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A Gijinka Tail [Lit.--PG13]

Forum-Index Roleplay Inactive RPs A Gijinka Tail [Lit.--PG13]
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Thu, 11/07/2013 16:15 (11 Years ago)
The History

In an isolated region across the seas, a small scientific vessel crashed nearly a thousand years ago. Back then, the land was one of only pokemon, a place untouched by human hands, where the only pollution came from Koffings and Trubbish. The survivors of the crash were geniuses of their time, and very well could have built another boat and sailed away. Yet they were enchanted by the place and all it had to offer. All kinds of pokemon, from every region, all in a paradise across the sea would have been a great breakthrough to return home with, of course, but they agreed that they would prefer to stay there.

However, by nightfall it became clear they were not welcome. Smaller pokemon would flee in fear whenever they saw a human. Larger, bolder ones would attack. Wherever the scientists would go, pokemon would take the berries and run. If they managed to catch one, it would simply refuse to obey, no matter the level. Yet the humans would not give up. They made a settlement on the shore, and generations passed. Knowledge and skills were handed down and improved. And in time, a theory was devised:

If pokemon feared what was not like them, then it could be possible to become more like them, and earn the desired, and needed, trust. For over the past years, pokemon had grown more violent, and only increased their attempts to drive away the invaders. Food near the settlement was nearly impossible to find. If they wandered to far, they were bound to be attacked.

In one desperate effort, the settlement picked up and moved itself to the volcano. This mass movement was terrible. Many humans were attacked by every pokemon from Abomasnows and Abras to Zubats and Zweilous. Yet they always carried their precious book of research. The survivors made it to the volcano, and after much fighting and death, managed to chase away the resilient fire types.

Thus the work began. Metals were harvested and the heat of the volcano was used to form these metals into a stronghold, to become a lab. Then equipment formed. Wires and glass became bulbs. Just to make the first computer took years. Finally, when only a handful could recall the Great Movement, the work was done. Pokemon of all types were brought in, and from each a portion of it's DNA was taken. The equipment was started up, and the first volunteer stepped inside the large tube. He was hooked up to wires of all sorts, and various injections were given. When he stepped out from the built up mist in the container hours later, he had become the first Gijinka, a hybrid human and pokemon. As he stepped into the wild, instead of being driven off, for the first time he was welcomed into Paradise.

And so began the history of the Gijinkas, as every last human vanished inside a tube.
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Thu, 11/07/2013 18:44 (11 Years ago)

Title: The Plot

The Plot: Gijinka

A few more generations later, you are a Gijinka. Human life has been nearly forgotten, and the lab is old and abandoned, forgotten in time purposely, for the terrible times as humans have passed. This land, still called Paradise by the Gijinka, is just as beautiful as ever. In fact, no one even knows anymore how Gijinka came to be. The history of the humans was buried away in the lab. All you know is that you were born and raised partially pokemon.

But something is wrong. Pokemon are on edge, keeping their loved ones close again, and avoiding the beach. As you look closer, you discover that humans have once again arrived in Paradise! Getting caught up with the pokemon in their panic, you have a choice: hide, or drive them away. But it is strange, how much they are like you... Maybe, just maybe, you could help them?

The Plot: Humans

You are part of a group setting sail from the ports of the Unova region to explore the rumor of other lands across the seas. Maybe you don't come from Unova, though, maybe you're from Johto or Hoenn. Anyway, this is your departure point to discover a place of untold wonder.

Only a few months in, you spot land in the distance. Just as the call goes out, a freak storm appears out of no where. Many make it to shore to discover the legendary land, known as Paradise. However, something is odd. The pokemon here do not like you, yet in the shadows of trees, in holes and caves, you think you see human shapes, but on second glance, they also resemble pokemon. Your goal is to survive here under vicious attacks. But will you try to leave this place, or will the same charm that lured the first humans to stay her hundreds of years ago draw you in too?
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Thu, 11/07/2013 19:33 (11 Years ago)
The Rules

*No Legendary characters. In the future, I may allow one legendary, but that will be based on how the plot goes.

*This is a literate to advanced literate roleplay. I don't need super fancy posts, but all posts must have at least a paragraph. (And a paragraph is more than one super long sentence. Minimum four decent sentences. Not: She walked in the store. She picked out some pokeballs. She handed the clerk the money. She walked out.)

*Literate also means I want good writing, not txt tlk or L337 SP33K. I understand no one is perfect, and the truth is I will probably be writing from my iPod sometimes (autocorrect was a terrible invention...) or some other electronic where I won't be able to check myself very well. But at least try.
----Also on that note, I'm sure there will be some second-language English players. PLEASE, if you don't know if you're writing makes sense, send it to someone via pm first. I'm always open to help, and I'm sure there will be other kind souls as well.

*No power play. One character cannot be all powerful, dodge everything and use moves that never miss. Also, no killing without permission.

*Should there be a major battle, and you do not think you can uphold any previous rules and would like to work it out elsewhere with the character's owner who you are battling, then have one person post the whole battle with both characters, be my guest.

*While I do know some may like to have some control of other people's characters, not their own, to keep the plot rolling, I'm going to have to discourage this if you don't have consent for a major battle or to make a longer post. It's too easy for the owner to have something in mind and then your little action that you think is harmless to blow it all up.

*Be kind to other players. Don't hate on their character designs, or their posting style, just to be mean. Constructive Criticism is one thing, ripping someone to shreds is another.

*Different time zone issues come up a lot. I know some people can be on 20 out of 24 hours every day, but not everyone. If you notice that you and just one or a few other people are getting ahead while others are offline, please control yourselves and do not leave pages upon pages of posts to read through. I don't want to limit posts per day, but I will if need be.

*Do not just post OOC (out of character) talk. Every post must contain character action. That said, you can denote OOC in any way that someone can easily recognize. I use double parenthesis (()), others use brackets [], some use spoiler text, or color... it goes on, but make sure everyone can tell.

*If you're reading these rules, put three different smilies ie >D ^-^ 8D in your character form

*All complaints are sent to me, Mituna, or any Mod/Co-leader I may appoint.

*Please don't PM me asking to be a Mod/Co-leader. If I need one, I will say. That will only be if there gets to be a lot of members. However, if you have a question as to what is going on, you can PM me that and I will do my best to summarize what has happened since you were offline.

*If you are going to be gone an extended period of time for vacation or to catch up on life, please alert us. Also, try not to leave someone hanging when you do, if at all possible. I know sometimes it's not, but please make a best attempt not to hold up others.

