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~~ The FlightRising Club ~~

Forum-Index Fan Clubs Inactive Clubs ~~ The FlightRising Club ~~
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 103
Posted: Sun, 25/06/2017 21:49 (7 Years ago)
Drama, please use a spoiler for the hatchlings!
Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 2,966
Posted: Sun, 25/06/2017 21:53 (7 Years ago)
I forgot about the 3 dragon thing. But you could have just PalPadded that tbh. Not sure any of the first post rules even matter anymore since we're having a new thread in a few days. I'll fix it, but PP me if you have a problem with my posts in the future :3

EDIT The site ate my PM Dx Has anyone ever gotten an error page saying the site is too busy to show the page? I tried to send a PM and it gave me that, then when I tried to refresh I got the 404 page lost page. >~<

Howdy o3o/ I'm Scribbles in
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 414
Posted: Mon, 26/06/2017 00:24 (7 Years ago)
I have some dragons for sale :
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I also have some LORE Dragons

All prices can be negotiated.
"If the English language made any sense, lackadaisical would have something to do with a shortage of flowers". Doug Larson.

FR Elements and Familiars
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 1,092
Posted: Mon, 26/06/2017 04:03 (7 Years ago)
Hey gang!

So I have a set of Night Sky Wing Silks, and I was wondering if anyone here would like to either trade them for Sanddune Rags, or buy them for 250KT? (They're going for about the same price treasure wise in the AH.)

If not then I'll put them on the AH and hope for the best xD

♫ She/her ♫ -7 PH Time ♫ ISFP ♫ Libra ♫
» Flight Rising » toyhouse »
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 1,386
Posted: Mon, 26/06/2017 08:25 (7 Years ago)
Hatched this one minutes ago, he's preciousss, oml

edit: that id tho, I just noticed :'3
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 1,771
Posted: Mon, 26/06/2017 08:51 (7 Years ago)
Will sale for less so PalPad me if interested in one of these. Even the named ones =)

^ clickable
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 1,191
Posted: Mon, 26/06/2017 09:12 (7 Years ago)
Guys, I'm leaving FR for good, I've basically lost interest, so my account there is ViperRedbird. All dragons are up for grabs as long as you DONT EXALT. Thats all. Just don't exalt. I don't care what else you do.
Also, I have 100kT and 200 gems, to be traded for PH currency if you want.

Please Pal/pad me, I literally never long on anymore so if you send a crossroad or something, I may not see it, thanks!

[visit me]


Avatar by MetalHeadKendra
Trainerlevel: 83

Forum Posts: 1,335
Posted: Mon, 26/06/2017 09:16 (7 Years ago)
may I please take the Treasure and the gems :0c ?
I will pay in PD if you wish
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 1,264
Posted: Mon, 26/06/2017 09:21 (7 Years ago)
You're late on the treasure >:> Plus they told to palpad them ;-;
Trainerlevel: 83

Forum Posts: 1,335
Posted: Mon, 26/06/2017 09:26 (7 Years ago)
I saw this right after I posted and pal-paded them asap though. on phone it is hard to pal-pad so I probably was late indeed. I know... OTL

on other note
I guess I have a few hatchlings for sale

Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 637
Posted: Mon, 26/06/2017 09:39 (7 Years ago)
@Akirero how much for the female XXX Midnight Skydancer?

this'll take a while to get, but worth it

Trainerlevel: 83

Forum Posts: 1,335
Posted: Mon, 26/06/2017 09:50 (7 Years ago)
tbh offer how much do you wishjust nothing below 5k treasure ovo`)
I can take PD as well
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 637
Posted: Mon, 26/06/2017 10:01 (7 Years ago)
Is 50k PD enough? she's very pretty
Trainerlevel: 83

Forum Posts: 1,335
Posted: Mon, 26/06/2017 10:05 (7 Years ago)
sure >w<
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 1,237
Posted: Mon, 26/06/2017 16:09 (7 Years ago)
Looking to sell two gals

This one comes with art done by Ringo

Just seeing if anyone wants them here since I like them too much to exalt either of them. edit: Note that I might not accept any offers.

Also I plan to post the new thread today, it's pretty skeletal but it'll work for now lol

click for art shop :]
Trainerlevel: 120

Forum Posts: 2,894
Posted: Mon, 26/06/2017 16:14 (7 Years ago)

75 gems for the 2nd one?
Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 2,966
Posted: Mon, 26/06/2017 16:17 (7 Years ago)
So! I bought a dragon recently, some of you will remember, in order to be my Ice Representative. What I totally forgot is that a few weeks earlier, I bought another dragon that hadn't been born yet to be my Ice Rep! Now I have two. I'd like you guys to pick which you like better for an Ice Rep and maybe suggest some apparel that is Ice-y. :)

Original Ice Rep that I forgot about

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The image may not work so here is a direct link http://flightrising.com/dgen/preview/dragon?age=1&body=131&bodygene=18&breed=10&element=6&gender=1&tert=131&tertgene=10&winggene=18&wings=131&auth=9d928c7ca9522213e0b7866e927fd8f1177382fc&dummyext=prev.png

New Ice Rep that I just got

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same thing about image working or not

I'm going to keep them both, just one will be bred, probably for fodder but I might keep some pretty ones, and the other will represent the Ice Flight in my lair :3

(if the images AND links don't work, here are their IDs 33951218 33886392)

Howdy o3o/ I'm Scribbles in
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 1,237
Posted: Mon, 26/06/2017 16:21 (7 Years ago)

I'm not sure what I want for them yet so I'm gonna wait a bit before making a decision :00

click for art shop :]
Trainerlevel: 120

Forum Posts: 2,894
Posted: Mon, 26/06/2017 16:24 (7 Years ago)
@Twin - okie dokie ^u^ !
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 660
Posted: Mon, 26/06/2017 16:55 (7 Years ago)
YAAAAAAAAY! I got Forgotten Child chest in Digging!
Betelgeuse is just bae in that skin... From apparel he have only Obsidian Roundhorn...
P.S. - Four will remember that derg :'D

Me when PH Drama appears