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A Gijinka Tail [Lit.--PG13]

Forum-Index Roleplay Inactive RPs A Gijinka Tail [Lit.--PG13]
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Sun, 28/07/2013 18:10 (11 Years ago)
Ichigo watched and other dragon type pokemon came out around the strange gijinika. He must have made friends with the dragon pokemon around here. When he landed Ichigo jumped out of her tree and yelled out "Hey there, who are you," but he didn't here her and she still couldn't see him very well except that those pokemon seemed to be helping him stand. She ran over and said "Hey, who are..." but when he turned around she realized he wasn't gijinika. "What are you!?" she said with a shaky voice. She ran over to the tree but when she heard his voice she froze.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Sun, 28/07/2013 18:21 (11 Years ago)
Artemis looked over his shoulder. There was someone dressed like an Eevee behind him. "Well, I'm a Dragon Master," he said. "Haven't you seen a trainer before? By the way, cute costume," he said. What is up with these people? And why are they so scared of me? They reached the door of the old building, and Artemis tried to open it. No good... It was Huttser that "opened" the door by using Iron Head to break it off its hinges.

"Good work," said Artemis, slightly slurring his words. The team hurried inside. Palla had a bit of trouble getting in, but she somehow managed. The first thing Artemis saw was a bunch of coats on hooks, and he ripped a strip of cloth from the bottom of one, wrapping it around his arm.

(I've got to go, I'll be back in a few hours.)

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Sun, 28/07/2013 18:49 (11 Years ago)
Ichigo quickly climbed up the tree and started hoping through the treetops to a different angle but wasn't sure if she should come any closer. What the heck is a trainer and why does he think he deserves to call himself the master of dragons? And, I'm not wearing any costume, he's very strange. Ichigo remembered he was injured and she had a few oran berries on her in case she fainted. She left one at the now broken entrance and climbed back up her tree for a nap.
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Sun, 28/07/2013 18:57 (11 Years ago)
Takumi blinked. "Well, what exactly are you? I think it's pretty obvious you aren't human. At least completely. And where exactly are we? Something happened to the boat we were on, and we ended up here." he tried to explain.

Hikaru blinked and looked at Lein. "But I don't wanna move! Rin is comfy!" he exclaimed giggling happily when Rin lifted her tail and tickled Hikaru's nose.

Rei cursed as Akane slammed into her back. "Dang it you brat! Stop crashing into me!" she yelled.

Akane smirked. "What, can't take it?" she challenged.

Rei snarled, the fur on her nine tails standing on end. "We are trying to find Hikaru and you want to start a fight?!" she demanded, before storming off, not even going to bother with the other gijinka.

Akane growled at the thought of being ignored, and started after Rei in a run. She stopped when she saw her friend frozen and scenting the air. "Is that.....Eevee?" Akane asked, looking around the forest.

Rei nodded slowly. "That way!" she shouted, and took off, Akane on her heels. Together they ran until Rei tripped because of a hidden branch and crashed onto the ground, making a loud commotion. She groaned.

"Get off Akane, you're so fat." she groaned, before looking up. "Hey! You're the Eevee gijinka we scented!" she said, pointing up at the girl in the tree.

Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Sun, 28/07/2013 19:09 (11 Years ago)
Ichigo yawned and woke up from the noisy mightyena and ninetales gijinika then jumped through a few trees quickly to a tree right in front them and flipped upside down near their heads hanging on to a branch by her legs. "Hello there, who are you?" but, before they could answer she climbed back up the tree and jumped down behind them quietly. She sat down and picked a pecha berry to munch on and waited for there answers.
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Sun, 28/07/2013 19:21 (11 Years ago)
Akane was about to retort with some stupid remark, but Rei elbowed her. "I'm Rei, and this is Akane. Ignore everything she says. She's just a stupid 19 year old tom boy that likes to fight and put herself in danger." she explained.

Akane snarled. "You brat! You fight just as much as me! It's why we're both level 50!"

Rei sighed. "I apologize for her rudeness. She doesn't have a filter. She says what first comes to mind. Oh, and have you seen a small young Shinx gijinka? He might've been following someone around. He's about 11, has Shinx ears and tail. Bright blue hair. Ring a bell?" she asked hopefully.

Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Sun, 28/07/2013 19:30 (11 Years ago)
Ichigo thought for a momment and said "I don't think I've seen him around, sorry. My names Ichigo, nice to meet you. I have a question, have you heard anything about these trainer things? I saw one and I'm not sure what it is and where it came from." Ichigo picked a few more pecha berries and put some in he pocket and ate another.
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Sun, 28/07/2013 19:36 (11 Years ago)
Rei sighed. "Drat...Where did he go?" Shaking her head, she smiled at the younger girl. "Nice to meet you."

Akane answered her question. "We've seen two of them. I think they called themselves a...." she didn't understand the word.

Rei filled in the blank. "He-oo-man." she responded, one hand on her chin, the other on her hip. "At least that's what I heard. I know a Deino gijinka attacked him. He had four dragon type pokemon with him. I don't know where he went. I think Hikaru found him, but we don't know where he is now." she sighed sadly.

"Dang..." Akane groaned. "We promised to look out for the kid..."

Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Sun, 28/07/2013 19:53 (11 Years ago)
What the heck is this thing and what does he want from us? "What strange creatures they are. Anyway if it helps I can climb to the top of the trees and see if I can find your little Hikaru" said Ichigo as she climbed to the top of the tree, looked around and sniffed the air a little bit. She saw a he-oo-man with the shinx gijinika. She climbed down the tree and said "I see him near the beach area with a he-oo-man. He didn't seem violent but I could catch the scent of his intentions. They are more in that direction." she pointed toward where she saw them. "I'm going to stay here for a little while, I saw one of the he-oo man's here and I want to find out his intentions" she said.

(I have to go but i'll be back in an hour or two)
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Sun, 28/07/2013 19:58 (11 Years ago)
(Kay, bye! I guess I will continue to watch Transformers 3 again with Mom lol)

Rei and Akane's eyes widened. "Oh dear, please don't let his curiosity have gotten him hurt!" Rei rambled, before taking off in the direction Ichigo had pointed.

Akane moved to follow but looked back. "Thanks kid!" she shouted before taking off. They needed to hurry. Who knew what kind of trouble these he-oo-man's would bring? What if Hikaru got hurt? She shook her head. No. She wouldn't think like that. She wouldn't allow herself too. They were going to find Hikaru, make sure he's safe, and keep him safe from this creature's that were coming onto their home.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Sun, 28/07/2013 20:59 (11 Years ago)
Di slowed down to a trot, then a walk. She had no idea where the he-oo-man had gone, but if it was no where her, she was happy. Her home was part way up the volcano, where several Deino lived. Once her mother passed, she'd decided to hang with them. It was kind of nice to have a huddle where she slept. But, as she grew closer to the volcano, the pokemon weren't really reappearing. Of course, she was notorious for fighting, but not to the point that everything avoided her. As she grew closer, something metalic came zooming at her. She caught the small magnemite in her stomach, and it looked up at her with it's one eye.

"Don't tell me, that he-oo-man came this way?" she asked.

It broke into the haunted place! the small pokemon relayed fearfully in it's screeching voice. Sighing, she released it to float again.

"Well, those ghost pokemon are strong. They should be able to hold their own. If nothing else, they're good at hiding. If it's not attacking pokemon, leave it alone. But keep an eye out for it. Tell me if it does anything bad. Anything." With that order, the magnemite flew off. Deciding she didn't want to incite a fight again, she took the long way around, keeping in the trees until she reached the rocky path that led up just a short ways of the volcano. The higher up you got, the more fire types appeared. Down low like she stayed were plenty of ground, rock, and many other cave dwelling pokemon. Tired, she trekked slowly, just hoping no he-oo-mans appeared. Noon wasn't her favorite time, being a dark type. The only ones that liked it less were the ghost pokemon.