*All characters must be between ages 8 and 39. I don't want a ton of little kids or a bunch of people going through a mid-life crisis. They don't all have to be teens between 15 and 25 either, though.

*You may have a max of four characters at one time. If you slough one or some off, you can replace them. If you aren't comfortable juggling four, don't make four. This can be any combination of humans and Gijinka

*Actual pokemon are NPCs. Your character might have a Chatot it hangs around with, but you are not the soul owner of that Chatot. Anyone can use it as they please if they so please (though it's likely they may not please).

*Please be realistic. Don't make a Gijinka know a move it's pokemon would never actually learn. Also consider the level or other requirements to learn the move. There may only be a very rare TM here or there, so don't expect to be teaching your character a lot of TM or HM moves. (For the purpose of the roleplay, TMs break after one use.)

*Evolution can happen however you like. Painfully, or just like any other pokemon, or it can be some big grandiose thing. Just make sure your character meets the normal evolution requirements. (Be creative for friendship evolutions.)

*The lab is a place Gijinka do not like to go. Please don't act like it's super casual to go visit it or to even live in it. Keep in mind the History and Plots in the above posts.

*When joining, note the numbers of guys and girls. I won't make you keep it even, but if I get ten girls for every boy, I'm going to stop accepting girls and require all new characters to be boys for a while.

*Use your common sense. Don't do something idiotic, whatever it maybe.

*I (Mituna) and other Mods/Co-leaders I may appoint have full say of what happens if these rules are disobeyed and what warning or consequences may come. Just know that I am human and my patience varies everyday, so don't push my buttons just to see when I burst.

*These rules are subject to change at any time as I see fit or necessary.

*#1 RULE!!!!! Have fun, or else I WILL BAN YOUR FOREVER. D<
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Thu, 11/07/2013 20:08 (11 Years ago)

Title: Character Forms

Gijinka Form

Pokemon type: (water, grass, electric, etc.)
Approx. Level: (Please take the age into consideration. No level fifty eight year olds.)
Known Moves: (Not limited to four, but also consider level.)
Ability: (Hidden Abilities are permissible)
Type Strengths: (Water is good against fire)
Type Weaknesses: (Water is bad against grass)
Appearance: (link or spoiler text, picture preferred but if you can't find one on Google you like, feel free to use words.)
Personality: (give us an idea, if just a few words, don't just put "To roleplay it out")
Significant History: (I don't need every detail. This is optional, but if you want to give the origin of any scars, family relations or such, feel free.)
Orientation: (Please, don't give me a ton of homosexuals... I'm open to them, but same thing as with genders, try to keep it even.)
Relationships: (Can be edited later, this includes family, friends, enemies, and girl/boyfriends.)
Reaction to humans: (Hide, fight, help, or unknown.)

Human Form

Trainer?: (yes or no)
Pokemon in Party: (Optional, only up to six, there are no box access points here. Please include all the pokemon information in the Gijinka form (including name), arranged however you like in a reasonably readable format.)
Appearance: (link or spoiler box. Picture is prefered, but if you can't find one you like on Google, words are acceptable.)
Personality: (Do not give me "To roleplay out." I want at least a few descriptive words, just to get an idea.)
Significant History: (I don't need a huge literary work. Anything that might affect the character's personality or maybe the history of any scars is okay. This section is optional if you honestly don't have a back story yet.)
Orientation: (I've got nothing against homosexuals, but please, don't give me a ton of them... Same rule as with genders, try to keep it generally even.)
Relationships: (Family is unnecessary unless a family member is present in the roleplay. Friends, enemies and boy/girlfriends are fine.)

Please remove all parentheses. Please remember the rules when completing this. When you are done PRIVATE MESSAGE ME YOUR PROFILE! Do not post it! I will make a post of profiles that your profiles will be added to.

Also, please do not begin posting until I have made the Story Thus Far post.
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Thu, 11/07/2013 20:48 (11 Years ago)
Characters: An Overview

How to read:

Username-Character name-Gijinka or Human(what type of Gijinka or whether or not a trainer)-Gender-Orientation

Leader Mituna-Diana (Di)-Gijinka(Deino)-Female-Straight
Leader Mituna-Lein-Gijinka(Luxray)-Male-Straight
Leader Mituna-Seya-Human(Trainer)-Female-Straight
aspens-Luthra-Gijinka(Luxio)-Female-Asexual (doesn't like anyone)

Users will be added in the order they join, but if a user creates a character and then creates another later, I will group the new character with the old one.

Color by name indicates a position (Leader or Co-leader/Mod). These are the people to turn to for help or issues.
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Thu, 11/07/2013 20:53 (11 Years ago)
Full Character Profiles

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Mituna's character(s)
Name: Diana (Goes by Di)
Age: 18
Gender: female
Pokemon: Deino
Pokemon type: Dark/Dragon
Approx. Level: 28
Known Moves: Tackle, Dragon Rage, Focus Energy, Bite, Headbutt, DragonBreath, Roar, Crunch
Ability: Hustle
Type Strengths: Ghost, Fire, Water, Electric, Grass, Dark
Type Weaknesses: Fighting, Bug, Ice Dragon
Appearance: Credit to whoever made it, not me
Personality: Di is rather quiet and with drawn, but not necessarily shy. She's a realist *coughpessimistcough* with a rather serious attitude toward life. Also, she's extremely strong and hot headed, and won't give up on any idea she gets in her head. It's pretty easy to get her worked up, and beware: her bite is much worse than her bark. And despite how she may act all cold, she can make a few friends, though she keeps them at arms length.
Significant History: Her mother was a Deino, who wore an everstone her entire life, but she never knew her father. Mother Deino would never talk about him, to the Di didn't even know what type of pokemon he was. When her mother died (Di was 15 at the time), she hadn't even reached the level to evolve. Because Di was frustrated with her mother's secrecy and lack of any explanations ever, she's highly rebellious, and has vowed to train and level up, to experience evolution for herself.
Orientation: Straight
Relationships: Both parents deceased, no siblings currently known, no friends yet.
Reaction to humans: Fight
Other: While she's basically set on fighting the humans eventually, first she wants to study them, and figure them out. Unlikely she will purposely show herself to any, though.

