Forum Thread
Castle Cats: Dragon Disaster- Roleplay
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Castle Cats: Dragon Disaster- Roleplay"Oh! Well, if it isn't Alex!" The vendor gave him a smile, which Alex returned. "I hear you've made it into the guild, Congratulations!"
"O-oh, I actually wanted to give you this," Alex pulled 200 gold out of his pouch. "Repayment for the food." The vendor's eyes widened in surprise. "That was on me!" He protested. "No, I insist!" The vendor sighed. "I can see you won't give up. Well, thanks, Alex. Come and visit once in a while!" Alex beamed. "Thank you, Sir." "No need to call me sir, just call me Fidget." They both waved, and Alex bounded back to the group, feeling a lot less guilty and extremely happy with himself and Fidget.
"Okay, I'm ready to leave."
Purrcilla asked. "Could we get some tuna sandwiches, I'm hungry and there delish!" Purrcilla looked into her friend's eyes, like she was begging for it. "Pleease" Asked the mage in a persuasive tone.
Whoa there Alex, you're not fending for yourself as much anymore, stop thinking of how to flipping fight him, Alex scolded himself, the street bringing back his street instincts. "Anyway, I better get going, sea you around!" He bounded after silver to the resturaunt ( a seafood resturant? nice, fidget probably suppplied them, more ways to repay him!)
"I have to go eat now, I don't want to keep my- the others waiting." Alex didn't know if he was worthy of calling them friends yet, but he was working on it. "I'll see you back at the guild, Buddy. Heh, I can't call you bud or pal forever. What's your name?"
Purrcila was eating her tuna sandwich hoping that this fish, was actually the size they told her it was. All she wanted to do now was go back to the guild and rest. Then she saw Francis and her heart felt like it was drowning in a pool of tears.
He asked, “what’s wrong? Did something happen?” He knew how Lyra most likely felt, as he also had lost a good friend during a dragon ambush. That’s what got him to try and join the guild, and use his skills to fight back.
He took the time to analize Purcilla, the only cat he hadn't formally met at the table. She wore a mage's cape, and seemed pretty strong. But her expression seemed longing and depressed. She stared off somewhere into town, maybe at a cat. Maybe something to do with love?
"Are you alright?" Alex asked Purcilla. "Sorry, I came off a little strong... im kind of rash. Sorry."
Luna looked at Purrcilla, wanting to yell 'Forget him! You're too good for him!' but didn't, for the sake of public decency, but gosh, this was heartbreaking to watch. It was like every time this cat saw the ginger mage, her whole day changed, and she didn't get it. Luna Sparkle didn't have a crush herself, but was scared of the idea of having one if it meant they had so much power over her.
Purrcilla just looked at him tears were pooling up in her eyes as she said. "We should go back to the guild it's about time" The female mage drooped her head and walked back towards the Guild, but what they didn't know was she had a devious plan for the morning.
"Listen, I know I don't know you very well, and I know this is sort of out of the blue, but if you ever need to talk, I think I can speak for everyone at the table, plus silver, that we're all here for you. I won't pretend to know what's going on, and the challenges you're dealing with, but I can listen if you ever need it."
Lyra was already back at the guild so she decided to go on a quest, her new bow would help her maybe she could go on a long quest that would hopefully last until her day was over. So she decided to do a quest that would hopefully give her at least 200 coins. She found one called the Abandoned Mansion, so she headed for it's location.
Silver had tucked the little gift away in her pouch, not wanting anyone to know what it is. Other than to do with Miko, Silver told Luna and Purrcilla all her secrets. This was special, though, as the secrets behind the hybrid twins were beyond mere mortal cats' understanding, or even starborn cats like Luna Sparkle.
Miko found Oakenpaw standing over her bed, peering at something. Miko tapped him lightly on the shoulder with a paw, curious, and he turned around, revealing the red ember, Lyra's gift. Miko knew it was for her, and Oakenpaw nudged it toward her. She was ecstatic, she would finally get her wings and be able to fly! Even better than Silver could. She touched the ember and suddenly sprouted wings out of her back, she gained a leather strap with matching daggers on each side, and her purple tipped featured got even lighter purple tips. "Omigosh, Oak! I can fly now!" Her wings fluttered, and she lifted off, her head tuft brushing the top of the fortress. "I'm going to find Molotov! See ya!" She burst out of the building and went to find the black cat.