Lein raised an eyebrow. "He-oo-man? Duh I'm not one of those. I've never even heard of that pokemon. I'm Gijinka, the Luxray variety. And we call this land Paradise. Wait... what the hell is a bote? And are you telling me there's more of you?" He didn't like the sound of that. These two were already causing enough of a fuss. Who knew what more could do. They could enslave the whole island! At least the kid seemed safe. But if it hurt a hair on the head of one of his cousins, it would feel his wrath.

((Sorry, I won't be on much today. I just got back from church, and I've got volleyball practice. When I get back, I'm going to make a human girl.))
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Sun, 28/07/2013 21:29 (11 Years ago)
When Rei and Akane leave to find Hikaru, Ichigo walks over to the tall grass. She decides to do some training so she can level up. She's desperate to learn the move covert but hasn't been able to get to level 21. She approached a level 15 Igglybuff and used tackle, which did a lot of damage. The igglybuff came back with pound which hit her ankle hard and possibly sprained her ankle. Ichigo then realized the pokemon is a male and she used charm. It work and used bite the, quick attack finished him off and the Igglybuff fainted. She headed near the old observatory to wrapped her ankle.
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Sun, 28/07/2013 21:46 (11 Years ago)
"I'm not a pokemon. Where I come friend, we work with pokemon side by side. Some people are cruel, but most aren't. I believe that everyone who was on the boat is a friend to pokemon." Takumi tried to explain. "Humans are a different species then pokemon. And a boat, well it's a ship. Do you know what that is? And what exactly is a Gijinka?" he asked.

Hikaru answered. "A gijinka is us! I'm a Shinx!" he grinned, before going back to playing with Rin's tail.

Takumi grinned before tossing another pokeball into the air. "Rairakku." he said, as an Espeon with white patches of fur came out. She shook out her fur before yawning, sitting down next to Rin. "Hikaru, this is Rairakku. She likes little kids."

Hikaru giggled. "An Espeon!" he cheered.

Takumi opened his mouth to speak when two figures crashed into the area.

"Hikaru!" they shouted, standing up and charging the young boy.

"Ah!" he said in recognition. "Rei-neechan! Akane-neechan!"

Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Sun, 28/07/2013 22:14 (11 Years ago)
Ichigo decided to follow the weird trainer into the abandoned lab and remembered this was the haunted place. He was injured, she has to warn him. She walks in knowing she is unaffected by ghost type moves. She walks in and sees him wrapping part of a coat around his injury she says to him with a shaky voice "Here isn't a good place to stay, it's filled with ghost pokemon. Here's a oran berry for your wound." she hands him and oran berry and tries to run out but, it ends up with a fast walk out.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Sun, 28/07/2013 23:46 (11 Years ago)
Luthra opened her mouth to yell at them again, but shut it once she realized their age and condition. Not wanting to admit that it was probably her fault that the Starly had fled, she instead focused on the Furret's question.

"An Audino? Hmm..." She tilted her head, thinking back. "There might have been one a day or two ago, but I think it left."

She studied the two Gijinkas for a moment longer, then dug around in her pocket. When she found what she was looking for she pulled it out and held it in front of the injured Furret.

"I have a spare Oran Berry. I guess you can have it." she mumbled, and waited for her to take it.
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Mon, 29/07/2013 02:07 (11 Years ago)
Lein glanced over at the two girls that appeared. Well, at least they looked older and responsible. Hopefully they could get the kid out if anything turned bad.

"A Gijinka is what we are. More advanced pokemon. We've lived here as long as anyone can remember, and some say we evolved separately to be bigger and smarter than other pokemon, so that we can protect the pokemon around here," he explained, relating what he'd always heard from his mother. "And no, I have no idea what a ship is. If its anything like another word I know that sounds a lot like it, then it must be another type of human." At that, he gave a small smirk. Of course, he wouldn't actually say the word with a kid around.

Seya gasped as she finally pulled herself onto shore, grateful for the waterless air. Lying there for a moment, she thanked Arceus she hadn't died in the wreck. Knowing she couldn't be safe until she was out of the tidal zone, she dragged herself further up the shore. All her muscles screamed with the effort, but she was just glad she had changed into her tank top and spankies before the storm. Her more elaborate clothes would have weighed her down too much to reach shore. Thankfully, she'd kept her pack, though. Now she stripped it off her back, and reached her hand inside, digging around for the only occupied pokeball. Pulling it out, out came Sable. The Sableye hissed at the sudden light, but shook itself off to clear some water that had leaked into the old ball.