Name: Lein (pronounced "line")
Age: 23
Gender: male
Pokemon: Luxray
Pokemon type: Electric
Approx. Level: 40
Known Moves: Charge, Leer, Spark, Tackle, Bite, Crunch, Thunder Fang, Thundershock, Thunderwave, Mean Look
Ability: Intimidate
Type Strengths: Steel, Flying, Water
Type Weaknesses: Ground
Appearance: My own work for once! :D Sorry I'm no good at color, I just sketch, but his skin is blue, and any hair or fur is black. He has yellow bands going across his arms. All his clothes are black, but his belts are electric yellow. And he goes barefoot, if you can't read my writing.
Personality: Cocky, hot headed. Puts on an indifferent or uncaring act, but actually he's really sweet and will give everything for anyone he cares about.
Significant History: When he was six, he and and his mother were separated from his father and younger sister.
Orientation: Straight. He likes women way too much xD
Relationships: Parents- Mother is dead, hasn't seen his father in years; Syblings- one younger sister, Luthra; Friends- TBA; Girlfriend- none yet~
Reaction to humans: Fight, he doesn't like the look of them
Other: Super overprotective. ^^U

Name: Seya
Age: 21
Gender: female
Trainer?: yes
Pokemon in Party: Sable
Appearance: Credit to whoever made it. (Of course, no wings.)
Personality: Childish, and extremely selfish. She grew up spoiled, always getting her way. However, this doesn't mean she's soft or can't take care of herself. She's very strong for such a small girl. Nothing will get in her way once she decides she wants something.
Significant History: Extremely rich parents, who were never around much, but gave her anything she wanted. So, when she was very little, she was given Sable as a partner because Sableyes were supposedly of the strongest pokemon, since they have no weakness. She's been training since she could barely talk and rigorously leveling Sable up, and has nearly every pokemon imaginable in her storage boxes. She got on the ship hoping to find rare pokemon across the seas, so she's packed and prepared to catch plenty.
Orientation: Straight
Relationships: Nothing major currently.
Other: She will probably be the one that screws everything up for the humans. See below for info on Sable the Sableye.

Name: Sable
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Sableye
Pokemon type: Dark/Ghost
Approx. Level: 80
Known Moves: Shadow Ball, Zen Headbutt, Dark Pulse, Foul Play
Ability: Keen Eye
Type Strengths: Psychic, Ghost
Type Weaknesses: None
Appearance: A fairly normal Sableye. She's a bit darker than most, and the gems on her back are actually rather precious, having been fed many expensive jewels.
Personality: Extremely obedient, loves to pull tricks on others and generally be annoying. Tends to laugh a lot when she knows something that others don't, unless it's Seya, then she's actually rather good at communicating with her owner.
Significant History: Can't remember any time before being owned by Seya, and is rather attached to her owner, no matter what.
Orientation: Has no interest in other pokemon, and thinks all are week. If she did meet another pokemon that was stronger, she'd only have interest in males.
Relationships: Seya-owner
Reaction to humans: Depends. She'll only do as Seya asks.
Other: She's not opposed to anything immoral.

Ufimtsev's character(s)

Name: Rosanna
Age: 9
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Minun
Pokemon type: Electric
Approx. Level: 14
Known Moves: Thunderwave, Spark
Ability: Minus
Type Strengths: Flying, Water
Type Weaknesses: Ground
Appearance: Rosanna has short, golden hair with a tinge of blue. Her eyes are deep brown, bordering on black. Her skin is also lightly tinted with a cyan colour.
Personality: While normally shy, she won't hesitate to help a Pokemon in a dangerous situation.
Significant History: Her memories are sparse, and she can only remember the loving warmth of a family.
Orientation: Straight
Relationships: She has no friends yet. The whereabouts of her parents are unknown. Although she remembers having an older brother, he seems to have disappeared.
Reaction to humans: If Rosanna sees a shadow that even resembles a human, she hides.

Death's character(s)

Name: Aramina ([Air-uh-MEEN-uh if you're unsure on the pronouncing.] Friends and family call her Mina.)
Age: 10
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Furret
Pokemon type: Normal
Approx. Level: 17
Known Moves: Fury Swipes, Helping Hand, Iron Tail, Defense Curl.
Ability: Frisk
Type Strengths: None
Type Weaknesses: Fighting
Appearance: Credit to artist.
Personality: She's really shy to anyone over a few years older than her, and will usually hide behind someone's leg. She considers herself superior to anyone younger than her, and will try to boss around very young kids. Often times she can be seen covered with dirt and with tree sap in her hair, because she really doesn't mind getting dirty. In fact, she seems to be drawn towards sticky substances and daredevil situations.
Significant History: Not much. She had pretty much a normal childhood. Although, she does have a scar running down the lower part of her left leg from when she tried to pick a fight with a Purrloin.
Orientation: Tomboy.
Relationships: Both parents are alive, but recently her father has gone missing. No siblings, and no friends (currently).
Reaction to humans: Hide. She even hides from gijinka strangers.
Other: She thinks the humans look funny, and has made somewhat of a connection to humans and gijinkas, but she can't figure out why they can't use moves, and thinks it is sad that they can't understand Pokemon.

Name: Artemis
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Trainer?: Yes (He's more of a dragon master, a bit like Iris.)
Pokemon in Party: Hydreigon (Shiny, also the star of the team), Salamence, Flygon, Garchomp.
Appearance: Credit to artist.
Personality: He's a bit moody, to say the least. He often talks about dark subjects. Even so, he's obsessed with this idea of his about how "dark is not evil" and so forth. (If you've ever played Twilight Princess, or even watched Ruby Gloom, you'll have an idea of him.) He can almost always be found listening to a sad or heartbreaking song with the volume turned up. Contradictory to his dark mood, he's somewhat of an optimist, and always seems to see the glass "half-full," even though he doesn't realize it himself.
Significant History: As a kid, his parents kind of ignored him. They loved him, but they didn't really do any activities with him when he was young, so he grew up to have a bit of a distant personality. When he got old enough to go on dates, he actually dated several girls (not all at once, of course). He just never found one that seemed perfect enough, and never kept relationships long enough to have a girlfriend.
Orientation: Straight.
Relationships: He left behind pretty much everyone he knew when he boarded the ship, including his parents. He never took the time to get to know anyone on the ship, but he's thinking that if he waits long enough, he'll find someone that puts up with his moodiness.
Other: Not much to say, I pretty much have everything important already covered.

Here is his Pokemon team.
I took out a few parts that wouldn't make sense for a trainer's Pokemon to have.

Black=Hydreigon Blue=Salamence Green=Flygon Red=Garchomp
Username: Death
Name: Chaol Palla, Chirin, Huttser.
Age: **(All of Zach's Pokemon were raised from eggs. His parents were breeders.)**
18, 16, 16, 14.
Gender: Male, Female, Male, Male.
Pokemon: Hydreigon, Salamence, Flygon, Garchomp.
Pokemon type: Dark/Dragon, Dragon/Flying, Ground/Dragon, Ground/Dragon.
Approx. Level: 72, 63, 64, 59,
Known Moves: Dragon Pulse, Dragon Rush, Hyper Voice, Dark Pulse, Earth Power, Fly.
Fly, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Dragon Claw, Dragon Rush, Hydro Pump.
Fly, Sandstorm, Dragon Tail, Earth Power, Endure, Flail, Fire Blast.
Dig, Dragon Rush, Sandstorm, Slash, Crunch, Iron Head.
Ability: Levitate, Moxie, Levitate, Sand Veil.
Type Strengths: Check this place for type out, since doing this for four Pokemon would be hard.
Type Weaknesses: Check above.
Appearance: A regular shiny Hydreigon.
Regular Salamence.
Regular Flygon with a black scarf.
Regular Garchomp.
Personality: Serious, protective.
Cold, sarcastic.
Significant History: **They all have lived and trained with Zach.**
Orientation: -
Relationships: -
Reaction to humans: Help, obviously.
Other: They all have a close bond with Zach.

aspens' character(s)

Name: Luthra
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Luxio
Pokemon type: Electric
Approx. Level: 34
Known Moves: Leer, Spark, Double Kick, Roar, Bite, Thunder Fang
Ability: Intimidate
Type Strengths: Strong against water types and flying types.
Type Weaknesses: Weak against ground types.
Appearance: Drawn by me.
Personality: Luthra hates weakness and any form of it, but values strength. She trains constantly, not just leveling up but also keeping physically fit. She is obsessed with becoming better than herself, always training until fatigued, sometimes even causing herself to become sick. She can be extremely hot-headed, getting mad about small things like someone taking the berry she wanted or interrupting her while she's talking. She likes to be alone with only her thoughts to keep her company. Luthra doesn't like talking to people she doesn't know, and doesn't really like talking to those she does. When forced to speak, she can say things that make her seem cold, mean, or heartless. Most of the time she doesn't say the things she says out of spite, she just doesn't have very good people skills. Being the control-freak that she is, if someone else is put in charge of something she will most often fight them for it. However, Luthra is a good leader; she makes sure everyone is working as a team and not fighting amongst themselves, she can make a little go a long way, she's good at strategizing, and can come up with a battle plan in a second. But she doesn't like admitting she needs help with something, even if she suffers from it. And when she's really emotional or when something is personal, she can dive in head-first without even thinking about the outcome. Even so, she's someone you would want or your side in a fight. She will protect her friends to the end, and considers it one of the most heroic things you can do to go down fighting for them.
Significant History: Luthra was separated from her mother and brother at a very young age, and hardly even remembers them. She was raised by her father; he wasn't exactly a star parent, but he tried his hardest and gave her all his time. When she turned 13, her father bid her farewell. She would miss him, yet they both knew that she couldn't hold his hand forever. She has lived 6 years on her own or with small groups of Gijinkas and Pokemon, and concentrated on leveling up and learning new things.
Orientation: Asexual (doesn't like either gender)
Relationships: Mother: unknown, dead - Father: on good terms - Siblings: Lein, hasn't seen in years - Partner: uninterested - Friends: uninterested, but will make allies if needed
Reaction to humans: She thinks the humans are greedy and are trying to steal the Gijinkas and Pokemon's territory. It makes her mad to see how they treat the land that countless generations of Pokemon and Gijinkas lived on. She is sickened by the fact that they want to capture Pokemon and force them to fight eachother or do the human's dirty work. She wants to fight back against them, yet knows that she can't attack them on her own.
Other: She decided that she wants to level up more before evolving, so she carries around an Everstone.

InfinityLove's character(s)

Name: Takumi
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Trainer?: Yes
Pokemon in Party: Reiji(Umbreon), Rairakku(Espeon), Rin(Shiny Luxray), Kusa(Servine), Ky?z?(Typhlosion), and Furaito(Pidgeot)
Personality: He's nice, calm, and seems to always be happy. He likes to annoy people who don't see happy. He believes it gives them another emotion to be other then moody or depressed. He also thinks it's just fun to tease people. He's got a playful attitude, be it with girls or boys, and because he teases anyone he knows, some have thought of him as a player, when in fact he's waiting for just the right person.
Significant History: Takumi had a normal life for the most part. Nothing really special happened to him. He met his best friend and partner at a young age, and they'd been together ever since they met. He liked to wander a lot when he wasn't busy, and most of the time, he'd end up catching more pokemon.
Orientation: Straight
Relationships: None here so far

Black=Umbreon Purple=Espeon Blue=Luxray Green=Servine Red=Typhlosion Orange=Pidgeot
Username: InfinityLove
Name: Reiji, Rairakku, Rin, Kusa, Ky?z?, Furaito
Age: 19, 19, 18, 17, 20, 19
Gender: Male, Female, Female, Female, Male, Male
Pokemon: Umbreon, Espeon, Luxray, Servine, Typhlosion, Pidgeot
Pokemon type: Dark, Psychic, Electric, Grass, Fire, Normal/Flying
Approx. Level: 77, 77, 70, 55, 80, 64
Known Moves: Moonlight, Faint Attack, Iron Tail, Shadow Ball, Attract
Confusion, Swift, Psybeam, Attract, Secret Power
Thunder Fang, Crunch, Discharge, Charge Beam, Thunder
Leaf Storm, Leaf Blade, Solar Beam, Energy Ball, Grass Knot
Flamethrower, Inferno, Eruption, Overheat, Incinerate
Twister, Air Slash, Wing Attack, Aerial Ace, Pluck
Ability: Synchronize, Synchronize, Rivalry, Overgrow, Blaze, Keen Eye
Type Strengths: Check this place for type out, since doing this for six Pokemon would be very hard.
Type Weaknesses: Check above.
Appearance: A regular Umbreon, with a crescent moon necklace
An Espeon with small white patches of fur all over her body, with a sun necklace
A regular shiny Luxray
A regular Servine
A regular Typhlosion
A regular Pidgeot
Personality: Quiet, calm, protective, but mostly over Rairakku
Sofy, happy, nice, and slightly bubbly
Nice, and happy, but calm, and slightly orderly
Calm, collected, 'I don't care' act
Fiery, passionate, and protective
A 'go with the wind' attitude
Significant History: They were wild before Takumi caught them. Ky?z? was his first pokemon.
Orientation: -
Relationships: Reiji and Rairakku are almost always together.
Reaction to humans: Help, obviously.
Other: -

