Flare starts worrying and sneezes, not knowing that the move was
called ember. What was happening!? He had to fight more. He is
using tackle on a shadow metapod.
Fen stares in shock. He didn't know he could do that! What move was
that, stone edge or something? Fen was out of energy though. His
front legs gave out beneath him, and he faceplanted into the ground
(oof). An idea came to him, but too late. The stones! The shadow
pokemon were covered in stones! If only he could control them- but
no, he was too weak. He tried to get back up, but collapsed again.
Midnight is more focused on protecting, not attacking. She uses
Dark Pulse again on another shadow pokemon, showing no mercy as she
was in front of Mia.
Riptide saw Fen on the ground. Rushing over, he went to protect
Fen. Finding a power within him, he used a new move: Life Dew
(attained from breeding). Although it only did a little, and tired
Riptide out, he knew that Fen would have a plan.
Mia looked at Midnight. "I-I'm okay...but what were--are th-those?"
She looked back at the shadow pokemon. Stronger pokemon were
showing up, sending them back into the woods. "Seal it! Seal the
barrier!" They were calling to each other.
Yoru used extrasensory on a pyroar. "It's important we send them
back! We don't want to wake Twilight!" In the heat of the moment,
it didn't occur to her that they didn't know who that was, but you
could hear the urgency in her voice.
The absol fell back, as did a lot of the others. They seemed to
remember why they didn't leave the Dark Woods all that much.
Flare sees Fen and Riptide, tries picking Riptide up and carrying
him back to the house. He was a little hard to move because of
Flare's size, but he manages and brings him to the house. He comes
back out and uses ember on a shadow snivy.
"I'm fine," Fen croaked. He still couldn't get up... but maybe it
would work from here? Concentrating all his energy on one of the
shadow pokemon (it was hard to tell which one, maybe a weavile or a
sneazel?), he tried to move the stones in its body, letting out a
low growl while concentrating. He flung the surprised pokemon back
into the forest.
Riptide groaned. He was really drained from the Aqua jet and life
dew. Thanks, Flare. he said. He then peeked his head out of the
window, protecting fen from the nearby shadow pokemon.
Noba stumbled over to Fen and nuzzled him. He slowly helped him up.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t stop that attack from hitting you...” he
murmured as he tried to comfort him. He used Ember to make another
Most of the pokemon were in the forest now. Various psychic pokemon
were making their way over, remaking the 'seal' on the forest,
trapping the corrupted creatures in. Yoru stared into the forest,
the battle was over...but this..wasn't the end.. She went to
investigate the source of the scream.
Fen huffed. Darkness blurred his vision as he struggled to pull off
the task again, but he had no more energy. The cut down his chest
stung like 100 bees, and he felt himself begin to slip into
unconciousness. No! I can't faint now! I need to protect
everyone! He let out another small growl, this time while
concentrating to stay concious. "I'm fine," He obviously lies to
Noba, his teeth still gritted.
Fen feels the cut begin the clot, but he's already lost a lot of
blood. Ah, so it was the absol from earlier that had tried to heal
him? Maybe she was learning. He would live, for sure. He tried to
get up, but his vision fogged, and, despite his best efforts, he
drifted into unconciousness. I failed, he thought, right
before he fainted.
“Fen!” Noba barked and abandoning all sense of continuing the fight
temporarily, he slowly moved his friend to safety. He thought this
would be fine as reinforcements had arrived anyways, but he needed
to prioritise the safety of his friend first
Seeing Fen collapsed on the ground, Riptide ran to his side,
accidentally bumping noses with Noba, apparently another friend of
Fen’s. He wouldn’t let his first friend die! He washed Fen’s
wounds, and used life dew, bringing him to the brink of exhaustion,
but helping Fen out. He called out for help, staying near his
He slumped down, thinking. Those pokemon are dangerous. If the
seal wasn’t repaired, we would be goners!
Yoru called to her guests that were fighting. "Leave it! The others
are more experienced!" She approached Midnight, who Mia had started
to follow. She glanced at Fen. "Bring him inside, he's taken too
much damage."