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Posted: Tue, 07/01/2025 00:35 (1 Month ago)
so, Spanish, and almost every other language do not take into account, gender, neutrality, so technically the grammatically proper thing to use would be whatever the word naturally is, as some words have a gender assigned to the word in specific, however, if it is one that is interchange, depending on the gender of the person who it is being spoken to common. It will almost always default to the masculine. This comes from my experience as somebody who grew up around my great grandmother who immigrated from Spain, and while I am not completely fluent in Spanish, that is just my experience from my own learning. There is no traditionally accepted way to refer to gender neutrality since it’s a relatively new concept in comparison to most modern languages, so if you don’t mind breaking a little traditionality, then I saw ‘x’ used as a substitution, which could be a possible fix, even if a little odd to read. Alternatively, I would propose the letter E for Enby (a nickname used by the Non-Binary community, The NBs)

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Posted: Sat, 24/08/2024 23:03 (6 Months ago)

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Posted: Sun, 21/07/2024 20:40 (7 Months ago)
I do as an American (its not treasonous i swear), and while localized time formatting could be good, so europe sees dd/mm/yy, and the us sees mm/dd/yy, i feel like just one common one will be a bit easier, and since the game was created in germany, i feel theirs is more appropriate.

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Posted: Wed, 19/06/2024 22:45 (8 Months ago)


Please read my most recent feed, as I will have to step down as host. The oscars are not cancelled, however, there will be a few changes from the team.

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Posted: Wed, 05/06/2024 19:37 (8 Months ago)
The announcement post for the Pokéheroes Oscars 2024 is here!

Please check out the official forum for details on the times, date, and how you can help! Hope to see you there!

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Posted: Wed, 05/06/2024 19:20 (8 Months ago)


Welcome to the official forum for the
Pokéheroes Oscar's


Hey y'all! My name is Lily, and welcome to this years Pokéheroes Oscars! I'm a former roleplayer, artist, and story writer on Pokéheroes, and while I no longer participate in those on this site, I still find myself reading the amazing stories of this community from time to time, and I'm always surprised by how amazing the creations of our users get every year. Now, before I explain what's different this year, I feel a slight introduction to the event is in order.

What are the Oscars?

The Pokéheroes Oscars are a yearly forum event that originated as an awards show for our roleplaying community, where all roleplays created within usually the year before the event are analyzed and nominated for different awards, such as Best Roleplay and Best Story, as well as individual awards, like Best Original Character.

In recent years, the awards have expanded beyond just the literate community, including awards for our artists, and individual user awards. This was done in order to more honor the original purpose of the Oscars: to acknowledge and appreciate the users of our site.

What are the awards being given this year?

How can you help?

From now until July 15th, a Google Form will be open to all users to submit who they believe should win what award! You will be required to specify which user is being nominated, what award they're being nominated for, amd a link (if needed) to the thing that's being nominated! All nominations must have been for content that was created between May 1st, 2023-April 30th, 2024 (excluding the individual user awards), which means anything outside of that time frame shall be instantly denied.

The form can be found RIGHT HERE

You may also share #twentyfouracrOss for a chance to win over HALF A MILLION PD, announced and sent on the day of the event.

When and where?
This years Oscars will be held on August 10th, 2024 @10am PST, with the awards being announced @12pm PST. But why did I say 10am if the awards wont be announced until 2 hours later? Well, this year there are plans for an entire live-streaming of the event. While the awards will still be announced on this forum at 12pm, the stream will begin with some games with our staff, including Gartic Phone, Jackbox, and more! Audience members may be allowed to join during games that allow it.

This year is shaping up to be the biggest yet, so we hope to see you all there! Please refrain from posting in this forum, and keep discussion to the feeds, including the hashtag #twentyfouracrOss so you have a chance to win big, announced during the stream. More specifics about the stream will be announced closer to the event, so until then, have a wonderful day, and stay safe!

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Posted: Thu, 30/05/2024 23:26 (9 Months ago)
So today I was talking to someone via PalPad that I hadn't messaged in about 3 years when I noticed something that kinda seemed a little off:

For the dates in PalPad messages, it is formatted at YY/MM/DD, which seemed a little odd to me, but originally I chalked it up to different parts of the world having different date formatting since Riako is from Europe, so I didn't think anything of it. However, after looking at other places where the time and date are shown, I noticed something else:

On both the forums, as well as the registration dates, the dates are formatted as DD/MM/YY, which is the exact opposite of the PalPad.

What I'm proposing is a very simple change to make the dates a tad more consistent, which is to simply change the formatting of the PalPad dates to be more in line with the other places where the dates are shown. It isn't like this is anything gamebreakingly problematic, but I think it would not only help to make finding messages from a specific time a little easier, but also just make it look a little cleaner and help mine (and I'm sure plenty of others) OCD.

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Posted: Tue, 14/05/2024 06:52 (9 Months ago)

Hello! This thread is going to be exclusively for me posting updates about the Oscar's as they come, not just for this year, but potential years to come. The Oscar's will be getting a separate forum later, when the dates are more finalized.

Staff Applications!

I need your help!
This year, I am hoping to expand the Oscar's. Last year was a little rocky, but we got a good show out of it! Plus, the duck himself appeared to accept an award for best event!

However, there were many things I wanted to do last year that I couldn't, since besides a small team of researchers, I didn't have much help. So this year, i plan on getting a whole team together. We need artists, we need researchers, we need anyone who thinks they can help! Staff size will be limited, but we appreciate all submissions! Cant wait to see yall on the team!

Find the form here!

P.s. Search Party is our research group, and double bubble is the person who doesn't have a specific role and just helps out where needed

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Posted: Sat, 13/01/2024 09:22 (1 Year ago)
July 18th, 2023

Belle wakes from her sleep, her first long rest in a while. As she opens up the tattered remains of a curtain, she gazes upon the desolate landscape that is the city before her. She was young when the outbreak began, too young to form any real memories of the days before, but she could remember a colorful scene, bustling with people where Walkers now stand. The sky was painted with a pastel blue rather than an ash grey from the fires that burned endlessly through the night. Buildings stood tall as a reminder of humanity's strength and accomplishments, but were relegated to dust and debris when the bombings ceased. It seemed as though the world before was a completely different reality, as so many had only known the apocalypse of today, and most who lived long enough before never lived to tell the stories. Belle straps on her chestnut colored Timberland boots and throws on her Father's old jacket, one he wore during his time in the Air Force. He had named her after the city she was born, one residing in Southern Florida named Belle Glade. It was there where he met her mother, as both had been stationed there for some time. Belle's mother has been honorably discharged when Belle was born, though her father remained serving. It was never an issue, as until the outbreak, he would only be gone for a few weeks out of the year. But when the first bite happened, it all changed. Both of Belles parents returned to the force, but never returned to her. She now found herself across the country in San Rafael, headed towards the last place her parents could have been, searching for any sign of their presence: Ground Zero, San Francisco.

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Posted: Thu, 11/01/2024 00:16 (1 Year ago)
Your Username: Lily_
Character name: Belle (Bell Glade, Florida)
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Appearance: Shoulder-length blonde hair, dark green eyes, round face with pointed chin, 5'7", slender frame, usually wears a combination of dark colored/black Dickies and a pair of dark brown timbs. Tops are quite interchangeable but always worn with her father's old olive green air force jacket.
Personality: Semi-serious, attacks situations with a comedic light, but knows when to be serious, a bit cocky and a sore loser
Weapon(s): Dad's old 1911, a Swiss army knife, brass knuckles (only the right one. Lost the left one in a skull)
Other: To be revealed as the story progresses!
Can I add you to a GC with everyone else in the RP?: Yes!

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Posted: Fri, 01/09/2023 17:14 (1 Year ago)
canceled due to irl problems

Next user:
🍜🪼🎋 Ramen Jellyfish Bamboo with a custom base
🥀💀🎶 Rose Death Music with a custom base

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Posted: Tue, 25/07/2023 21:53 (1 Year ago)

Gonna try 🌌🌫👑 (galaxy, fog, crown)
Finished design!

For the next person, I'm thinking either

Jellyfish, Skull, Martial Arts


Gemstone, Psychic, Music

Fakemon or Pokemon acceptable for both!

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Posted: Mon, 22/05/2023 06:18 (1 Year ago)
Thank you for the kind words Mr. Duck man! Hoping that Fun Fair come's back this year, definitely best event we've had that I can remember.

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Posted: Mon, 22/05/2023 04:56 (1 Year ago)
Hehe, boom.

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Posted: Mon, 22/05/2023 04:50 (1 Year ago)


I mean. Yeah. All workers were compensated fairly. Nothing is wrong. Everyone is safe. Just, don't check the bank stubs...

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Posted: Mon, 22/05/2023 00:19 (1 Year ago)

And just like that, it’s over. A whole years of works, recognized and awarded. There are no more to give out…


I would like to nominate the following for a final award:


You all helped make this event possible. You know, when I first decided to make this event, I had only a basic plan going in. I decided to get together a team in order to make it better for everyone, and it shows. This event has become a massive success, with almost a hundred unique users who voted for who would win each award. I can’t thank you enough, and while I don’t have a special trophy drawn for you, I do have my gratitute.

Please accept this
Award of Appreciation

It’s not much, but I’m so happy I got to do this with you guys, and let’s hope for an even better event next year.

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Posted: Mon, 22/05/2023 00:06 (1 Year ago)
This event isn’t officially sanctioned by Admin Riako, but it sure is fun. Of the events he has put on, however, we have had some bangers. Which one was your favorite?
The nominees are:

Writing Contest
Easter Event
Advent Calendar
Fun Fair

And although the event isn’t sentient unlike this one, which will overtake humanity, we’d still like to present the Best Event award to…

Fun Fair!!!

The trophy that it will never receive:

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Posted: Sun, 21/05/2023 23:50 (1 Year ago)
I’ve been on this site for over 4 and a half years, and my play time equals to only about 36 days. There are some who have been on the site for only about a year that are more than that. And then there are those who lack a life altogether (/j)


These are the members we see around the most, but who is the true Most Active Part of Society? Why, it’s none other than…


Congrats on being the person with the worst sleep schedule (most likely), or at least close to it. Hope to see you around!


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Posted: Sun, 21/05/2023 23:40 (1 Year ago)
there were some issues with the prior post. they are being resolved, so in the meantime, heres the next announcement

One of the many ways people will express their creativity is through art. You already saw some beautiful pieces tonight, and now, it’s time to find out, ARE YOU SMARTER THAN A 5TH GRADER???


Wrong event…

Anyway, after scouring through the site to find out paint brush perpetrator, our art class assassin, our… I run out of ideas. IGNORING MY IDIOCY, your winner for Best Artist is…


Congratulations! And don’t forget to keep expressing yourself! They can take away your dignity, but they can’t take away your talent. (or at least, that’s what I tell myself)

Your trophy…

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Posted: Sun, 21/05/2023 23:21 (1 Year ago)
Ever wanted to see Pikachu electrocute Kaminari? Ever wanted to see Dr. Doofenshmirtz meet Dr. Stone? Well that’s where our fan artists come in! They will draw whatever they wanna see their characters do, either because the creators never would, or because they’re too scared to. Our site is full of these heathens and artists (not mutually exclusive), but only one can win the award for Best Fanart. Our nominees are as follows: StormyNight, Aerie, CommanderVenus, and CrayonShark. Which of our nominees adapted their character best?

Without further ado, our winner, with almost 50% of the vote, is…

This piece makes wonderful use of dark themes, and is a beautiful piece all around. This biblically accurate Hatterene is definitely deserving of this award, so congratulations.

Here's your trophy!

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