Name: Hikaru
Age: 11
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Shinx
Pokemon type: Electric
Approx. Level: 18
Known Moves: Tackle, Spark, Bite, Thunder Wave, Iron Tail, Thunderbolt
Ability: Rivalry
Type Strengths: Water, Flying
Type Weaknesses: Ground
Personality: Hikaru is slightly shy, but mostly curious and gets confused by foreign actions. He tends to follow you around and if you trying to do something, watch you make a mess of it, before proposing his own idea. He's not really scared of anyone, just frightened if they try to hurt him. Since he's so small, some tend to underestimate him in a fight.
Significant History: Being 11, he doesn't really know much about the world. He doesn't really remember having a home or parents. He just remembers wandering around a lot.
Orientation: Straight
Relationships: In his wanderings, he tends to bump into Akane and Rei a lot, so they ended up deciding to look after him whenever they bumped into each other.
Reaction to humans: Follow around in curiosity and confusion then after a while helps once people have made a mess of things.
Other: -

Name: Akane
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Mightyena
Pokemon type: Dark
Approx. Level: 50
Known Moves: Crunch, Payback, Dark Pulse, Assurance, Sucker Punch, Attract
Ability: Intimidate, Quick feet
Type Strengths: Psychic, Ghost
Type Weaknesses: Fighting, Dark, Steel
Personality: She has a smart brain and mouth. She gets angered very easily, causing her to use said smart mouth, therefore making her a target for many. She loves to fight and have fun, and because she fights so much, that's why she's such a high level at a young age. She's always carefree, and if you can't find her fighting her rival, then she's most likely hanging out with some Poochyena or Mightyena.
Significant History: She was left for dead as a Poochyena Gijinka when she was about 5 years old. Instead of killing her, a Mightyena decided to take care of her, and so she was brought up by wild pokemon. It's why she has such wild tendencies, and doesn't really care about what others think. Her only real Gijinka friend is Rei, and that's only because she can give Akane a good fight and keep her on her toes.
Orientation: Straight
Relationships: Her and Rei are rivals/best friends. Together the two of them tend to take care of Hikaru when he stumbles upon them.
Reaction to humans: Studies them before deciding, but will most likely help. Especially if their doing something dangerous.
Other: -

Name: Rei
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Ninetails
Pokemon type: Fire
Approx. Level: 50
Known Moves: Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Will-O-Wisp, Heat Wave, Attract, Flare Blitz
Ability: Flash Fire
Type Strengths: Grass, Ice, Bug, Steel
Type Weaknesses: Water, Rock, Dragon, Fire
Personality: She's calm and collected, and rarely does things without thinking about it. She likes to have a plan, and stay controlled in a situation. She loves to fight though, so that's why she hangs out so much with Akane. because of all their fights that's why she's such a high level at a young age. She also likes to hang out with other Ninetails and Vulpixes in warm climates.
Significant History: Rei loved to use her powers at such a young that her father left her as soon as he thought she'd be able to take care of herself. Her mother died giving birth to her. So for about 10 years she was left to herself, wandering and taking care of herself. She was often able to get help from some of the Ninetails around. They taught her how to fight with her powers so she'd be able to take care of herself. Her only other Gijinka friend is Akane, and she loves taking care of Hikaru. It makes her wonder what she'd be like as a mother.
Orientation: Straight
Relationships: Her and Akane are rivals/best friends. They also take care of Hikaru together when he stumbles upon them.
Reaction to humans: Analyzes the situation and who the person is before helping.
Other: -

Rini00's character(s)
Name: Ichigo
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Eevee
Pokemon type: Normal
Approx. Level: 20
Known Moves: Tackle, Bite, Quick attack, Attract, Growl, Tail Whip
Ability: Adaptability
Type Strengths: none
Type Weaknesses: Ghost, Fighting, Rock, Steel

Personality: Super curious, sassy, happy, easily irritated and shy towards humans but otherwise is outgoing.
Significant History: Was never very happy, her parents left her when she was 5. She loved to play with aipom as a child so likes to hide in the trees and surprise people.
Orientation: Straight
Relationships: None yet
Reaction to humans: Watches them but is scared to approach them.
Other: None

alchemizedTrust's characters
Name: Yuki Sapphire
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Froslass
Pokemon type: Ice/Dark
Approx. Level: 59
Known Moves: Astonish, Powder Snow, Double Team, Ice/Ominus Wind, Confuse Ray, Wake-Up Slap, Ice Shard, Hail, Blizzard, Destiny Bond
Ability: Cursed Body [Moves that hit this Pokémon have a 30% chance of being Disabled afterward.]
Type Strengths: Ice- Grass, Ground, Flying Dragon
Dark- Psychic, Ghost
Type Weaknesses: Ice: Fire, Fighting, Rock, Steel [Super Effective Against Ice]
Dark- Bug, Fighting, Fairy [Super Effective Against Dark]
Personality: Generally: Yuki has a very stoic and introverted personality, preferring simple body language rather than speaking. When prompted to speak, she does so in a very concise manner, always speaking in a monotone and displaying a dispassionate expression. Her tone also carries a hint of bitter cold, unwelcoming nature. Her empathy is somewhat lacking. Yuki's unchanging facial expressions make it near-impossible to discern her mood, despite her reserved manner, she is not emotionless. Though seemingly cold and devoid of emotions at first glance, Yuki does have emotions; subtly shows a genuinely warm care for select beings.

If comfortable around you, she can smile, laugh, or let down her mask so to say. She may seem a little timid, two sides of a coin. One cold, friendly. So if you are a stanger you’ll get a cold shoulder, but if you’re her friend she will melt in your hands. She tends to get jealous and is a wonderful actress. So she may normally act bland, or sweet to you depending on who you are but she can act.
Significant History: Yuki was much more open and friendly towards others until the humans arrived. She had a bitter view toward them for scaring and trying to capture her friends. It became tiresome and she became furious with the outcome, holding a deep grudge. However this colder outlook made her isolate herself and leave the world to deal with itself. That all changed when she saw some similar traits. With curiosity perked Yuki is torn between her grudge and wanting to know more about them.
Relationships: N/A
Reaction to humans: Unknown
Other: N/A

