. He stood up.

"Well, came? It wasn't much of a choice. I mean, the ship I was on got wrecked, and so here I am. I would leave, but first of all, I have no idea how far away the closest inhabited land is, and second, I want to know why everyone keeps looking at me like I'm some sort of alien."

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 03:47 (11 Years ago)
Ichigo took a step back when he stood up These He-oo-man's must be very dense if he hasn't noticed yet, or maybe just these trainers.

"Of course we're looking at you like that. If you haven't noticed I have ears and a tail and you don't," She took another step back and said "and don't try to pull anything that will get me angry because I won't hesitate to use quick attack on you"
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 03:55 (11 Years ago)
Artemis sighed. "Let me get this straight," he said. "You're some sort of human-Pokemon mix that's never seen a real human before, no one else has either, and any human on here is not actually human, but some sort of hybrid, you're threatening me with four strong dragons around, and I'm dreaming because human-Pokemon hybrids don't exist, I'm in a coma somewhere and I've dreamed this island up because I have no life, either that or I've died and gone to heaven. Sound about right?" He rubbed his eyes with his good hand. Or maybe I've finally snapped, and I've just gone insane and started having mass hallucinations.

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 04:05 (11 Years ago)
Ichigo put her hands on her hips and said "Are you making fun of me? I am a gijinika and he-oo-man's are way more stupid than I thought. This is real life and you need to pull your head out of the clouds and sue I know of your dragons but just about every pokemon on this island is eyeing you. SO don't pull something you might regret," she took a few steps closer, picked up a nut on the ground and threw it to him. "You caught that and it didn't come from no where. Now tell me what you did to this pokemon to make them obey you and I hope for your sake you didn't hurt them in any way," she said and glared at him.
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 04:13 (11 Years ago)
(Rwar, I was working on a post on my iPod, but I really want to jump in here! If I double post, forgive, but this will be Di, the other will be Lein and Seya.)After a while, Di was growing bored. Maybe the guy really was not there. She was starting to drift off with her chin in her hands and her elbows on her knees. There was movement, and she perked up instantly. The Eevee girl had returned, and was yelling at the haunted place. Out appeared the he-oo-man. She couldn't quite make out what they were saying, so she carefully slid down the steep slopes of the volcano, get up close. She heard the girl threaten to use quick attack, and as she quietly approached, she listened to the he-oo-man's retort. Sighing, she finally fully lept off her perch and down to the ground, rounding the haunted place as the girl threw the nut and ran quickly over to stand beside the Eevee.

"Make that five dragons, and one ain't on your side!" she faced the he-oo-man angrily. "And in my book, if you died and went anywhere, you'd have a one way ticket to hell!" Her anger building, she suddenly marched up to him and went to smack him across the face. "In case you didn't get the hint already, you are not dreaming, and THAT was for your stupid comment when you left the beach!" she declared, not afraid of the dragons around him. There were strong pokemon not too far above them. She had more friends here than on the beach, who she was sure would come to help her if he tried anything.
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 04:36 (11 Years ago)
Lein ran a hand through his already messy hair, still smiling like a total doofus. "Damn, I thought I'd never see you or dad again! Oh my Zapdos! Dad! How is he, still kicking? Have you seen him recently?" he barely slowed down to breath. His mind was racing with so many questions and thoughts that they just poured out. It'd been so long since he remembered being this happy. In fact, it was probably back before the separation...

Looking down at his short sister, he resolved that there was nothing he would let separate them again. Not like what happened the first time. Definitely not like what happened to Mom. Every training and battle had been to become strong enough for the people he loved. He couldn't go back in time and change the past, but he believed he sure as hell could write a better future.

Seya blinked her eyes open drowsily. She was disoriented at first, unsure of where she was. When Sable dropped down from above, everything came snapping back, and she jolted more upright. That wasn't a good idea, because every muscle still felt stiff and soar. "Ugh, I don't think I'll be swimming again for a while. What did you see, Sable?" The Sableye began to recount that it saw all kinds of pokemon, both vocally and with motions. Then she indicated she saw two humans besides Seya, but many more odd things that she wasn't sure what they were.

"Were they pokemon?" was her first question. Sable shrugged. Carefully, she stood up, stretching her back and trying to shake out her muscles as well as the sand all over her. Her hair, once straight, had resorted to curly again from the water, so she tied it up in pig tails. "Okay, Sable. I want to find these creatures, and any pokemon you see, bring to me. We'll see if there are any worthy of being part of my party around here." With a smirk, she picked up her pack and piled out one purple ball, with a yellow M. Sable began to lead the way, and she carefully followed after, barefoot but somehow still looking fabulous after all she'd been through.
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought