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Forum Thread

Trading Game Chips for other items with Users

Forum-Index Suggestions Rejected Trading Game Chips for other items with Users
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 122
Posted: Sun, 14/12/2014 12:30 (10 Years ago)
What I mean is that you can use your Game Chips to buy stuff from Users here is an example

- Moon Stone (Auction) Current Bid: 1500 Game Chips


- Moon Stone (Trade) (In this you can put an offer and they can accept an offer they want to accept

Or even,

Gifting Game Chips to Friends
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 130
Posted: Sun, 14/12/2014 12:36 (10 Years ago)
i don't really see the point of this especcialy since not a lot users go to the game center
Don't act like you're one of the cool kids,Be one of the cool kids
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 122
Posted: Mon, 19/01/2015 11:26 (10 Years ago)
I think this needs a bump, and also epik what about who DO use it but also this might take to long to implement I think
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 760
Posted: Mon, 19/01/2015 13:12 (10 Years ago)
I do see the point of this.. Those people who cant get gamechips (Like me) Want certain things from the prize shop but cant get them but maybe one of there friends with a lot of game chips will give them some so they may buy an item

And some might say
"Well couldn't the friend of this player just buy them the item?"

But what about the legend eggdexes? Some people might wanna complete there egg dexes but cannot get gamechips because coinflip fails them.. so then they will not be able to get raikou/suicune/entei/manaphy's egg dexes

I Support

First i didn't know what to put in here but then..
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game center dogs
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 824
Posted: Mon, 19/01/2015 14:49 (10 Years ago)
I personally don't agree with this suggestion, just for the reason of the legendaries you can get from the Game Center. If we dealt with Game Chips as a currency here between other users, this may make the Pokemon you win at the Game Center to be easier to get, and I personally don't like the sound of that. I want getting those Pokemon to continue being a challenge and something I should work hard for, not selling all my almost useless items away to reach that goal easier.

As for being able to gift them to friends, no support either. I believe this one was suggested plenty of times before. This will cause all those generous users to just gift every Game Chip they own over to their friend, just so they can get those Game Center Pokemon. This, as stated above, will end up lessening their rarity, allowing each and ever user to be able to get them easily, which, I don't want to happen.

Overall, no support to either suggestion. ^^"

Character owned by me, art by JadeING
Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 539
Posted: Mon, 19/01/2015 17:24 (10 Years ago)
Someone could easily trade 1k GC to another user, then 1 more k, then another and so on, so it'd simplify the Game Center and all

Quote"Everyone has their own little internal world - a secret garden only they can enter. Each world follows its own internal logic - individuality. And the logic of one world means nothing in another. Understanding other people isn't hard... It's impossible."
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,808
Posted: Mon, 19/01/2015 17:43 (10 Years ago)
Already suggested and rejected here.