Darreon growled as he watched the tornado approach whilst the snake
ran away behind it. His last bolt of flame before he'd have a sore
throat, second to last before he too would be out of fire.
Launching it at the tornado, he watched the red flame meet the
acid-fire mix, watched as time stood still for a moment before the
tornado exploded, the mix of two flames and acid becoming violent.
Closing his eyes for a moment as the hot wind blew past, Darreon
grinned to himself. His opponent was running. That meant it was
weak. The daemon's eyes flashed red as he fell deeper into
predatory instinct, and another roar flew from his throat. One
final blast of flame before he was out, but he had the razor wings
to use as well.
The fire absorbed into his thick scales, and he flowed red, before
his fire came back to life “I’m sorry general. I failed. He was too
powerful for me” he said shamefully, bowing his massive head
Kieran spotted something on the ground... it appeared to be a
guitar, but he knew how monster items could work, sometimes they
looked like other things. "Hey, Darreon!" He called to the monster,
relieved to use his voice again. "You left your guitar axe!" Maybe
he could be useful for once in this fight. Hopefully the daemon
wouldn't wonder why he knew his name if they'd never really spoken.
The tree Kieran was on began to rumble, and he yelped in surprise
as it rose, sounding a lot like he would if he was in his animal
form. Maybe the earth elemental had stepped in...?
Something echoed around in Darreon's mind, his name, as well as...
Gibberish, to him. In his more beast-like form, English meant
nothing to him. His vision had blurred slightly, his nose guiding
him, lighting up the form of a massive snake over the crest of a
small hill. His wings rattled in anticipation, ready to attack,
lacerate, eliminate. Before he could, though, something caught him.
Thrashing, Darreon let loose his final charge of fire, allowed it
to cover him, trying to get loose.
Snarling, the daemon attempted to free his wings so he might slice
the gripping force to shreds, although his claws weren't doing much
to whatever was holding him. Thrashing his body, Darreon tried to
turn so he could see what was holding him, although it was
unsuccessful. Out of fire, the daemon couldn't do much unless he
could free himself, even just a little. The beastial form of
Darreon was shockingly unwilling to give up, maybe even foolhardy.
"Heh...." Kieran knew that Nyxtra probably wasn't here in person,
since she was of another plane and was powerful enough to do this
remotely and all. Of course, the snake was unaware, not having met
the elemental himself.