Name: Raffaelu Dayani
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Trainer?: Yes
Personality: Ruru is normally happy with friends, open, and compassionate. He enjoys pondering over the way things work, and why they are the way they are. Nature always soothes him, and knowledge is as sweet as candy. However around others he does not know, he is more timid and unsure. If at all possible he stays away from fights.
Significant History: When Ruru was little he got his starter Flora. He found it best to leave Vatani at home where she would be safe and could tend to his mother. However, Vatani having been his first Pokemon and a gift from his mother, followed him. She looked after him in the shadows. That was until they found Sora drowning in the river due to Aki finally loosing it. Vatani revealed herself, and upon Ruru’s command, saved Sora. It lead to a drastic fight with Aki, and it was their first major win despite their type disadvantage. Sora joined their group, and together they trained not for badges at first but for each other. Eventually badges became part of it. Ruru stumbled across Raven took care of Sarabi when she was ill, after their third badge. When Ruru found them, Raven would not let him near Sarabi. They had to fight and catch him to make him back down. When Sarabi was healed at the Pokemon Center thanks to Ruru, she allowed herself to be caught to stay with Raven.
Gender: Male
Orientation: Straight
Other: N/A

Pokemon in Party: Gliscore
Username: alchemizedTrust
Name: Gliscore [Sora]
Volcarona [Vatani]
Kingdra [Aki]
Venasaur [Flora]
Umbreon [Raven]
Gardevoir [Sarabi]
Age: Gliscore [Sora]: 24
Volcarona [Vatani]: 22
Kingdra [Aki]: 19
Venasaur [Flora]: 20
Umbreon [Raven]: 18
Gardevoir [Sarabi]: 18
Gender: Gliscore [Sora]: Male
Volcarona [Vatani]: Female
Kingdra [Aki]: Male
Venasaur [Flora]: Female
Umbreon [Raven]: Male
Gardevoir [Sarabi]: Female
Pokemon: Gliscore [Sora]:
Volcarona [Vatani]:
Kingdra [Aki]:
Venasaur [Flora]:
Umbreon [Raven]:
Gardevoir [Sarabi]:
Pokemon type: Gliscore [Sora]: Ground/Flying
Volcarona [Vatani]: Bug/Fire
Kingdra [Aki]: Water/Dragon
Venasaur [Flora]: Grass/Posion
Umbreon [Raven]: Dark
Gardevoir [Sarabi]: Psychic/Fairy
Approx. Level: Gliscore [Sora]: 55
Volcarona [Vatani]: 70
Kingdra [Aki]: 57
Venasaur [Flora]: 32
Umbreon [Raven]: 33
Gardevoir [Sarabi]: 40
Known Moves: Gliscore [Sora]: Sand Attack, Night Slash, X-Scussir, Sky Uppercut, Guillotine, Thunder, Fire Fang
Volcarona [Vatani]: Leach Life, Firespin, Whirlwind, Silver Wind, Quiver Dance, Over Heat, Bug Buzz
Kingdra [Aki]: BubbleBeam, Brine, Twister, Hydro Pump, Dragon Pulse
Venasaur [Flora]: Vine Whip, Sleeping/Posion Powder, Petal Dance, Double Edge
Umbreon [Raven]: Moonlight, Quick Attack, Confuse Ray, Faint Attack, Iron Tail, Shadow Ball
Gardevoir [Sarabi]: Confusion, Teleport, Wish, Psychic, Heal Pulse
Ability: Gliscore [Sora]: Poison Heal [If this Pokémon is poisoned, it will heal for 1/8 of its maximum HP after each turn rather than taking damage. This includes bad poison.]
Volcarona [Vatani]: Swarm [When this Pokémon has 1/3 or less of its HP remaining, its Bug-type moves inflict 1.5× as much regular damage.]
Kingdra [Aki]: Sniper
Venasaur [Flora]: Overgrow [When this Pokémon has 1/3 or less of its HP remaining, its Grass-type moves inflict 1.5× as much regular damage.]
Umbreon [Raven]: Sychronize [Whenever this Pokémon is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned, the Pokémon who gave this Pokémon that ailment is also given the ailment.]
Gardevoir [Sarabi]: Trace [When this Pokémon enters battle, it copies a random opponent's ability.]
Type Strengths: Please reffer to here http://pokemondb.net/type
Type Weaknesses: http://pokemondb.net/type
Appearance: They all appear like normal Pokemon.
Personality: Gliscore [Sora]: Short Tempered, Trickster
Volcarona [Vatani]: Leader, Protective, Bold
Kingdra [Aki]: Calm, Peace Maker
Venasaur [Flora]: Sassy, Cocky
Umbreon [Raven]: Cool, Reserved, Loyal, Protective
Gardevoir [Sarabi]: Kind, Timid, Motherly
Orientation: Straight
Relationships: Sarabi and Vatani are the care takers of the group, Aki keeps the peace, while Sora messes it all up, and Raven wants nothing to do with it. They bicker amongs themselves but when push comes to shove they are family through and through.
Reaction to humans: Hide, for the most part. They do what they find best for their trainer, Ruru.
Significant History: Gliscore [Sora]: Ruru found him drowning in a river, and comanded
Vatani to help him out. Later Ruru and Vatani taught him how to fly and he has been by their side ever since.
Volcarona [Vatani]: Vatani was Ruru’s first Pokemon, given to him by his mother.
Kingdra [Aki]: Aki was the one who got fed up with Sora’s tricks and blasted him in the river. After seeing Ruru’s compassion he joined the team as well.
Venasaur [Flora]: Flora was Ruru’s pick of the starters. Ruru orginally planned to leave Vatani at home, but she followed him.
Umbreon [Raven]: Raven took care of Sarabi when she was ill. When Ruru found them Raven would not let him near Sarabi. They had to fight and catch him to make him back down.
Gardevoir [Sarabi]: When Sarabi was healed at the Pokemon Center thanks to Ruru, she allowed herself to be caught to stay with Raven.
Orientation: Straight
Relationships: N/A
Other: N/A

Check here and the post above often to be aware of any new members. If someone shows up that you haven't seen yet, chances are, they're here.
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Thu, 11/07/2013 20:58 (11 Years ago)
Story Thus Far

Last update: 7-28-13

This section will be updated as requested.

Roleplay Time: Noon

Roleplay Status: NOW OPEN! Feel free to join still, just remember to PM them to me, do not post them here!

Member count: 6

Character count: 12
***Gijinka: 9
***Human: 3
***Female: 8
***Male: 4

For new members, I would really appreciate more males and/or humans. However, we have no female humans yet, and of the Gijinka, only two are male.

