Forum Thread
Screamer Rule
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Screamer RuleReporting users helps but not much, because other users who haven't gotten reported could still post links like that because it's not on the rules,
My suggestion is, add a rule to the Rules that states, You can not post links such as Screamers, or links that will cause Seizures and such...
Pretty much it, don't want to end up in the hospital from a Seizure caused by tapping a link that I thought was art...
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I don't know if it needs to be said, but I have a younger sister who is old enough to a point where we're letting her start to come on the internet. She has epilepsy and cerebral palsy, so yes, she is a disabled person. I know for a fact how horrid and terrifying seizures can be, especially since she's nearly drowned on two accounts (once being hospitalized for a few days), not to mention she has hurt herself without actually meaning to when falling from a seizure. I am also aware that some seizures can be so bad that they can cause someone to actually die. On a site made because of a game/anime series aimed toward kids, it would be extremely unfortunate if someone were to die because someone thought it would be funny to jumpscare children browsing late into the day.
I was thinking of introducing my sister to this site sooner or later and I do not feel comfortable knowing that people are willy-nilly posting screamer links and not getting in trouble regardless of the mental and/or physical damage they can cause. Except for a few people getting angry on the feeds that may have been posted, of course.
It's actually to a point where I've been ignoring user links unless they're from close friends whom I know have the sense to not post screamers in feeds. I'm a bit of an insomniac and I get scared rather easily so I don't need any help not going to sleep at a timely hour.
I also support because when I post links to images, I dislike that people refuse to click an actual safe link JUST because they think it's a scare link, even when I name it exactly what it is.
Hovering over the link is enough for us older players to know not to click it, but what about the more trusting or the younger users?
Again, I fully support these being added to against the rules. [Though, I guess it could go under advertising, already, as linking the site is a form of advertising it, and we already stated that it's inappropriate for the younger users and users who can get seizures triggered... But having it specifically listed would be better anyways.]

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Either way it already says in the rules that every post has to be suitable for all users. Screamer links are obviously not for various reasons so every person posting them will probably receive a temporary ban (pretty harsh, but if that's the way you enjoy yourself then you don't deserve a warning imo). Or we could ban the use of links in forums + feeds, but most people probably wouldn't like that.
Even if they do add it to the rules the user who receive this PM will still have to press the report button. Do moderators go through the PM? Even if they do I don't think they will have time to check out all random PMS to find that certain one. Im just saying users can still send these screamers but moderators wont know right away until it's reported. Im not against it yet or not but any clarification on how it makes a difference would be appreciated.
These screamer links can come from anywhere, in any site. If you see a suspicious link, then don't click it. It's simple. Riako cannot just block a site from entering, because the BBCode supports all links. It's impossible to stop screamer links. Even if you add a rule, the Mods cannot just check every user's links to find a screamer.
It would be better if the user who posts the link just simply says that its a screamer link and will be scary or some thing like that. For me I love that kind of links I know some people hate them. But I think it will be better if the rules was for the user to warn others that it will be a screamer link etc. And not just put a rule that you can't post stuff like that. If you get warning on the feed then you know you shouldn't click the link.

"Will You Interact?"
Now, I don't know what browser people are using, but I use Chrome, and if I hover over a link, it tells me at the bottom left of my window what the address is, so if/until (and I hope this suggestion is implemented) this is implemented, some users could use that to avoid dangerous links ;)