"Sorry," she panted. "A little help, though?" Sable came over and lifted the girl up in her strong little arms, quickly carrying her out of the sand and into the trees. Then the female pokemon scrambled back, grabbed the bag, and brought it along, too. "So... we made it... Barely." Seya laughed slightly. "How about... I'll sleep. You keep a watch." The pokemon nodded, then scrambled up into the tree above, hiding among the thicker clump of leaves and staying motionless and silent, blending with the shadows except for her bright eyes and the jewels that grew through her back.
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Mon, 29/07/2013 02:15 (11 Years ago)
Takumi sighed but nodded. "Alright then." he said, getting up. Stretching he yawned before looking around. "Thanks for explaining some things." he grabbed two pokeballs. "Rin, Rairakku. Return." he said. The two pokemon disappeared inside.

Rei narrowed her eyes. "Hikaru. Come here now." she ordered.

Akane rolled her eyes at her. "Forget that. Come here runt." she said, walking over to Hikaru. She grabbed him in her arms and swung him so he was over her shoulder. She walked back towards Rei with a smirk on her face.

Hikaru giggled, before yelling at her. "Put me down Akane-neechan!"

She of course ignored him, and handed him off to Rei.

Takumi watched the scene with interest. "So, what are you planning to do with us humans?" he asked, genuinely curious.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Mon, 29/07/2013 03:01 (11 Years ago)
Lein was not happy to see the pokemon disappear. Those balls really were small. He growled involuntarily, tensing a little more. "Well, you'll have to find out. I swear, though, if I catch you doing anything I don't like, I won't hesitate to get rid of you however I have to," he warned. "The pokemon are upset by you. And frankly, I don't like you any more than you do. If we're suppose to help the pokemon here, then I'll do what it takes to help them."

With that said, he carefully stalked off, following after the Minun and Furret. It wasn't to hard to track them, they'd taken off rather quickly, and he had a pretty good sense of smell. Not to mention, the Minun was still a little worked up and emitted a bit of static. As the static increased, he decided that calling for them would be faster. "Yo! Minun and Furret girls! I think I freaked that thing out enough, we should be safe!" he called, following the electricity in the air.
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Mon, 29/07/2013 03:11 (11 Years ago)
Takumi blinked. "Well that was slightly rude." he murmured to himself. He shrugged. "I guess I can understand though." he said with a cheerful voice, and shoved his hands in his pockets, and started heading into a random direction of the forest, whistling.

Hikaru watched quietly for a moment before struggling and breaking free of Rei's grasp. Moving quickly, he ran after Takumi, wanting to know more about him and what he was.

Rei gasped. "Hikaru!" she shouted. "Come back!" she made a move to run after him, but Akane stopped her. "Akane!"

Akane rolled her eyes. "Leave him. The runt's smart, he'll be fine. Let's follow the Luxray gijinka and see if we can find out anymore information about these things." she said. After a tense moment Rei sighed and nodded.

"Alright, let's go." she said. They sighed and then took off into the forest after the luxray gijinka.

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Mon, 29/07/2013 03:36 (11 Years ago)
Artemis stared down at the berry in his hands. "What just happened..?" he mumbled. He got up to look for the girl, but when he looked outside, she was gone. He scanned the trees for her, but found nothing. He went back inside, and plopped onto a chair.

"Well, that was strange," he said, taking a bite from the berry. It didn't actually taste half-bad. I see why Pokemon enjoy these so much.

Aramina snatched the berry from the gijinka's hands and started to nibble on it. "Thanks," she said with a small voice. She rubbed her knee, which was starting to feel better already, although it would still take time to heal. She looked behind her as the Luxray gijinka from before called to them. Something about it being safe?

"Hey, Rosanna, do you think he took on the dragon Pokemon?" Aramina asked.

(Both of my characters are being handed the same thing...awkwaaard.)

i have fists for hands and fire for fists