Basically, what I would like (but am not yet enforcing) for new characters:
*Male Human
*Male Gijinka
*Female Human
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Thu, 11/07/2013 20:59 (11 Years ago)

Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Thu, 11/07/2013 21:00 (11 Years ago)

Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Thu, 11/07/2013 21:01 (11 Years ago)

Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Sat, 27/07/2013 03:43 (11 Years ago)
Diana glared at the Rhyhorn across from her. It snorted and scraped its rocky hoof on the ground. All at once, it charged at her, horn down and spinning in a Horn Drill attack. She stood her ground, waiting... Waiting... Finally, it was almost on her and she jumped, placing on hand on it's head and pushing off over it. Her feet were parallel to the ground, and her dress blew lightly in the rush of wind from the Rhyhorn. Once she cleared, she faced it's rear. It tried to stop, but was headed straight for a tree. She used DragonBreath, and the blue wisps drifted quickly toward it from her mouth. It collided with the tree at the same moment it took the attack. The tree fell, but as it turned back to the Deino girl, it was clearly week.

"Not done yet? You rock types are so stubborn," she huffed. It snorted a bit pridefully, but it was not dumb. It was clearly out matched. Still, it charged... But veered off the moment Di tensed. "Hey! Get back here! I need the experience points!" She yelled after it. Racing after it, she paid little attention to where they were headed. Suddenly, the Rhyhorn skidded to a stop. She was about to make a sour retort, but the look it gave her made her shut her mouth. It was a warning, both angry and fearful. Quieter now, she approached the break in the trees. On the shore was something strange. Items she had never seen before... And washed up Gijinka? No, these were not Gijinka. They had nothing resembling any water type Pokemon she knew. Something was very wrong. Not sure what to think, she backed further into the treeline before she could be seen, keeping to the shadows.

Lein lounged lazily in an old, blackened, leafless tree. Being so tall, it had been struck so many times by lightning, it could no longer grow. But from this stormy field, brave electric Pokemon could overlook much of the forest, and there was a great view of the volcano. Up so high, sometimes Klein wondered if he'd see his missing father or sister from here one day. A pachirisu would scramble past every so often, daring the higher, thinner branches. He smiled as he remembered challenging many of them to battles, back when he was furiously leveling up as a Shinx. Now they were small fries, not worthy of wasting energy on. Looking back down, his sharp eye caught something odd on the shore. Object he'd never seen in such shapes. Well, maybe he'd seen before, when he wandered into that old lab by the volcano, daring to challenge the ghost Pokemon there. And the shapes on the shore were gijinka like, yet they resembled no Pokemon in the slightest. His curiosity caught, he carefully weaved his way down the tree.
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 403
Posted: Sat, 27/07/2013 05:03 (11 Years ago)
....Rosanna, my dear, wake up.....

A faint image of her mother stirred her awake. Rosanna's eyes opened wide, immediately tracking a distant bird Pokémon that glided across the sky. She had been resting in an empty field, where stalks of green grass towered high above her. As she lifted herself off the ground, a larger flock of Pidgeys flew past. They seemed to be racing...or something.
"I wonder if they think they are smarter because they can fly?" Rosanna pondered this simple question for a few moments. After that, she stood up and strolled south through the field.
Screeee! came a frantic call. Rosanna looked upwards again, this time seeing a Fearow. Several younger Spearows followed suit, while squawking only slightly quieter.
"The flying Pokémon make so much noise!" she exclaimed aloud. I think it would be a lot better if they would just hush up sometimes. she thought to herself.

Rosanna walked until she reached the end of the field. Here, the forest started. And after the forest, was the beach.
She broke a small twig off the end of a tree branch, and drew a little map in the dry mud. Just in case a baby Pokémon gets lost.
She hadn't yet taken two steps when she heard movement beyond the trees. What's that?
Peering around a rather round tree, she saw another tree that had fallen over. Poor tree! she thought. Scared now, she lightly creeped around the edge of the forest. A few minutes passed. She eventually spotted a clearing in the woods not far from where she was standing, and now that her fear had passed, she decided she could go there. Hopefully, she wouldn't run into any big Pokémon. There, in the clearing, were orange flowers, and Rosanna loved orange flowers. And then, she remembered something from long ago.
Weren't there more flowers like this by the beach?
Holding an orange blossom, she continued walking carefully.
It wasn't long before she noticed the still shapes on the sand.

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Sat, 27/07/2013 06:25 (11 Years ago)
Artemis held his head in his hands as he sat up. Gah, I feel like I got hit over my head with a baseball bat, or something... He moved too quickly, and felt a fuzzy feeling come over him, as well as a sharp pain. His vision went black for a few seconds. I think I'd better stay put for a while, he thought. Grabbing a Pokeball from his belt, he felt the round object grow larger in his hand. He pressed the button, and Chaol appeared in a flash of light.

The Hydreigon took a quick look at his trainer. He flew behind Artemis, and nudged him up with his snout. "Okay, fine, I'm getting up," Artemis said. He stood slowly. "It appears we're on a beach of some sort." He picked up a small shell that had washed ashore.

"First things first, everyone! Come on out!" He released all of his dragon Pokemon from their Pokeballs. "Okay, guys, we need to cover some ground. Look around for anything that seems useful for survival, like food, or something to build a shelter with. Palla, you go that way, Chirin, you go that way, Huttser, you go that way, and Chaol, you stay with me. Everyone meet back here in ten minutes." The team split up, dividing into different paths to search. Chaol made a deep rumbling in his throat.

"Yes, Chaol," said Artemis, "I think you're right. I feel...a presence of some sort. It's hard to explain, but I think we're being watched..."

Aramina slipped, falling from her upside-down swinging from a low tree branch. "Owowow!" she rubbed her head and shoulder. Luckily, a berry bush had broken her fall, so she only had a few scrapes. After licking a bit of red berry juice off her arm, she decided she liked the flavor. She plucked a bright red berry, popping it into her mouth, only to spit it out soon after.

"Hot!" she said, fanning her mouth with her hands. "Hot! HOT! HothothotHOTHOThothot!" She ran around frantically, looking for a stream, or another source of water. Finding none, she stuffed several other kinds of nearby berries into her mouth, hoping to find one that was juicy and could block out the spicy taste from the last one. It didn't work too well, but at least it didn't feel like she was trying to drink lava anymore.

She was about to start more upside-down swinging fun, when she saw another gijinka pass by. Smiling ever-so-smugly, she crept along, following the Minun gijinka quietly. What was her name? Ro-something? When the other gijinka stopped, she jumped from behind some bushes, shouting, "BOO!" with her arms waving hard. She laughed. "Did I scare you?" She laughed even harder. Sneak attacks rule!

