I just learned the FR Auction House Is not really a place to bid.
It is a place to buy dragons. Just bought a new dragon. I spent
most of my treasure on him...... witch is not much. I only had
around 4,900.
Username: On FlightRising, UmbraSky
Nickname : Umbra or Knight
About how often do you get online?: Quiet often
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?: Nightfall.
Which Flight do you like most and why?: Fire and Wind (but I chose
fire) because I've always loved warmth and the wind o3o
I get all my money from the puzzle game. I get around 10k from each
hard puzzle I do, and I enjoy puzzles. But it does take a while to
get a puzzle done.
I always spend all my money in the AH. It's a great place to buy
pretty dragons <3
I have 7 baby dragons hatching in the next few days so I have to
make some space. So I thought I'd give this forum first grabs.
Though I really hate to sell them ... I'm selling these
I can't wait for tomorrow ouo!
I think my eggies will hatch since I need one more incubation
periods. But either way It's from my two orignial one but i'm
excited too see how it turns out ouo.