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Sat, 27/07/2013 16:59 (11 Years ago)
The loud call of a Starly woke Luthra up.
She jumped in surprise, yellow eyes opening wide. Glancing around, ahe looked for any signs of trouble. Something isn't right...

Had that Sneasel she defeated yesterday come back for a rematch? No, he needed time to recover from fainting before he was up to fighting. Something else was happening. She looked around some more, then spotted the small bird on the ground next to her. It was the Starly that had woken her up. It was staring at her with round eyes, obviously spooked. The pokemon flapped its wings anxiously and let out an frightened trill.

"Wha-?" She shook her head, trying to shake off her tiredness. Something was wrong, she could feel it. Squinting at the sky, she noticed that many bird pokemon were on the move. Something had startled them. But what? She was staring to get worried. She looked questioningly at the Starly. In answer it hopped onto her shoulder and squawked in her ear. Sighing, she muttered "I guess you're right. Let's go find out." She stood up, brushed the dirt off her pants, and stared trekking towards the beach.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 403
Posted: Sat, 27/07/2013 17:33 (11 Years ago)
Are those Gijinka?
One of the shapes started to move.
They seem scary...
Rosanna took a few steps backward, then continued creeping through the woods ever so silently. She slowly gained ground away from the beach. Just after she started to retreat, she noticed a familiar scent....Red berries! Maybe I could pick some later. As she thought this, a figure approached her from behind.
"Eeeek!" Rosanna made her hands into fists and brought them to her face, covering herself. A few sparks jumped from her hair.
"Did I scare you?" started the voice, laughing loudly.
Cringing, Rosanna opened an eye. It's a Gijinka....I think I've seen her somewhere before...she's older than me, I think.
Rosanna steadily lowered her guard, saying, "He...hello...who are you?"

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Sat, 27/07/2013 17:42 (11 Years ago)
Aramina stood proudly. "I'm Aramina," she said. "And I'm the best sneak attacker ever!" Okay, so the last part was a lie, but she was good at sneak attacks. Sometimes. Not usually. She nudged the other gijinka with her elbow.

"Hey, I think something's going on at the beach. What do you think it is? I think it's a huge wage, or maybe a crazy storm! It would explain why the bird Pokemon are all scared today." She made flapping motions with her hands.

"Let's check it out together!" Aramina grabbed the gijinka's hand. "But wait, I almost forgot, what's your name?"

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 403
Posted: Sat, 27/07/2013 17:56 (11 Years ago)
The strange girl introduced herself, and shortly thereafter, took Rosanna by the hand, leading her to the shore. The shore that was beautiful, lined with the sunset-colored buds of that morning's flowers. The shore that was now, haunted, filled with foreign shapes that did not resemble Water Gijinka. The shore that grew nearer with every step...
While they were running, Rosanna had to make a hasty reply to the girl's question:
"My name...is...Rosanna!"
The beach was on the horizon.
"But we can't go there!" Rosanna protested. What if we see those scary things again?
She could see the waves, coming closer, and closer....

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Sat, 27/07/2013 20:25 (11 Years ago)
Di watched with wonder as pokemon appeared around the new comer. He kept them in tiny little spheres, and they did everything he told them. Was he holding these pokemon as slaves?! Di's anger built, but she stayed back, still fascinated with one pokemon that stayed with the new creature that was so like Gijinka, yet very different. Usually this beach was crowded with bird pokemon, and others playing on the beach. But now all cries were distant, and very much alarms. The Rhyhorn had taken off.

"Hydreigon..." she muttered to herself. It was one of her own evolutions, she knew from the small population of her species that lived in the mountains and high up the volcano. When the pokemon and creature seemed to sense her, she shrunk back behind the tree more. If that pokemon was under the control of the creature, she would have no chance against it. But the creature itself looked week, probably not very high level, if creatures like it had levels. Maybe she could attack it and free the poor Hydreigon? The thought of a pokemon so much like her being controlled was infuriating.

Yet she stayed hidden, not wanting to leap stupidly into a battle with a pokemon she could not win, even if her target was the creature. Under its control, the Hydreigon was bound to protect it.

Lein was running quite quickly through the forest to the shore, his curiosity peeked. When he heard the voices of gijinka, though, he slowed. From the faint static in the air, uncommon to these parts, they had to be electric types. And girls at that! Approaching the voices at a light trot, he decided it probably wouldn't be a good idea to scare them. A bit too much electricity could set a tree on fire, and he'd be responsible for a small forest fire.

"Yo!" he called ahead as the two came into sight. From the look of the one he had the best view of, it was clearly a Minun. He figured the other was a Plusle, since the two always seemed to run around together. "What are two lovely ladies like yourselves discussing? Did I hear something about the beach? I wouldn't head that way, something's up there that the pokemon don't like..." he warned.
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Sat, 27/07/2013 21:47 (11 Years ago)
A puzzled look crossed over Aramina's face. "Why not?" she asked, and turned around to see a luxray gijinka walking towards them. She got even more curious. "What is it on the beach that could be so bad? Nothing too bad ever comes 'cept storms and stuff." The Furret gijinka turned to Rosanna.

"Seriously, it can't be that bad, right? We can look at whatever's there from behind something, like a tree or a bush. If it's really bad, then we'll leave. Sound good?"

Aramina shuffled one foot along the ground. "Come on," she said, "it can't hurt to have a peek. Please say yes."

Artemis gave Chaol a small scratch under near his jawbone, who gave a small huff of appreciation. He walked to a relatively flat area of dry sand, and laid himself down. Chaol landed next to him with a dull thud.

Artemis reached into his pocket and pulled out his headphones, putting them in his ears. Surprisingly, music was still playing. "Wow, I guess I was right to buy that waterproof case, huh?" he said, looking at the screen of his music player. "Too bad there's only half the battery left." He put it back in his pocket, humming quietly to the music.

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 403
Posted: Sat, 27/07/2013 22:01 (11 Years ago)
Aramina urged her to continue on. But she still wasn't quite sure if they would be safe.

Well, maybe it wouldn't be so scary if she came with me...
Rosanna was definitely frightened at the idea of going back to the beach. The area had grown eerily quiet, with the exception of distant cries from bird Pokémon. She could hear the gentle movement of the waves not far away, not far beyond their reach.
She saw another Gijinka coming towards them, and turned to the Furret girl.
I don't like the feeling of this place, either.... she thought to herself.

"O...okay. Let's go." she said to Aramina.